Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers. However, some editing to Wikipedia might change that.

A/N: This is both setting up parts of the sequel and tying up this fic. Enjoy!

Warning: Extreme cheesiness/cuteness.

Epilogue 2

Six months later…

Judy Witwicky did not handle crisis well. Whether it was secret agents digging through her flowers or giant aliens attacking her son, she simply couldn't take the pressure. More than once this had gotten her in trouble. Sam remembered a particularly interesting run in his mother had had with a police officer after speeding. Judy had yelled at the cop for making her late for Sam's Halloween pageant. Sam, sitting in the backseat dressed as a pumpkin, had known right then and there that his mother was insane.

However, nothing compared to Judy Witwicky in labor and without painkillers. Only Ron knew that painkillers would make her even more lucid. Put simply, Judy did not take any form of medication well.

"Holy mother this hurts! Sam wasn't nearly this bad!" Judy yelled. The firstborn in question winced.

"You don't need to scream, Mom-"

"I'm having a baby, I'll do what I want and you can't say shit about it!"

Ron pulled his son aside. "Sam, don't push her now. It's only going to get worse."

"How can it get worse than this?" Sam angrily gestured as his mother, who was yelling at some poor intern that happened to stray into the maternity suite.

"Once she gets that epidural…She's like a werewolf and drugs are the moon." Sam arched an eyebrow. "If you don't believe me just watch your birthday tape."

"Ew, you videotaped my birth?"

"Hey, it was considered 'hip' at the time. We thought you'd appreciate it."

"Appreciate watching Mom scream me into existence? Why would anyone appreciate that?"

"Look, my point is – For the first five minutes of your life, your mother insisted that we name you Mickey Mouse."

"What - Why?"

"She thought you had big ears or something…"

"Hey, is this a bad time?" Mikaela had appeared at the door. At least Sam thought it was his girlfriend; she was almost invisible behind the various balloons and stuffed animals in her arms.

"Mikaela!" Judy was immediately snapped out of her rage and into joy. "Oh, you didn't have to bring all this for me."

"Well, some of our 'special friends' though otherwise. They felt bad that they couldn't actually be here to give their support." Judy started arranging the balloons and animals to her liking, leaving the Witwicky men a moment of peace.

"So how close are we?" Mikaela asked Sam quietly.

"Well, you were a seventeen hour labor," Ron said. He checked his watch. "If your little brother or sister knows what's good for him or her, then he or she will be out quicker than that."

"I can't believe you didn't learn the gender yet," Sam said, miffed. He really wanted to know in advance what his sibling would be.

"It's a Witwicky tradition. No names or gender until the baby is out."

"That is so sweet," Mikaela said.

Across the room, Judy snapped.

"Call the doctor, the baby gets out now!"

"Judy, no!" Ron went over to contain his wife. This sparked her fury even more.

"You did this to me! Go to France, you said. It'll be fun, you said. No kid to slow us down! Now look what you did!"

"Mikaela, let's get some food," Sam said quickly. "Hurry, hurry-"

"Samuel James Witwicky, don't you dare leave me now!"

Sam rubbed his eyes. It was going to be a long day. He prayed that his sibling would be smart and hurry up. He really didn't want Donald Duck or Minnie Mouse Witwicky to join the family today.

As if heeding his warning, the young Witwicky did hurry up. Less than six hours later, another little Witwicky came into the world. After convincing Judy that Buster was not an appropriate name, they finally managed to find the perfect name: James Samuel Witwicky.

"I'm sorry, James," Sam whispered to his sleeping little brother. "But your family's crazy." The baby, bundled tight in a blue blanket, simply yawned and snuggled into Sam's chest. Judy broke out into tears at the sight.

"My-two-baby-boys," she sobbed. "It's-so-cute!"

Later that night, Sam and Mikaela decided to celebrate James' birthday with Bumblebee. Mikaela had taken tons of pictures with her digital camera, and now she was showing Bee the sleeping baby. The trio then compared the photos to those Mikaela had borrowed of a baby Sam, trying to find similarities.

After a while, Sam and Mikaela had decided to take their familiar perch on Bumblebee's hood. Bee played some music while the teens talked. They had a lot to catch up on, as Sam had only come home for his brother's birth. Then he would be going straight back to school for the rest of his sophomore year. He had hoped that Mikaela would join him, but she had decided to wait until spring semester, since that's when her father would potentially be discharged from parole.

Still, there were some things Sam didn't want to wait for. Too many things were going right. The Decepticons under Starscream had yet to stray, and the remaining Decepticons hadn't attacked as they rushed to reorganize. A space bridge was being built at the more accessible Diego Garcia base, allowing for humans and Transformers to easily travel between the two planets. For once, it seemed that everything was going well.

"Hey, Bee, why don't you play something special."

"Special?" Mikaela asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah, special. In fact, I'd like to dedicate it to you." Mikaela snorted but Bee interrupted her with his sound clips.

This is your DJ…the great…awesome…Bumblebee…making a special shout-out fomr…Sam…for his fiancé…Mik-aela!

Bee then started to play a song that both teens liked. Mikaela shook her head.

"You only get a nine out of ten for that one, Bumblebee. 'Fiancé' and 'girlfriend' aren't interchangeable."

"Aw, poor Bee," Sam muttered. "It's a shame that he didn't get that right. But, uh, I can fix that."

Mikaela's eyes went wide. "Sam-" But her boyfriend had already slid off the hood, reaching into his pocket. "You wouldn't-"

Sam got down to one knee. "Mikaela, I love you." Sam stopped. "That's as far as I planned."

"You're such a dork," Mikaela giggled from a sudden influx of nerves. "Go ahead, ask it!"

"Will you-"

Mikaela's mouth was over Sam's before the question was out. Neither one noticed that the music had stopped and that Bee was emitting a sound akin to crying. The humans continued hugging and laughing for a few minutes before Sam was able to slip the ring on Mikaela's finger.

"Okay, just one caveat," Sam said, instantly serious. "Do not tell my mom about this. Not until we can restage this with her watching." Mikaela laughed before kissing Sam again.

Sam sighed. Everything in his life was perfect.

High above the happy humans, an unusual satellite was keeping track of everything going on below. His data came from cell phones and digital cameras. He knew that the humans with the Witwicky name had a new member, and thus a new vulnerability. His red optics gleamed. A plan formed in his mind. Revenge would be swiftly coming.

A/N: Thanks for coming along for the ride! A sequel will be coming soon!