Title: Shadows in Shadows
By: Dragon-sama
Summary: The Kuroba twins stumble upon a secret of their father's. Now they face dark assassins, sneaky detectives, and forbidden feelings. What should a pair of teenage boys do except party?
Warnings: I am going to make this KaiShin, because damnit, it still amuses me! But now I get to play with angsty!incest issues too! So if that's not your thing, back button is right up top! (Besides, they're not actually brothers anyway)

Fire, fire burning bright...

Chapter 01: Rescue

Smoke was billowing from every window, the sky reflecting red from the flames engulfing the building. Toichi paused horror-struck, staring at his friend's house burning brightly against the night sky. A moment later he was dashing forward, desperate to get inside and save them.

Where were the fire men? The rescue teams? The street was empty, so empty...too empty he realized. He could hear sirens in the distance, but no one was out on the street despite the disaster so close at hand. He didn't think his heart could sink any lower, but it did as he concluded that it could only mean it was them.

He was forced to stop several feet away from the house, the heat too intense for the magician to approach any closer. Mentally going over every trick, every skill he had both in his public and his night life, he despaired as he realized there was no way to safely enter the house, let alone try to rescue the family he knew was trapped inside.

A cry--a baby's cry?!-- caught his attention, and Toichi ignored the smoke and ash, the terrible heat, as he raced around the side of the burning house. In a tangle of bushes that hadn't yet caught on fire there was a bundle of cloth moving fitfully in the flickering light. Toichi didn't pause to think as he scooped up the precious bundle, recognizing his friend's child abandoned in a last desperate attempt to save his life.

He had to get away. They were still close by, and he couldn't be caught; not here, not now. But he'd take his friend's child with him. His own son was close enough in age, he could hide them together with his precious wife.

"Hold on Shinichi," he murmured to the sobbing boy. "I'll make sure you're safe. I promise."

Like the Phantom he played, he vanished silently into the night.

End Chapter 01

A/N: DEMZ YOU TSU-CHAN! DEMZ YOOOOUUU~! I am doing a Shinichi-is-raised-as-Kaito's-twin fic. I need to finish 30 Cases first! *cries* The plunnies...they gnaw at my ankles...