30 Ways to Avoid the Kinomoto Siblings' Wrath

Hi, all. I'm back. I just had a sudden inspiration to write. I know, I know. Scandalous has not been updated. Yes, I procrastinate and I've begun to lose my interest in fan fiction. Le gasp! Yes, it can happen. I'm sorry, but it seems that Scandalous takes a lot of my time to work on. However, I've been planning a story. Original story. Yes, I'll tell you when and where it'll come out/published. Genre: fantasy. I won't say anything else or I'll end up losing interest. Sighs.

I hope you all will enjoy this chapter. :3

3. There's no point arguing with a lady.

Fujitaka inserted the key, turned it, and pushed the door open. He glanced into the house and could not see too far in front of him. He hit a switch and the lights flickered on in the hallway. He hit another switch and the light bulbs shone down and illuminated the rooms.

As he was about to step further into the house, he was knocked aside and a slight breeze swept documents onto the floor.

A high-pitched cry sounded. "I need to pee!" Sakura ran up the stairs, and the floorboards groaned under the sudden pressure.

Another wave of wind; Touya ran after his sister with the same thundering stomps, but only on every second step. "I'm in first!" The door slammed shut with a bang.

"Touya-niichan, baka!" Sakura trashed at the door. BANG! BANG! BANG! "I was here first! I ran here first!" She stopped banging but started jumping on the spot with her legs together. She really needed to go. Like, now. "Oniichan…!"

A hollow-echo sounded in the toilet bowl. He flushed. Her idiot brother was done! The door creaked open and Touya stepped out.

He howled in pain and staggered on the spot. Sakura had kicked him in the shin and ran into the bathroom. "That was for making me wait!" Sakura yelled at him from inside the bathroom.

Touya grunted. That violent monster was evil. She had a lot of energy for someone who was nodding off in the car when they were driving back home from the Sleeping Beauty act. 'Oh, right,' Touya thought as he limped down the stairs. 'The monster had actually kissed the brat. Even after my warning.' Fujitaka did not seem to mind at all that his daughter has kissed the brat. Touya dragged out the chair from the dining table and slumped down with his arms tightly folded against his chest. His eyebrows furrowed. 'I'll need to issue a harder warning next time.' He grabbed for the glass of water in front of him.

The pan sparked and sizzled. "Sakura-chan's a wonder isn't she?" Fujitaka added a slice of salmon into the pan and covered it with a newspaper so the oil won't spray. "She acts really well – the kiss looked so real. How sweet."

Touya choked and water flew out of his mouth. Using the back of his sleeve, he wiped his mouth. His father thought what? Touya gulped down a few more mouthful of water. He shook his head, as if shaking the thought out; he must have heard wrong.

"We should put her in acting classes. She'd like that, wouldn't she?" He flipped the salmon slice over to the other side, making another sizzling noise.

The last mouthful went 'un-gulped' and out. Touya had almost fallen out of his chair. So he had heard right. "But— She— He—! That was a real mouth-to-mouth exercise! Otousan, she was kissing a brat!" Touya stood up and walked to the counter to fetch a tea towel. He wiped up his mess and washed the tea towel.

Fujitaka turned to Touya. A smile slid across his face. There was a glint in his eyes. "Well, really, now?"


'It's the monster's return. Scream.' Touya yawned and clapped his hand over his mouth.

"Otousan! Is that salmon you're making?" Sakura asked with a hopeful tone in her voice. Fujitaka answered her with a "Mm-hmm." From the stairs, she skipped into the kitchen. Her smile disappeared. Stupid brother. She tip-toed behind him and… kicked!

Touya bit down on his tongue to stop himself from swearing. Tears stung his eyes. 'That little…!' He let out a groan. "What… was that… for…?" he half-seethed-half-moaned.

"For going in first!" she exclaimed in triumph. A hand on her hip and a hand out with her index finger pointing at him, ready to scold him, she said, "You know what they say," she tut-tutted, shaking her index finger at him. ""Ladies first"."

"You're no lady…" he managed to say, "You're a monster. Took so long in the bathroom – good thing I went first or my kidneys would have burst."

Having the last line didn't always come with rewards declaring rights to a smug smile. His reward was just another kick in the shin. "You're so mean! I took a shower unlike some smelly brother I know!" She stuck her nose in the air and waved her hand above it. Turning away from him and ignoring potential remarks –not that he wouldn't have learnt by now – she went to her father's side. "Otousan, would you like me to help?"

"Don't, otousan! She'd only poison it!" Touya commented loudly.

Then again, this was the Kinomoto siblings we're talking about.

Has my writing improved? I wonder...

Review and tell me how you liked it. :)