It's just not fair. I'm the one who does all the hard work, I'm the real hero, but who gets the glory? They do. And why are they so popular? Because they're "bishie."

Give me a break! Good looks aren't everything, you know! What about honor, kindness, integrity? You think those three know anything about that? Guess again, 'cause they don't.

Let's start with Yusuke. One, he's failing school. Sure the teachers are jerks, but I'm managing to pass aren't I? He doesn't have to skip all the time!

And then there's the fact that he doesn't really even care about humanity. Koenma had to force Yusuke into saving the world. I volunteered.

That's right. No one had to twist my arm to get me to play the hero. Oh, and did you forget the little fact that Yusuke didn't care when he found out Raizan's minions ate humans? Think about that one, fangirl. Monsters could eat you, and Yusuke wouldn't care. Like he said, "Food is food."

Oh, and one last thing about Yusuke…HE'S TAKEN! Did'ya forget about Keiko? The girl who's been in love with Yusuke from day one? Trust me girlies, when it comes to Yusuke, Keiko has you beat by a mile. Though what Keiko sees in him, I'll never know. All he does is grope her and then leave her waiting for him while he gets in near death situations. Quite the gentleman, isn't he?

And then there's Hiei. What anyone could like about that bad tempered shrimp, I don't know. You all seem to think that he's some tortured soul who just needs a shoulder to cry on.

News flash! Give Hiei a shoulder to cry on, and he'll cut your head off.

Hiei is the living definition of jerk. He's rude, he's violent, he's arrogant, and did I mention he hates humans? When he was first introduced, he was trying to destroy the human race.

And no, fangirls, his rough exterior is not hiding a softer heart inside. That's just who he is.

And finally, we've got Kurama. Out of the four of us he seems to be the most popular of all. Let me tell you a little secret; he's a girly man.

Yeah, that's right, I said it. Kurama. Is. Girly.

He's all, "No, I can't help you fight the evil monsters, I have to finish brushing my precious hair," or "Does this outfit make me look fat?" or "I just love those shoes!"

And we mustn't forget that he lies to his mother (whom he claims to love more than anyone) on a near daily basis. Isn't that being just a wonderful son? Plus, we're talking about the guy who was willing to murder a child. Sure he felt guilty about it, but guilt doesn't bring people back to life, now does it?

So, while everyone is fawning over those three, what happens to me? I'm the "comic relief" because I'm not as "cool" as them. I'm the one with the honor code; I'm the one who nearly died so Yusuke could beat Toguro; I'm the one that actually cares about people enough that I don't have to be blackmailed into protecting them.(As a side note, I'd like to point out that Hiei and Kurama are doing the Spirit Detective thing in order to avoid going to prison. I'm the only one who volunteered.)

If you'll set aside your prejudices, I think you'll all realize that I'm the unsung hero of this story. But why do I bother to say all this? You'll all just go back to your "bishies" and leave me out in the cold like you always do. Enjoy your tragic, angst ridden stories then. Just know that all your good views of those three are a lie.