Chapter 1-The Diary

Disclaimer for all chapters: Yea, I don't own InuYasha *cries for her poor Sesshy* and that Rumiko is a goddess for creating the characters. I do however own Cade, Saia, and Kiri.

To say that Kagome was pissed was an understatement. Oh yes, that irritable hanyou had made her the maddest she's ever been. And he would suffer the consequences.

Kagome had been returning from her era after getting new supplies. She'd made it to the god tree, where she stopped after every visit home, and guess what she'd seen. Oh no, it wasn't Kikyo with her hanyou as you might suspect. Instead our miko had seen our "loving" Hanyou reading her diary. And it wasn't the blue one she'd left purposefully where he could read it. No this diary had been the midnight black one she'd found in an old antique shop back home, this diary was the one she confided in with Sango about her fears, her hopes, everything.

So when she saw him reading it not only did she give him a million Osuwari's, but she'd also ripped her poor diary out of his grasp before storming off for Kaede's hut and her beloved friends and son.

'Damn mutt needs to keep his paws off of what doesn't belong to him.' She thought angrily as she walked into the hut.

"KAGOME!" Shippou shouted after seeing his mom enter. "I missed you so much! Inuyasha beat me on the head after I tried keeping him from your diary. I even turned it into a top!"

"That's ok Shippou; I know you tried your best." She replied patting him on the head.

She watched as he ran off outside to play with the village children and turned to glare at the monk.

"Lady Kagome! What did I do to render such a glare?" The hoshi asked.

Sango turned to look at him and motioned towards the entrance. Nodding his understanding Miroku got up and left. Kagome sighed heavily and sat down next to her slayer friend.

"How far'd he get?" Sango asked curiously.

"Far enough for him to read that I no longer love him, and have since been thinking about never returning, and taking Shippou with me." She replied relaxing a bit as she leaned back against the wall.

"Kuso… What're you going to do?"

"Exactly as I planned, thankfully he didn't get far enough to read what the plans we made were. Have you talked to Miroku yet?"

"Just before you entered. He agrees, it's time for us to go."

As if he'd heard his name, Miroku walked back into the hut.

"Everything is as you'd said Lady Kagome, he has no comprehension as to what his actions have caused and as such none of us can stand by any longer and watch him destroy himself with Kikyo." Miroku said sitting across from her and Sango.

"Yes, well, I just wish things weren't the way they were. It saddens me greatly to be losing him but I can't watch him do this." Kagome said sadly. "Shippou knows already and is just awaiting my word."

"That's good. I was hoping he'd be ok with our decision." Sango said.

"How did you plan all this without his knowing?" Miroku asked curiously.

Kagome sighed and tossed him the diary she had in her hand. He opened it and read a few passages then laughed.

"Such a genius idea, no wonder you were able to keep it from him." Miroku laughed as he tossed it back.

Just then Kagome felt the hanyou's aura move and begin to draw closer to them all.

"No more words on this, he's coming." Kagome stated.

The other two nodded their comprehension and acted as if they hadn't been discussing what they were. Miroku added more wood to the fire just as Kaede and Sango begun preparations for dinner. Kaede had been listening to everything and sighed inwardly. She knew the time for them to leave the hanyou to his own devices had been drawing to a close for some time now, she just wished he would open his eyes to the changes he'd wrought upon his only friends. She was just glad to know that Kagome was no longer seeing herself as her sister Kikyo's shadow and making ready to begin her true path in the world.

After eating dinner in normalcy, save a moody hanyou who'd not spoken a word since his arrival, and preparing to leave the next day. Kagome picked up Shippou and laid him down in her sleeping bag for the night to sleep. She knew that it'd only be a matter of time before they were gone from him and she slept uneasily that night.


Looking down upon his ward and retainer a cold TaiYoukai watched as they made camp and talked amongst themselves. This day hadn't turned up Naraku, as he'd expected, but he did gain some knowledge. He spent some time concealing his aura around the miko upon her arrival back in this era and had overheard her conversation with the slayer and monk. Ever since Rin had become attached to the young and strange woman, he'd found himself checking on her to ensure she was around for his ward's pleasure.

'Seems like my younger half-wit brother has finally outdone himself. He's driven away the only ningen who could possibly love him.'

'Maybe these Sesshomaru's will pact with the girl and add her to our pack?' his inner demon responded.

'Not yet, we shall see how she fares without our help first. Though she shouldn't have too much trouble with the monk and slayer with her. Even the fox kit has proven himself capable of protecting and fighting for the shikon-no-tama.'

'True as that is, these Sesshomaru's should remember her help with our ward when she was ill, and her assistance to our sibling in our father's tomb. She is powerful; she would make a good addition. Better than that green thing you call Jaken.'

'I will sleep on it.'

'I'd expect nothing less'

Sesshomaru closed down his link with his inner demon and nodded to himself, he'd proven a point, but she'd be observed first as he'd said. Thus deciding he leapt down from his spot in the tree and walked towards his pack's camp.

Rin was asleep lying with Ah-Uhn and Jaken was against a tree.

He smiled at his ward as he took a blanket from Ah-Uhn's saddle and laid it across the youngling.

Tomorrow they would make their way towards a village for more provisions, Rin could only last so long without proper nourishment and as her guardian it was up to him to care for her.