
Emo Koalas

"The forecast calls for rain all week." This statement was made over the sound of booming thunder. The Lucas brothers sat in the kitchen of the fire house, which served as their home, while the rain came down hard outside. It was close to nine o'clock, and all three of them were exhausted.

The two others took awhile to respond to what Nick had said, his brown eyes shifting back and forth between blinks while he looked from Joe to Kevin and back again in anticipation of an answer. Maybe they were too tired to listen.

"Oh, yeah." Joe said finally, fatigue showing in the way he spoke. He was too worn out to crack any jokes, even though none came to mind with the conversation he was having anyway. Kevin said nothing at all, paying no attention. That was very unlike him.

"Let's just go to bed." Nick decided that's what he would do. For him, there was no point in him staying up if it wouldn't inspire a song to be written. Joe silently agreed, standing up and heading for the stairs. He made it half way up before turning to his younger brother in confusion and concern. "Why hasn't Kevin moved?" He whispered.

With a shrug, Nick turned around and walked back to where the eldest Lucas brother sat. Joe watched from the steps, but still nothing happened. He couldn't understand it. Kevin just sat there, his hazel eyes staring straight forward in the direction of the window, watching the rain.

While Nick waved his hand in front of his brothers expressionless face, the only sound that could be heard was the thunder, until Joe let out a small laugh.

"Maybe he fell asleep with his eyes closed." Nick highly doubted that, ignoring the comment completely. He started calling his brother's name. "Kevin? Kevin? Kevin??"

"COME BACK TO EARTH!" Joe yelled. No response from Kevin. "Shh! Do you wanna wake up Mom and Dad?" Nick whispered harshly. "You forgot Frankie." Nick shook his head. "There's no way he's asleep in this storm." "Is Kevin out of his trance yet?" Joe asked. "What do you think?" Nick knew it was plain to see that Kevin was the same way he had been minutes before, staring and silent, oblivious to the world around him other than the rain.

"I think we should find something to hit him with." With that, Kevin turned his head in Joe's direction for a split second. If looks could kill… The stare went right through Joe, brief as it was. Kevin had actually managed to look menacing, he didn't think that was possible.

"Kevin, we really should get some sleep." Nick said. "Yeah, there'll be plenty of rain for you to look at tomorrow." Joe told him. Kevin still didn't move. He hardly even blinked. It was scary to watch. It was scary that someone like him could look so serious, and seem so detached.

Seconds of silence went by. "You know what, Nick? Let's just leave him. When you come up, turn off all the lights. You know how scared he gets." Joe said, looking more serious than he ever had before either. Nick nodded sadly, he couldn't argue with a plan like that.

So, Kevin was left to sit there in the dark. On any normal day, the combination of the darkness and the thunder crashing would have had him screaming. He didn't make a sound while he sat there in thought, letting the lightning be his only source of security.

His face fell when he realized he was completely alone, but he didn't stay sad for long. He was too busy trying to shake the feeling that came over him, one that scared him enough into looking scary. Slowly, Kevin got up at went to the upstairs window. Even though it was impossible to see anything through the rain, he suddenly felt claustrophobic, like someone was out there.

Someone was watching him.