Hey readers


involving ROMANCE and ADVENTURE. please REVIEW and give me some ideas.

I do not own any of the characters except Isabel.


Selene danced and sang on the stage tirelessly, causing the crowd to scream sonorously. Selene was still nervous during her first concert, not daring to look at the front crowd. So she spent the whole concert singing her heart out to the dark sky. After 3 hours, Selene was urged by the deafening "encores" from the crowd onto the stage for a third time. Fortunately, Miss Vickers announced the end of the concert through the mike and thanked the audience.

Selene slumped against the couch in the backstage while the make-up artists surrounded her. After a further 30 minutes, Selene was escorted by Miss Vickers back to the train station, leaving Selene to super-speed back to Wayne Mansion.

Isabel went upstairs and slept, not bothering to eat dinner and greet her dad and Bruce. Both adults sighed and took her dinner to her room, only to find her sound asleep in bed. They let the weary child rest for the night.

"Morning, dad, Uncle Bruce," Isabel said in her pajamas.

Clark asked her concernedly, "Isabel, are you too tired?"

"No, dad. Besides, Miss Vickers let me take a break during the day and come back for the concert."

Bruce glared at her and said, "You missed your dinner last night."

Isabel stuck out her tongue. "I ate that this morning. So I didn't really miss a meal."

As Isabel reached for the milk carton, Bruce caught sight of the additional green necklace hung on Isabel's neck.

"Who bought you a new necklace?" Bruce asked protectively.

Isabel hurriedly tucked it back in and replied, "My No.1 fan."

"You're talking about that nine-year-old dreamer who sent you hundreds of letters?!"

"Yes, we're friends now. He's not a dreamer. I think he's nice. He even said he liked me." Clark turned around, astounded about the news.

Bruce groaned in disbelief. "How naive are you? Just because some boy said he liked you, you let him become your friend. You don't know him. He may be some playb… I mean, bad person."

Isabel frowned and said, "I don't understand what the problem here is. You both always wanted me to have friends of my own age."

"Yes, but with a boy, it's different."

"How?" Despite having Brainiac in Isabel's mind, she had no idea about relationships. Bruce gave up explaining to Isabel and decided to take matters into his own hands. He needed to find out who this meddlesome kid was and eliminate him. Isabel caught death glare in Bruce's eyes and knew that Daniel must be protected.

Isabel waited for Daniel in the backstage room impatiently. Finally, a familiar tap sounded near the window. Isabel opened the door and let him in.

Daniel said cheerfully, "You were awesome last night. So what's up?"

Isabel warned him seriously, "My uncle found out about you and I think he is coming after you."

Daniel laughed and said, "You're joking, right? Coming after me?!"

"I am not joking. My uncle is rather protective of me."

"You mean your uncle is after me for being frien…ooohh, I get it. Your uncle thinks I am some sleazy punk. Tell your Uncle that my surname is Queen."

Isabel's eyes widened. Isabel~ Queen Enterprise?! Daniel's father is Oliver Queen. Oliver Queen is Green Arrow!

After the second concert, Isabel couldn't stop thinking about Daniel. She sat in the dining room, staring absent-mindedly at the wall. Clark observed her daydreaming daughter and wondered whether she was in love.

"Isabel!" Bruce shouted. Isabel snapped out of her trance. "I found out about your little friend, Daniel. So you like Oliver Queen's son."

Clark literally spurted water out of his mouth. "What?! Oliver Queen is well known for toying with females."

"But Daniel is Green Arrow's son."

Bruce interrupted the conversation by saying, "Do you like him?"

"I don't know. I like being with him." Both adults stopped discouraging Isabel as they saw the twinkle in her eyes when she mentioned Daniel.

Author's NOTE: This is the end of the story. The sequel will be about 16-year-old Isabel. What happened when Isabel leaved the League during the 8 years and became a solo heroine, Supergirl and Selene at the same time? She left the Wayne Mansion for 8 years, distancing herself from Bruce and Clark. After 8 years of solitude, Isabel went back to Wayne Mansion and met the new Batman, Terry Mcginnis.