I felt like writing something different than what I usually see on here. See, generally in oneshots and all those, I see stuff about Riku and how he's struggling with the darkness in him, and yeah, it's a good topic to write about but...

Well, I decided to write something about Riku struggling with the Darkness and winning. It's short. ^^ There probably ARE some on here like that, and I haven't come across them just yet, but either way, I'd love to add to the list. Besides, I love writing about him. :D

You Won't Control Me

/My shadow will linger…/

As darkness never truly fades from the day, lingering in shadows and in every crack and crevice it can find, darkness can linger on in other places, too. Darkness, whether it is a shadow or a vast expanse in the heart, can always linger.

Riku knew of this very well. He had been struggling with the darkness within himself for so long now that the very thought of calculating the time seemed tiring. Riku, with as hard as he worked daily, hardly slept even though this tiredness did constantly pull at him.


In the mirror, behind his eyes and when anger had a firm grasp on him, he swore he saw even the slightest tint of orange in his eyes. Was his skin tanner?

No. Only shadows.


The room, he felt in much contrast to his heart, was stark white and held a strange hum in the air. In the center of all the purity was a pod. The pod, in which Sora slept.

Floating in it, Riku had to admit, Sora did look serene. He was dreaming, Riku hoped, good dreams.

In the last few days Riku had spotted Kairi on the Islands, checking up on her as he did, he found it almost painful to see her and not being able to talk to her, to let her know he was all right was worse. She looked happy, she often mused to herself about Sora, though she'd forgotten his name. As much as seeing Kairi hurt, as painful as not being able to talk to one of his best friends was, Riku still found it worth while, if not to know she was all right then for the strength he found there.

Not on the Islands was the strength, but deep in his heart, at the sight of Kairi, laughing- at the sight of Sora, sleeping.

Would Ansem take over him again?

/Someday….I will RETURN./

Looking at Sora, standing as a dark shape in the room of white, Riku laughed.

Would Ansem take over him again?

"Never." He put his hand to the glass encasement around Sora, a smile on his lips, and turned and walked out, his shadow lingering in the doorway.

Let me know what you think- I told you it was short! xD

EDIT- changed the format just a little, so it wasn't so scrunched up. ^^