A Childhood in Need

by Kiamii


Christmas was very near. One morning in mid-December, the city had awaken to find itself covered in several feet of snow. A lake nearby had frozen solid and roaring fires started up in chimneys and homes. The outside had become icy and a bitter wind rattled windows. In one particular home found a small child of six, relaxing by the lit fireplace, looking at a crazy fairytale with his dog, Abby. His blond hair was tousled in different directions, his cheeks flushed with the warmth, his brown eyes piercing the room with fascination and happiness. The golden retriever wagged her tail, nudging her little owner with her nose, begging to be held at attention or for him to continue reading the story with her. The boy grinned and patted his dog on the back of her neck, returning to reading the story that was titled "Snow White". He had only ever read fiction stories with his uncle and ever since this year, he had taken to reading many different fairy tales. They were humorous and crazy, Alex Rider enjoyed them.

His memories of Christmas were all so different than this. Currently, his adopted father Ben was sitting on the couch and reading the newspaper. Wolf and Eagle were arguing with each other and battled it out on the game systems. Snake was making hot chocolate in the kitchen, something he was making with his older sisters and brother who had come to visit. Dia and Kym had become visitors to see their younger brother and his co-worker's son who enjoyed seeing them and Scotty.

"So Alex, what do you want to do today?" Dia asked as she sat down next to the little boy. Alex looked at her in surprise. When he used to be this age and living with his Uncle Ian, the man had sometimes left Alex to go on a mission. There was only two times Alex went with him. The rest after three years of no holiday with his family, Jack took over. Only, she went crazy with it and still was only one person. Ben, Eric, James, and Matt were making this year very different already. The living room had millions of boxes with decoration that K-Unit planned to put up before Christmas Eve which was in two days.

"Can we put up the decorations today?" Alex questioned, biting his lip. Di smiled warmly at him and gently put his storybook on the coffee table and picked Alex up. She marveled in the feeling she always got when she carried Alex. She remembered being nine and carrying Eric when he was only two. She always loved her little siblings because of those feelings. She wanted to be a mother but, found she couldn't. Plus, she was still single after all. Alex looked at her curiously as she placed him on the arm of the recliner and pulled a box over to him. Opening it, Alex found that it had a lot of ornaments and crazy tinsel. Alex smiled and then looked at her, puzzled.

"We need a tree first," she told him gently. Alex lit up and she smiled at his face.

"Hey Ric!" Di told, scooping up the boy in her arms, carrying him to the kitchen. Her youngest brother turned around and quirked his eyebrows.

"Are you ever planning on getting a tree for this place?" She teased. Snake looked at her in confusion before blushing and grumbling about older sisters. Ben lit up much like Alex did and he took his adopted son from Di and carried him upstairs.

"Hey guys, get some coats on! Let's go tree shopping!" Ben's voice rang out.

"You just had to get him excited..." Eric sighed. Di smirked as did Kym and Scotty. They heard laughter from upstairs before protest and Ben came back downstairs carrying a put out little boy who was now wearing a blue coat with green mittens and matching boots and warm trousers. Also on his head was blue hat with a top ball and ear flaps. Alex was blushing uncontrollably as Ben simply grinned. Ben passed Alex to Eric who laughed at the outfit.

"Where we headed then?" Wolf asked, pulling out his keys.

"Just follow us, we do this every year," Scotty said with a grin. Wolf nodded and they chose to buckle the car seat into Wolf's van once again, strapping a protesting Alex in, before K-Unit followed the Lucas family's cars. They drove for around an hour before stopping in front of a parkland.

"We met this guy when I was seven with my mum and dad. He agreed to let us take a tree each year for Christmas." Eric said with a grin, "of course its been awhile since I've come here. The guy is a sucker for little kids though."

They walked towards a cozy looking hut where a man in his late forties was chopping wood. He spotted them all and raised both brows before giving a wide Santa Claus looking grin and heading over to them.

"Ah, the Lucas bunch. It's been years since I seen the lot of ya!" He said joyfully with an accent of his own. Scotty and the other three shared an amused smile. Ben put Alex down and the boy clutched the rim of his shirt, not wanting to have to let go of his adopted father. The cold air was starting to blow in his face and he didn't like it all that much but he just put up with it for now.

"Hey Harry. It's been awhile, you're right. Anyways, these are my best friends and one of them has a son who we thought should get a Lucas Christmas tree this year." Eric said with a grin. The man was such a softy when it came to children.

"How old is the lad?" He chuckled. Ben walked over to them and nudged Alex. Honestly, this kid was a shy boy only when he was small. He was not shy as a teenager, that was for sure. Must have done something to do with his kidnappings, Ben sighed mentally.

"I'm Alex and I'm six." Alex said softly.

"Well Alex, just find the biggest, strongest tree you can in these parks and your da or one of these little devils can chop it with ya." Harry said kindly. Alex nodded, keeping his head next to his adopted father's legs to keep the wind off his face. Ben laughed and they group set out down a bath. Eagle whooped and ran, jumping onto a large pile of snow. He laid back and started to make a snow angel.

"Why don't you try one?" Scotty suggested to the little boy. Alex bit his lip and shook his head. The wind blew in his face again and Alex felt the urge to pout at nature but, restrained himself.

"It's cold." Alex answered, frowning. Ben shook his head, amused, and led Alex down the path to find a tree. There were millions of trees and Alex was reminded of that day in Autumn with Snake, only this time snow caked the ground and blanketed the trees. There were no fruit growing, simply branches and some were lucky to have full pine leaves. Alex smiled and his eyes lit up like a light when he saw a particular tree that caught his eye. It was tall but not overly so. The leaves fattened the branches and it stood proudly, snow dangling off the tips.

"Can we take that one Ben?" Alex asked the man, pointing at the tree. Ben studied it and smiled, nodding. With the help of Snake and his siblings, they chopped the tree and Wolf and Eagle dragged it back to the van. Thanking Harry, they tied the tree down and Wolf and the others got in their car. Ben buckled Alex up in his car seat and the child yawned slightly. They made it back to the house again an hour later and while Wolf, Scotty, and Eagle unloaded the tree; Snake and Ben gave a sleepy Alex a warm bath and had him dressed in long sleeved pajamas as they had the tree up. Alex looked at the tree with a smile. Jack had always bought a fake tree and this one was real...

"Now we can decorate," Di said, taking Alex from the men and standing him up. Thus everyone set to decorating the tree. Everything from tinsel to ornaments of all shapes and sizes, to the lighting and candy canes. Even colorful red and green ribbons were tied about the branches. The tinsel looped around the entire tree in gold while the ornaments hung from different branches. Orbs and frames and even little crafted figurines. Alex stood up suddenly and ran upstairs to the adult's puzzlement.

"Alex?" Ben called, concerned. Alex returned, panting, clutching a box to his chest as he smiled sadly.

"Ian made this for me when I was real little and because he was always gone during Christmas, that I should use it as the star on the trees we had." Alex explained quietly. Ben nodded and Alex pulled out a carefully crafted angel. Her wings were made with diamonds embedded into the lining, making her dazzle. Her halo hung above her in true gold, an almost invisible wire holding it up. Her dress was satin and silky white, fluttering around the glass doll with an angelic painted face and a beautiful smile. She was beautiful. Ben picked Alex up from under his arms and lifted Alex up high. Alex reached his hand up with the angel and wriggled slightly until he placed the angel atop the tree. Smiling, he was carefully and slowly pulled back and Ben hugged him in his arms. Lying in his adopted father's arms, Alex smiled at the large Christmas tree in front of him. Ben sat down on the couch and passed Alex over to Scotty who happily rested the six-year-old on his lap. Eric's sibblings all adored Alex. Mainly because none of them were dating or married, so they didn't have children. Kym worked at a daycare, Scotty was a spokesperson for children, while Dia was a fashion designer. They had been taken by surprise to find that Eric's three best friends were part of his unit, and Ben was his former SAS partner in K-Unit, who moved to MI6. They lived with Ben because it was easier than paying for a house they rarily went home to. With Alex, K-Unit took care of him and the child was hardly ever alone.

Speaking of which, Alex was currently playing with his dog Abby while sitting content in Scotty's lap. Scotty grinned unaware of his little brother watching him. Eric sat next to him with two cups of coffee and a plastic cup of hot-chocolate with a lid and straw. Alex didn't seem to mind the added accessories and sipped his drink sleepily. Abby rested her head on Scotty's knee.

"Excited about Christmas?" Scotty asked Alex as the child yawned. Alex shrugged to Scotty's puzzlement. Usually a kid would be jumping up and down with joy about Christmas. His sisters and brother and even himself used to all the time. Scotty watched Alex as he looked around the room. Eagle was playing a card game against Kym, the two lounging by the fire and actually flirting obviously. Eagle's grin was carefree and he looked to be enjoying himself as he slapped a card down, playing who knows what. Wolf was half asleep in the recliner, his mug of coffee in his hand and a book resting on his other, his eyes scanning the words. He was content where he was and the scowl that usually donned his face, was absent. Ben was laughing with Di in the kitchen as the two cleaned up the spills and were baking other things. The words "Orphanage" and "Helping Children" came from their conversation. Alex sleepily wondered if Kayla would show up. They had finished putting up the final touches around the living room. The fireplace was blazing with a cozy fire. Above it was five stockings. Each with a name and personality made on it. They were the same size but each had their own special pin or decor on them with the names on them; Ben D, Matt T, Eric L, James S, and Alex R.

"Yeah. I can't wait." Alex said softly, his eyes sparking and his smile glowing. Alex yawned again and curled up against Eric's brother, his eyes drooping and if not for Eric's quick thinking, the cup would have spilled right on Abby. Eric chuckled and put the cup on the coffee table. Scotty looked at the bundle in his lap in amazement. This was why he adored children even though they had none of their own. Their innocence was something only children could have. Alex's blond hair fell in his closed eyes and Scotty moved the bangs away.

"Want to help me put him to bed?" Eric said, seeing his brother's wistful look. He remembered their days as children. Di and Kym loved playing house and Eric and Scotty used to always play with them too, though they complained to keep up "manly" appearances that house was only for girls. Eric dreamed of actually having his own child like Cub. He had to find the right girl first...

"Sure." Scotty said, trying not to sound too eager and happy. Eric grinned and stood up after putting his coffee and Scotty's on the table. Signaling Ben's eye, the two brothers walked up the stairs with a perfectly asleep Cub in Scotty's arms. Eric opened Alex's room and Scotty was taken by surprise at how orderly the room was. It was wide with wooden floors and a large window. There were bookshelves against the wall with the window. Next to the door was a long brown dresser with pictures and medical supplies for children on top. A desk was across from the double bed with drawings scattered across. Scotty set Alex in the center of the bed where Eric had pulled the covers back. Tucking the child in, Scotty wished more than ever that he had a son or daughter of his own. Scotty laughed silently as Alex locked his thumb in his mouth and scooted closer under his blanket, fast asleep. Eric sat on the edge and ran a hand through the boy's hair.

"He's a quiet kid." Scotty pointed out. Eric grinned and the two went back downstairs to join the festivities.

By next day, found Scotty and the others waving goodbye as they drove off for the hotel they were staying at together. They did live in other parts of the country after all. They promised to visit on Christmas day and Alex let Kym and Di hug and kiss his cheek before leaving. He knew how badly they had wanted children. Before Kym drove off, Alex noted Eagle exchanging numbers with her and he laughed.

"So, which family comes to visit next?" Snake joked. A moment of irony happened when Eagle's phone went off, ringing some crazy rock song to their amusement. Alex ran in the front yard with Abby while the rest of them sat on the front steps. Eagle picked up his phone.

"Hello this is the Bachelor's residence, Sexy Bachelor number one speaking." Eagle said with a grin. Wolf and Ben snickered while Snake rolled his eyes. They paused as Eagle did and his grin faded.

"Oh... Hi Panda- I mean Amanda." Eagle gulped, "Nah it was a joke! Just a joke!" There was more silence from this statement.

"Uh... I don't own my own home sis so uh you'd have to take it up with my buddy Ben over here. I share a house with him and his kid. His name? Ben! Oh... the kid? His name is Alex. Yes Alex Daniels. How do you know him!? You're son? Alex doesn't mention Daycare..." Eagle's voice spoke, no one but him hearing the other line. Wolf grinned at those words. Eagle reluctantly handed the phone to Ben.

"Ben Daniels speaking. Yes, I'm Alex's father. Adopted father... Al's real parents were in a plane crash... Yes... No he loves it here... Matt is nice to him and no he doesn't pull pranks on him. That's fine... Yeah... I'm perfectly alright with it... Alright. Goodbye." Ben replied to whatever it was she was saying. Ending the call with the address to the house, Ben looked at Matt. His answers seemed to amuse his friends except Matt.

"You're sis is driving over here as we speak." Ben said with a grin. Matt groaned and bashed his head against the brick wall. He clutched his abused head a second later. Ben called the shrunken teen over to him and lifted Alex onto his lap to Alex's annoyance though he let his adopted father do so. Abby trotted over to Matt and licked the man.

"Do you know a boy named Brett?" Ben asked, "Brett Peares?"

"He's one of the kids at Ashley's daycare?" Alex answered. Ben quirked an eyebrow.

"Why do you always call it her daycare and not yours?"

"I only go there every other week as in the weeks K-Unit goes to train and you can't take me to work because of a conference day." Alex pointed out. Ben rolled his eyes at that logic and simply adjusted Alex. The boy in question leaned against him to get comfortable. Alex learned months ago to just let the person pick him up and he should just make himself comfortable.

"Brett is actually Eagle's nephew and his sister and her husband and Brett will be coming over in a few minutes. Why don't you get dressed?" Ben said, the last sentence at a spur of the moment. Considering Alex was still in his pajamas... Alex nodded and slid off his lap, running into the house with Abby to his room. Matt seemed to be a nervous wreck for some reason and was constantly cleaning around the area. Yes... CLEANING. Alex was hopping down the stair case and Eagle was actually so irritated that when Alex jumped off the third to last step, Eagle caught him in midair and did not put the boy down despite Alex's protest and Abby's whining.

"Someone is moody," Wolf snorted. Eagle glared and almost jumped out of his shoes when the doorbell rang. Ben and Eric shared a look before Eagle answered the door after he adjusted Alex on his hip. Opening the door revealed a very pretty woman who held the hand to Brett Peares and an arm from her husband was looped around her waist. Brett was looking stuck up and "mature".

"So this is Alex Daniels?" Amanda automatically stated, looking at the little boy in Eagle's arms. Alex was dressed in a pair of faded denim jeans with a dark green T-shirt that had a dinosaur on the front and was also in a silver jacket that had a Harry Potter: Slytherin embedded on the back. It was something that Scotty had bought Alex the other day. He looked rather adorable and his blond hair was ruffled about still. Alex extended his hand towards Amanda, wanting to be friendly.

"Hullo, I'm Alex." The once teenage spy said with a small smile. Amanda looked at him for a second before she slowly took his hand, shook it twice, and promptly let go. Alex held his hand out to her husband who offered Alex a warm smile and took it friendly.

"Hello Alex, I'm Richard." The man responded, making Eagle grin only for it to fade when Amanda looked at her husband. Alex almost stiffened. She reminded him of Julia Rothman for some reason. Her attitude and looks. She was pretty and had this stern nature about her. Eagle moved aside to let the three in and he slowly placed Alex down but not before whispering in his ear.

"Don't worry, she's always like this." Eagle whispered seriously. Alex looked up and almost saw the Eagle he had first met. Formal and stiff, unable to be his good-nature persona around her.

"Amanda, these are my co-workers in the SAS; James, Eric, and Ben. Alex is Ben's son as you know..." Eagle reluctantly introduced. Eric shook hands with the two adults, Ben smiled at them while doing the same. James simply nodded his head politely. Brett had yet to say anything.

"K-Unit, this is my older sister, Amanda. This is her husband Richard and her son, Brett." Eagle then said. Alex cocked his head to the side before he heard a bark and saw Abby running down the stairs and stopping right in front of Alex before tackling him.

"Abby! No!" Eagle said almost panicky. He pulled the dog off and sent a look at Ben who reluctantly put Abby outside. Amanda was sneering at the dog as Wolf pulled Alex up from the ground and checked him over for any injuries like he always did when Alex fell.

"Such carelessness. A dog that size could easily harm a child his age or less. What were you thinking in letting that... mutt... near him, Matthew?" Amanda sneered. Matt looked at her with wide eyes and had his head bowed.

"Don't scold Matt. I bought Abby for Alex months ago. Abby has never actually hurt the boy." Ben said with narrowed eyes. This woman really was a jerk. Alex bit his lip.

"Want to go to my room, Brett?" Alex said, really eager to escape. Brett looked hopeful at the chance but, was careful not to show it. He gave Alex an impassive look and after approval from his mother, followed Alex upstairs. They entered Alex's room right as they heard Brett's mother ask why Alex did not ask his guardians for permission. The minute the door to Alex's room was shut, Brett fell to the floor on his arse with relief.

"Thanks Alex." Brett sighed.

"What's wrong with your mum?" Alex asked curiously, sitting on his bed.

"She likes to be so uptight all the time and firm and all that whenever my uncle is around. I don't know why, she just gets this weird air about her every time his name is mentioned."

"Maybe something happened when they were kids." Alex said, thinking back to Eric's encounter with his siblings during that Autumn day. Brett looked at Alex as if he had grown a second head.

"That's a Brilliant thought. Do you think they got in a fight?" Brett asked. Alex shrugged before he slid off his bed and pulled out the car that Smithers had crafted for him all those months ago.

"Whats with the car?" Brett inquired.

"One of Ben's friends made it for me. It's a listening device." Alex explained, feeling no harm in telling the older boy. Brett nodded, excited, as Alex drove the little toy car out of the room. They spotted Eagle and Amanda talking alone in the hallway and they landed the car near them. Alex turned on the listening device and voices floated into the remote in Alex's hands. Brett and Alex closed the door and listened to the conversation.

"You are raising that boy up the wrong way, Matthew."

"He's a little kid! He needs freedom to play and be himself, not be an emotionless shell and have no childhood. You're showing little Brett things he doesn't understand until he is older Panda!"

"Do not call me that name! We are not children anymore -"

"We are young adults, I know. Stop acting like an old lady... You didn't used to always be this way." Eagle was saying with regret.

"No I did not, you are correct. Aside from that, Alex Daniels does not need to be so rebellious and he most definitely should not be playing with a mutt where he can injure himself!"

"Why are you so huffy about the way my friend raised HIS kid? Alex is not my son. He's my surrogate little brother and I treat him as such. Unlike how you treated me after THAT day."

"Don't you DARE assume everything between us changed. It's been the same and never has changed you BRAT!"

Alex noticed Brett shaking in what could be read as Rage, Hurt, and Sadness. Alex did not stop him as the other boy burst into the hallway and launched himself at his mother's legs.

"Mummy! No more! Please stop fighting with Uncle Matt!!!!" Brett cried. Amanda paused in her own fume. Eagle peered over Amanda's shoulder to see Alex peaking from the door, frowning. The man beckoned Alex over and knelt down as the boy did. Lifting Alex up into his arms, Amanda couldn't help but do the same.

"You were listening to us, weren't you Al?" Eagle asked quietly though Amanda heard.

"Yeah..." Alex admitted, looking down. Brett was sobbing in his mother's arms and Amanda bit her lower lip and rocked her son around.

"I don't want anyone to fight anymore!" Brett sobbed, shaking. Alex reached a hand out and put it on Brett's shoulder. The boy slowed his crying and hiccupped, seeing the other boy.

"It's alright Brett, your mummy and I won't fight no more." Eagle said softly.

"E- Matt... why do you two fight at all?" Alex asked, careful not to use Eagle's codename.

"I really shouldn't say -"

"I was thirteen at the time." Amanda began. She slid to the floor and rested Brett in her lap. Eagle did the same next to her quietly, stunned.

"I was nine." Eagle continued for her.

"We were playing in the front yard when I wanted to go to the park. I didn't want my baby brother tagging along, so I told him to stay in the front yard and not to leave, or just go inside. I was planning on seeing these two girls who were mean but, I wanted to be their friend..." She started. Eagle was quiet before he kept it going.

"I was mad that my older sister wouldn't keep playing with me, so I followed her. I pretended to be a spy and I hid behind bushes and poles as she walked to the park which was a few blocks away. Mum and dad weren't home yet." Eagle said.

"The two girls; Hanna and Paris, hated little kids, and they wanted me to try a cigarette... I refused and they would have let me go but... they spotted Matt."

"I tried to get away when they spotted me. I was so scared that day. The biggest girl had gotten me by the arm and..."

"They threatened to kill Matty, my baby brother, if I didn't take a smoke. Not just that, they wanted me to shoplift. I didn't want him to get hurt... so I did it." The two of them were saying this as if they were in a trance...

"They held me against them with a knife until Panda got them the pack of alcohol that they had wanted. But..."

"I got caught and they would have jailed me until I admitted they had Matt and were going to kill him. The cops arrested to the two girls but,"

"Before they got taken away, one of them managed to stab me in the shoulder with the knife. There was so much blood..."

"Matt was taken to the hospital and mum and dad were so mad at me for letting Matt follow me, mad at me for even meeting up with them..." The two stopped and stared at each other before Amanda finished it off, "I promised not to be weak and let Matt get hurt again. I vowed I would be firm and not let any child get hurt..."

"I'm sorry Panda..." Eagle said, his voice cracking. Amanda gave him a watery smile and the two siblings broke. They tore up and in that minute an understanding came between them. Brett and Alex shared a smile and let the two hug each other with the two kids between them. Minutes later found the two adults finally calming their frazzled nerves, sharing a smile of their own.

"So no more fighting!" Brett cheered.

"Yes Brett, no more fighting. All made up," Amanda laughed, hugging her son to her. Eagle smiled at his family while keeping an arm looped around Alex as well. The boy was part of his family after all, even though he didn't know it. Amanda ruffled her son's once very straight hair.

"So no more criticizing either?" Eagle asked innocently. Amanda mock glared at him and punched his shoulder that caused the two adults to laugh.

"Fine, I admit defeat my dear baby brother," Amanda teased. Eagle grinned and released Alex before standing up and brushing himself off. Amanda copied him and Brett took Alex by the hand and dragged him back to Alex's room. Amanda watched the two go with a smile.

"Brett would have never eavesdropped before... Your friend has a great son, Matty." Amanda said. Eagle poked his tongue and the two went downstairs to join the others. Alex and Brett ended up playing Monopoly for hours before Amanda called their names. The two hurried downstairs and were sad to say that it was time for them to leave.

"Promise you'll come to Daycare again? Everyone misses you." Brett asked his new friend.

"I'll try but, I only go if Ben and the others can't take me to work with them..." Alex said. Brett pouted but nodded and the two hugged before Amanda actually carried her son to the car, to Brett's delight. Brett waved goodbye from the window as the car took off. Alex waved back just as enthusiastically. K-Unit grinned.

"Two sibling visits in two days... Tomorrow's Christmas Eve guys." Ben said to his friends as Alex ran back inside to get his dog out of the backyard.

"I say we go ice skating at the mall!" Eagle said, his eyes glittering with happiness.

"Sure, I need to pick up a few more gifts for Cub anyways," Wolf said with a shrug. Snake snorted but, agreed. Over the months, it was becoming natural for them all to say something like that. Had it been like when they first met Cub, the others would have stared at Wolf in shock. Fox went inside because of the cold first and he laughed as he spotted Alex wrestling Abby.

"Want some hot chocolate Cub?" Fox asked. After Alex's quick yes before getting tackled by a woofing dog, Fox headed to the kitchen to make the cocoa. Snake and Eagle went upstairs into Ian's old office where they hid the gifts, and Wolf sat on the couch with yet another book. This one was titled The Fall of British Asia, 1941-1945. Fox tugged Alex out from under the winning dog and rested the child on the couch next Wolf with his cup of Hot Chocolate. Fox then went back to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Watching Abby amuse herself with a bone, Alex sipped his drink.

After dinner found Alex protesting as Ben took him by the hand and led him to the bathroom while Snake went to get his clothes.

"Al, we do this everyday..." Ben pointed out.

"Yeah but, I'm really not tired right now," Alex lied unconvincingly. Usually after Alex bathed, he was put to bed and right now the boy did not want sleep. Maybe the child in Alex was coming out again but, who knew...

"Come on Alex, you can stay up then..." Ben gave. Alex allowed Ben to undress him and give him a bath before Alex was soon rubbing his eyes tiredly as Ben covered him up in his bed.

"See, you always get tired after a bath," Snake snickered before shutting up at Ben's exasperated look that clearly said that Alex didn't need to hear that. Luckily, Alex fell asleep and the two headed back downstairs. The day before Christmas found Alex sitting on Eagle's bed as the man tried to assemble himself a good outfit to wear. Today he was going on a date with Snake's sister, Kymberly. He had yet to tell her brother who it was he was dating but, Alex knew and promised to keep it a secret... for now.

"Maybe this," Eagle said, pulling out a casual crimson T-shirt and a pair of black slacks. Alex rolled his eyes. This was the tenth outfit Eagle had pulled from his closet. The man was especially nervous about this date for some reason.

"You're acting like a girl!" Alex exclaimed to the man, "She'll be fine with that."

"You think?"

"Eagle? I've dated a lot of girls before." Alex sighed.

"Before you were fourteen going on six." Eagle murmured. Alex heard and hit the man with a pillow. Pretty soon, Alex had Eagle dressed in the earlier mentioned outfit and running out the door to his blue Ford. Alex watched from the livingroom window in amusement.

"Matt leave for his date yet?" Snake's voice came from the hall as he walked down it snapping his watch on. Alex nodded to the man, taking in the fact that Snake was the one to ask this and he had no idea that Eagle was going on this date with Kymberly Lucas. Wolf could be heard stumbling into the bathroom and getting ready for the day as Ben was cooking in the kitchen. Alex shook his head as he remembered the fiasco of teaching Ben how to cook.

"You ready to go ice skating Cub?" Snake asked with a grin. Alex nodded his head. Eagle had been the one to wake Alex up and get him dressed because he wanted the kid's advice for his date, considering he couldn't ask the brother of his date, and Alex had hung out with Kym before. Alex now wore a white hoodie over a blue T-shirt, with black warm ups. His blond hair was tied back with a small clip and Snake had to laugh at how the kid looked. Much different than Agent Rider or Double-Oh-Nothing.

The three adults and one child soon found themselves at the skating rink. Alex enjoyed himself immensely and Ben was reading a book while Snake watched Alex skate. Wolf had escaped to go extra shopping. Something however caught Snake's attention at the food joint and that was...

"Kym and Matt!?!?" Snake choked as he spotted his older sister and one of his best friends. Ben and James turned their head to spy what he did and their eyes widened in surprise.

"Wonder why he didn't tell us." Ben said thoughtfully. They heard a yelp and turn their heads right as Alex landed on his back in the rink. Not wearing skates, they were relieved when a woman helped Alex up and took him out of the rink. Ben hurried over to them.

"Alex, are you alright?"

"Is this your son?" The woman asked. Ben nodded.

"Thank you for helping Al. He normally is very good at skating."

"He's alright but, he'll have a bump on his head for awhile." The woman replied kindly.

"Again, thank you. My name is Ben Daniels."

"I'm Kaitlynn Stolar. It was nice meeting you." She said before she took her leave and headed over to a little girl around ten who was bouncing on the balls of her feet. Her question floated over to Ben.

"Mummy, is that little boy okay?" She was asking. Ben looked down at a sour looking six-year-old and smiled.

"How'd you fall?" Ben questioned his adopted son. Alex looked at him sheepishly.

"I saw Eagle and his date..." Alex admitted, "I didn't expect them to be here."

"You mean Kym? We saw them as well," Ben said, carrying Alex to the bench. He set the boy down and untied Alex's skates before replacing them with his regular trainers. They caught up with Wolf and decided to head home. Alex went over to play with Abby and pulled out one of the fairytale books while the rest of K-Unit positioned themselves so that anyone who entered the house could only see Alex and couldn't see any of them. It was a few hours later they heard keys rattling and Eagle was opening the door with a jolly face plastered on. His whistling that had been heard was now gone as he spotted Alex.

"Yo Cub, where's the others?" Eagle asked warily.

"Dunno," Alex answered, shrugging. Eagle looked around and still couldn't find them. Thinking they had left Alex home alone, Eagle frowned... until he was accosted by a flying Snake. No not the real snake. Eric Lucas.

"Why didn't you TELL ME that you're dating my sister!?" Eric yelled. Eagle went into panic mode and looked at Eric with wide eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Eagle wailed. Eric raised his fist as if to punch Eagle and...

Promptly let it out of the fist and smacked Eagle on the back of his head almost gently.

"Did you really think I wouldn't let you?" Snake said with a raised eyebrow. Eagle didn't meet his eye and looked sheepish. After the misunderstanding, the group resettled in the living room and Ben watched the window as the sun began to set.

"It's officially Christmas Eve." Ben stated, smiling. Alex looked up and smiled brightly back at his adopted father. Wolf suddenly stood up as it neared nine.

"You should go to bed," Wolf said, looking at Alex. The teen-now child looked at the man warily.

"Why?" Alex started innocently. K-Unit could have groaned. Of course he'd make it difficult for them. Snake said nothing and simply walked over to Alex and picked him up. Alex glared and wriggled in the man's arms but, Snake didn't relent. It took nearly an hour to get Alex bathed and dressed before the kid fell asleep. Ben could have laughed loudly at this. No matter what, after giving Alex a WARM bath, the kid fell asleep. It might have done something to do with what Alex did when he was younger. Bathing in the middle of the night if he awoke from a nightmare. Snake came back down and the shared a grin. They had a lot of work to do before morning...

Which is why hours later found Alex being shaken awake by a hyperactive Matt Tristan. Alex groaned and opened his eyes.

"Come on Cub! It's Christmas!!!" Eagle shouted.

"I'm getting up," Alex yawned. He sat up and followed Eagle downstairs in his pajamas. However, upon reaching the living room he was taken by immense surprise.

The entire living room was hit by the north pole...

There were presents everywhere in the room, piles next to the chairs and all around the christmas tree. The stockings were stuffed to the brim with things and Alex even spotted a bike. Abby was sitting on the couch wearing a santa hat on her head and happily chewing on a new bone with a ribbon on the end. Alex's eyes lit up and Eagle easily picked him up and had Alex next to Abby. The other members of K-Unit trudged in slowly and sat around the room, all watching Alex's glowing face. They were glad their endless time on this hadn't gone to waste.

It was a few minutes later that a wrapping paper war begun. They all were opening their own gifts, though they kept an eye on Alex as he opened his many. There were tons everywhere! From Smithers, Jones, his daycare friends, Ashley, Panther, Sergeant, Brett, Eric's grandmother, Kym, Di, Scotty, James, Tom, Sabina, Kayla, and so many more! Some were children gifts and some were for a spy like him because of some people who didn't know he was currently a child. He got all sorts of things. Clothes, candy, toys, gadgets, books, you name it! Alex had never received so much in one day. Alex looked at his guardians when they opened his gifts from him.

Ben had gotten a carved James Bond with his name on the front, which made Ben laugh. James had received a volume of Spanish War books. Eagle had been given a pranking kit with water balloons and all sorts. Snake had been given a medical book and a mug with the hospital cross on the front. All four thanked the kid and Alex found himself blushing. From Ben was a silver watch, from Snake was a book on Famous Doctors and a Ripley Believe It or Not book. From Eagle was a hat with a large A on the front. From Wolf was a photo of K-Unit and him at Brecon Beacons the third time Alex had gone to visit. They had gathered around their hut as the K showed proudly from the window. Panther was looking annoyed at Eagle who had managed to best him in a rifle contest. Wolf and Snake were arguing in the photo and Fox and Alex were smiling. Alex grinned at the photo and got up and actually hugged each one of them.

"This has been the best Christmas ever..." Alex told them, his eyes shining in delight.

"Same here kiddo. Same here..." Ben responded. They spent the rest of the day with Panther and his family before also taking a visit with Di, Scotty, Anna (Eric's Grandmother), and Kym until nightfall before finally Alex retired to bed. That day, they had no thoughts on Alex actually being 15. No thoughts on SAS. No thoughts on MI6 or having it all end sometime. It was just a day where the concentrated on the Now.

"Good night Alex." Ben whispered, placing a kiss to the child's cheek.

"Night Ben... Thanks for everything," Alex whispered back sleepily. Ben covered Alex up and smiled before walking back to his own room. He would never in a million years, forget today. He would never in a million years, forget this week. Ben peeked in Eric's room where the man was on the phone with his older brother, laughing about something that had happened. Checking the next room, Ben spotted Eagle putting up a picture frame of Amanda and him as kids. In Wolf's room, the man was smiling and talking in Spanish on the phone, probably with his grandmother or mother. Retiring to his room, Ben thought that ever since Alex had entered their lives, it had been for the better. Giving him the best Christmas of his life was the least he could have done.

For now, it was all staying as it should be. They were happy...

Author's Note: This. Was. Long. As. Hell!!!! My LONGEST chapter ever written in my life. I started early this morning and didn't stop until I finished. You should review this for that. That way I'll know that wasn't a waste of my writing. Matchmaking Agent is still being written. I was SUPPOSED to wait till Christmas to put this up. I didn't wanna wait that long! So as this is a Multi-One shot series, dates don't matter in this thing. If I missed something, KINDLY remind me if you WANT. I may have repeated something. Again this was long and I was getting speedy towards the end. All well, I hope you like it. So I spilt Eagle's history out finally. Wolf is the last to get his history revealed. Meh... I hope this wasn't tooo cheesy or emotional. All well...