After two and half years... its complete.

The FINAL chapter of Mistakes!... I'm going to go cry in a corner. T.T

Anyway, thank you to all the readers who have read this story and supporting me throughout the time I have spent writing and plotting this story. Writing this story has been a great pleasure and nightmare at the same time. I thank everyone who has read this story and I'm grateful for all the reviewers who have left encouraging words that kept me writing even though I have wanted to drop this story numerous times. Thank you all again so much and who knows, maybe you'll be seeing a sequel in the next few months? promisese.

Thank you again and I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much I have when I was writing it.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Gundam 00.

Inside his room, Setsuna sat as he watched Dynames' last battle recorded by Haro. At the sight of the Throne gundam machine, Setsuna's eyes widened before they narrowed almost immediately and he gritted his teeth.

"Ali Al-Sachez, that man," he growled when the door to his door opened and Setsuna looked up to see Rina looking at him as she walked in. Her eyes widened the sight of him before she noticed Haro connected to the communicator in the raven-haired meister's hand.

"You're watching Dynames' battle with the Throne, aren't you?" she asked to which Setsuna nodded before Rina walked over and sat down next to him.

"A while ago, when you were in your comatose state, Lockon found out about my affiliation with the KPSA," stated Setsuna causing Rina's eyes to widen and she looked up at him as he continued. "He aimed a gun at me and told me about his family, how they were killed by a terrorist bomber in Ireland. He wanted to get revenge for them, he wanted to get revenge against the terrorist bomber and his organization for taking his family away from him,"

"He scarified his life, to take revenge," whispered Rina and Setsuna nodded before a certain memory flashed in his head.


"Are you going?" asked Soran as he watched one of the older boys from the KPSA heading outside holding his gun with him. The boy turned around and faced Soran with a hard expression.

"Of course I am! I'm going to fulfill my duty to God!

"No you can't! You'll die!" yelled Soran before the older boy grabbed the front of his shirt and forced the younger boy to look up at him.

"What's wrong with you! Are you afraid of dying? That's like spitting in God's face!" he spat and Soran's eyes widened in fear.


As the memory flashed in his head, Setsuna's eyes narrowed and he clenched his fists.

"After you die, there is no god," he whispered and Rina looked over at him to see his hard expression.

"Setsuna," whispered Rina to which the raven-haired meister turned towards her with the same expression he had before.

"There is God in death," he stated and Rina's eyes widened before she looked down at her hands.

"Even if there's no God after we die, the fact that we existed, means something. If Celestial Being never existed, I'm sure all of us would be living our lives in misery. Because we exist, we were able to start a change, I believe that the meaning of out existence is to live on, to remember the ones who have already passed away, and to face the world as we are," whispered Rina and Setsuna snapped up at her words before Lasse's words echoed in his head.

'I think the fact that we, Celestial Being exists is what matters,'

"Even though there is no God in this world, I , no we, will fight and change the world, through our will," stated Setsuna and Rina smiled at him before she leaned over and placed her head on Setsuna's shoulder.

"We're going to survive this, and we're going to change this world," she whispered and Setsuna nodded as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to himself.

"As you've instructed, we've sent out the satellites dispersing Gn- particles, but," stated Ian as he looked at Sumeragi via communicator, "do you really think the enemy will fall for it?" he questioned and Sumeragi paused for a second before she replied to the mechanic.

"I'm our only choice, the asteroids will give us cover, but if we are forced to fight, we would be in a huge disadvantage, speaking of which, how are the gundams?"

"As long Kyrios doesn't use its aviation mode, its all set," and Ian turned back to see Virtue being worked on by the carols.

"We're going to strip Virtue of its outer armor and send it out as Nadleeh, I've already got its weapons ready for it. Exia and Freedom will be ready as soon as we finish their maintenance," and Sumeragi looked at the screen and at the current data.

"How long until all of the gundams are ready?"

"The longest it would take is 8 hours," and Sumeragi looked at Ian.

"Please have it finished in 6 hours,"

"Roger that," reported Ian before the connection was cut and Sumeragi leaned back and sighed before she pulled herself back up and looked at the data of the gundams on the screen before her.

"Our only units operating at full capacity are Exia, Freedom, and the GN-Arms, but Rina's condition makes using Freedom a bit difficult. Even though we have the Trans-Am system, there's a time limit to it," whispered the tactical forecaster when a beeping noise snapped her out of her trance and her eyes widened at the sight of Tieria's face on her screen.

"Sumeragi Lee Noriega,"

"What is it Tieria?" asked Sumeragi and the purple haired meister looked at her dead in the eye before he spoke.

"When the gundams are ready, please sent us your next mission plan," and Sumeragi's eyes widened.

"What? You're planning on fighting?"

"Of course I am. If we can wipe out the remaining false Gn- drive equipped machines the world will have no choice but to yield to us and our power. With that, we will be able to complete the plan Veda originally set out for us,"

"But eh rise is-," started Sumeragi but she was cut off by Rina as she walked up next to Tieria with a deteremined look on her face.

"We know the risks Miss Sumeragi. There's a chance the enemy will get reinforcements," and the tactical forecaster's eyes widened at the sight of Rina.

"Rina," she whispered when she saw Setsuna and Allejiuah walked up to the two meisters.

"All of think the same thing," stated Allejiuah and Setsuna looked up at Sumeragi.

"All of us, will fight," and Sumeragi's eyes widened.
"All of you,"

"We're counting on you then," answered Tieria before he cut the connection and turned to the other meisters. "Until the gundams are set and until we receive the mission plan, get some rest," and with that, the purple-haired meister walked away.

Once all the meisters were gone, Sumeragi stared at the screen before her before she stood up.

"We managed to survive till now, so,"

As the news of particle emitting objects leaving the asteroid belt, Kati Mannequin and Sergei Smirnov gazed out at the vast emptiness of space before them.

"Its' probably a diversion," stated Sergei to which Kati nodded, her eyes never leaving the screen.

"I think the same as well,"

"Colonel! There's something approaching from behind!" and an image of a gold object approaching appeared on the screen. Both Kati and Sergei's eyes widened at the sight of the machine.

"What in the world is that machine?" yelled Kati and Sergei's eyes narrowed at the approaching machine.

"I wonder, was it also stolen from Celestial Being?"

The crew members of Celesital Being stood in the observation deck as they were informed of the meister's resolve to fight.

"I guess this means prepare for the worst," sighed Litchy and Chris offered a small smile before she looked over at Lasse.

"Lasse, what are you going to do?" and the gunner looked over and smiled.

"I'm going to fight of course, I'm going to fight and survive this," and everone's eyes widened before Feldt smiled.

"All of us, are going to survive this," and Chris, Litchy and Lasse looked over at the pinkette and smiled.

"We'll see you when this is over," and Litchy held up his hand to Lasse who smiled and grasped the younger man's hand and shook it.



Allejiuah looked over to see Tieria walking towards the hangar.

"How's Nadleeh?" asked the olive-haired meister.

"They're almost done," answered Tieria and Allejiuah offered a small smile before he looked down at the ground.

"But without the Trial System and Nadleeh's low particle storage capacity-,"

"Even if that's true, I'm going to fight," and Allejiuah looked over to see determination in Tieria's eyes. "I need to avenge Lockon in this battle,"

"Maybe you should relax a bit,"offered Allejiuah

"I can't do that," answered Tieria and his red eyes narrowed.


Inside Dynames' hangar, Setsuna and Rina stood infront of the cockpit of the nearly destroyed gundam. Setsuna held onto Haro while Rina held the gold pin Lockon had given her before her first mission.

"Lockon," whispered Rina as tears threatened to fall down her cheeks. Setsuna remained silent but his grip on Haro tightened when the two heard Feldt's voice and they both turned to see the young pinkette floating over towards them.

"Feldt Grace," greeted Setsuna and Rina offered a small smile at her.

"What's the matter?" she asked as Feldt reached them and Setsuna grabbed her hand to steady her.
"I wrote a letter to Lockon, and I wanted to give him this," and Feldt uncurled her hand to show Setsuna and Rina a gold locket.

"A locket?" asked Rina and Feldt smiled before she looked down at it.

"Lockon told me to hold onto it, I think its time I returned it," and Rina looked down at her hand at the gold pin before she handed it over to Feldt. The pinkette's eyes widened before she looked up at Rina who smiled before she floated inside Dynames' cockpit while Setsuna and Rina watched her place the letter on the seat.

"Is there anyone you want to send a letter too Setsuna, Rina?" asked Feldt and both Setsuna and Rina shook their heads.

"No there isn't" answered the two and Feldt's eyes closed for a moment before she reopened them, tears threatening to fall down.

"I see, how lonely for you two,"

"No," stated Setsuna and Feldt looked up at him.

"He's the lonely one," answered Rina and she looked over at Setsuna and Haro.

"So Haro, you stay here, here with Lockon Stratos," and Setsuna let go of the orange robot as it's eyes flashed.

"Lockon! Lockon!" repeated the robot as Feldt caught it and smiled.

"Keep him company Haro," she whispered and the robot flapped its ears/ wings.

"Roger! Roger!"

"Thank you," whispered Feldt and Rina's eyes fell at the sight when Chris' frantic voice filled the intercom alerting everyone about the enemy approaching. Snapping up, Rina looked over at Setsuna and nodded before she bid farewell to Feldt and headed towards Freedom.

"How many are there?" asked Sumeragi as she floated into the bridge and Chris started typing into the keyboard before her.

"There's 13 units but there's a exceptionally large one in the middle!"


"I'll put in on the monitor,"

'I'm sorry I'm late!" apologized Feldt as she walked in but her blue- green eyes widened at the sight of the image of a large gold machine on the screen.

"Is that a warship or something?" asked Litchy.

"No I'm afraid its not Litchy," gasped Sumeragi as her eyes widened at the size of the machine. "That machine is a mobile armor equipped with fake Gn- drives!" and everyone's widened.

Inside his machine, Alejandro Corner stared at the screen before him before he smiled.

As everyone watched the incoming machine, Rina's eyes widened when she saw the machine aiming one of its weapons at the asteroid belt and saw it fire a particle beam.

"Miss Sumeragi!" yelled Rina and Sumeragi's eyes widened.

"A particle beam from that far away?"

"Dammit!" yelled Litchy as he steered Ptolemy so that most of the ship was able to dodge the beam.

"Damage to the first particle supply chamber," reported Feldt.

"Move all particles to the second chamber," ordered Sumeragi when Chris voice cut her off.

"Second shot is coming!"
"Litchy move!" yelled Sumeragi and the helmsman nodded.

"Roger that!" and he steered the ship to that it was able to dodge the incoming beam.

"Launch the assault container, your target is the large mobile armor!" yelled Sumeragi and Setsuna stared at gold machine before him.

"Roger that,"

"This is Lasse, assault container launching!" yelled Lasse as the container launched.

"Freedom will launch immediately and provide back up for Exia and the assault container," and Rina's eyes narrowed.

"Roger that, Freedom, launching!" and Freedom launched and grabbed onto the assault container before it took off towards the mobile armor.

"Litchy, move Ptolemy so that its hidden behind one of the satellites, Kyrios and Nadleeh, will launch directly from the containers, your mission is to protect Ptolemy!" yelled Sumeragi.

"Roger that!" reported the remaining meisters as they launched from the containers and positioned themselves.

"As planned, we'll attack the enemy ship from both sides, we'll crush them!" yelled Sergei and everyone in the platoon nodded. Soma's eyes remained on the screen when she saw an object approaching.

"Its the enemy!" yelled Soma as she and the other machines started to fire as the assault container passed them.


"Leave it to the Alvetore!" yelled Sergei as the thirteen machines turned their focus back to the Celestial Being mothership and the remaining gundams.

"Let's finish this, commence attack!" yelled Sergei as he and the GnX machines started their attack.


As the assault container approached the mobile armor, Lasse looked down at the screen and smiled when he realized that they were now in range.

"We're in range!" he yelled and Rina nodded before Freedom started to fire at the mobile armor and the container also started to fire attacks at the mobile armor. Inside his machine, Alejandro Corner smiled before Alvetore generated a Gn- field blocking al the attacks.

"What!" yelled Rina and Lasse's eyes narrowed.

"Then how about this!" he yelled as he fired a particle beam but the mobile armor blocked it again and the beam reflected destroying many of the asteroids surrounding it.

"How the hell is that Gn-field to powerful!" yelled Rina when the mobile armor fired a particle beam and hit Freedom's left leg and Rina screamed as part of her gundam was destroyed.

"Rina!" yelled Setsuna before Lasse growled at the mobile armor.

"Dow dare you!" he yelled as he fired another particle beam to the mobile armor deflected again.

"Its no use! Our attacks are!" yelled Rina and Setsuna gritted his teeth.

"If long range attacks won't work!"

" Then lets' just attack it directly!" yelled Lasse and Rina's eyes narrowed as the assault container and Freedom flew up towards the mobile armor and rammed into the gn-field.

"Yes!" yelled Lasse when he saw two pincer-like wepons grab onto the assault container.

"What?" yelled Setsuna and everyone's eyes widened when she heard laughter on the intercom.

"You irritating ghosts of Aeolia Schenburg, I Alejandro Corner, shall make you a into an offering for the new world!" laughed Alejandro.

"Yeah right!" yelled Lasse as he started to fire particle beams at the mobile armor's two pincer like arms to no avail as the pincers started to tear apart the assault container.

"Dammit! Setsuna" yelled Lasse as he the Gn- arms and Exia pulled out of the assault container before it was destroyed.

"Exia, Setsuna F. Seiei, exterminating target!" yelled Setsuna as Exia pulled out its Gn-sword and aimed it at the mobile armor.

"Freedom, Rina Yamato, eliminating the target!" and Alejandro smiled as he watched the two gundams attack. As the two gundam approached the Alvetore fired multiple shots and Setsuna and Rina gritted their teeth as they dodged all the incoming attacks.

"Setsuna! Rina! We don't need the container! Maybe we'll be able to take him out with it!" yelled Lasse and both meisters nodded.

"I'll distract him!" yelled Rina as Freedom pulled out its Gn- blade and started attacked the Alvetore. Alejandro Corner watched as Freedom tried to cut at the gn-field before his eyes narrowed.

"I've had enough of this game, I know, I'll take out that annoying mothership of yours!" he yelled as the Alvetore fired a particle beam and Rina, Setsuna, and Lasse's eyes widened.


"Feldt! What's Kryios and Nadleeh's status?" yelled Sumeragi as Feldt typed into the keyboard.

"Both are surrounded by the enemy units," reported Feldt when Litchy's yell cut her off and Sumeragi looked up to see a GnX machine before the bridge.

"Oh no you don't!" yelled Lasse as he fired a particle beam from the assault container but the mobile suit dodged and fired a beam at the Ptlomey. Everyone in the bridge screamed as the beam hit the mothership dead on and Sumeragi looked up at Fedlt.

"What's the damage!"

"Our engine's been hit!" yelled Feldt.

"A particle beam incoming!" yelled Chris

"I can't move!" yelled Litchy and and Sumeragi's eyes widened before everything around her exploded and then everything became black.

Everyone's eyes widened at the sight of Ptlomey before Tieria turned around and glared at the GnX machines.

"How dare you! TRANS-AM!" he yelled as Nadleeh began to glow red before he counterattacked.

"Ptlomey!" yelled Lasse as he looked back at the mothership before he turned to face the mobile armor, fury in his eyes.

"You bastard!

"Miss Sumeragi! Feldt! Litchy! Chris! Please respond!" screamed Rina as she tried multiple times to get in contact with Ptolemy to no avail. Setsuna only stared with horror—struck eyes at the image of the destroyed Ptolemy when he heard Alejandro laughing and his eyes narrowed.

"Dam you!" he yelled as he and Lasse fired at the container, destroying it.

"Did it get him?" yelled Lasse

"Negative!" and Lasse's eyes narrowed when he saw that the mobile armor was unharmed.

"Dam! He's not even scratched!"

Alejandro laughed before he looked at the three machines before him.

"For making me use my Alvetore's arms on puny machines like you, I'll make you pay for that!" he yelled as he fired another particle beam to which the three machines dodged.

"You bastard!" yelled Rina as Freedom fired a particle beam from its gun when Alejandro started to laugh.

"Ah! I forgot about you little miss 'ultimate coordinator' you were supposed to never wake up from your comatose, well not everything goes the way you want it now does it,"

"What?" and Alejandro smiled.

"I'm surprised you don't recognize me, I guess you don't remember who was the one who ordered for the men to kill anyone who failed the selection," and Rina's eyes widened as she recognized the man's voice.

"You! You're the man who was at the selection! You watched as my brothers and sisters were killed before me!" screamed Rina and Alejandro Corner laughed

"That's not all. Who do you think was supporting the rouge coordinators and aiding them so that they could get their machines and into the militaries! Who do you think controlled them so that they believed they could actually achieve their 'paradise'?" and Rina's eyes widened at his words.

"You were the one who implanted the idea of paradise into everyone! You're the man responsible for everyone's death! If it wasn't for you, Aianna, Tabitha and the others would have never died!" screamed Rina and a blue-violet seed exploded and Rina's pupils dilated and glazed over while glowing a dark gold as she rammed Freedom into the Gn-field and Alejandro laughed before his eyes narrowed.

"There is one drawback to you though, even though you're the perfectly genetically modified coordinator, your major drawback is that you still have the ability feel emotions, that will be the death of you!" and the one of the arms of the Alvetore grabbed onto Freedom's right leg and Rina's eyes widened.


Alejandro smiled before he pulled Freedom towards itself.

"Goodbye, 'ultimate coordinator'!" he yelled as he fired a particle beam at Freedom.

"Rina!" yelled Setsuna and Rina gritted her teeth as she saw the incoming attack before she cut off Freedom's right leg and managed to get away.

"He's too strong," growled Setsuna when Lasse's voice filled the intercom.

"Setsuna dock with me! Rina, cover us!"

"Roger that!" and Exia piloted over to the gn-arms while Freedom started to shoot at the mobile armor distracting it. When Exia and the gn-arm was docked, Alejandro smirked.

"So that's the GN-armor, fly my fangs!" he yelled as the mobile armor deployed the fangs and both Setsuna and Rina's eyes narrowed.

"It's the same as that Throne's!"

"Gn-field full power!" yelled Lasse as a field generated around the Gn-armor and Exia as the white gundam too aim.

"Targeted and firing!" yelled Setsuna as he started to shoot down the fangs while Freedom sliced one in half with its beam saber.

"Not bad! But can you handle this!"yelled Alejandro as he fired another particle beam to which the Gn-armor dodged.

"Setsuna! Let's thrust through!" yelled Lasse and Setsuna nodded as the two flew forwards and rammed into the gn-field. Alejandro smiled as the Alvetore's arm grabbed onto the gn-arms when Exia sliced it off and fired a particle beam at the other arm, destroying it.

"What!" yelled Alejandro before he fired a beam at the Gn-arm hitting it directly.

"I'm not done yet!" yelled Lasse as blood ran down his face and smoke started to fill up the cockpit before he fired another particle beam hitting the mobile armor.

"Setsuna, remember what I said about our existence!" yelled Lasse when the Gn-arms exploded and Setsuna's eyes widened.

"Lasse!" he yelled before he turned to the mobile armor.

"You bastard!" and he fired at the mobile armor and Alejandro smiled before he fired another beam and hit the Gn-arm causing half of it to explode. When explosion died down, Exia appeared behind the machine and Alejandro's eyes widened when he saw the blue and white gundam, use its Gn-sword to tear apart the mobile armor.

"How! yelled Alejandro when the mobile suit exploded covering the area with the explosion.


As he dodged the incoming attacks while he was in sync with Hallejiuah, Allejiuah smiled when he saw the enemy faltering as he attacked.

"Let's finish this!" he yelled as he fired another particle beam and hit one the GnX machines.

"Colonel!" yelled Soma when Sergei's voice filled her intercom.

"Now! Peries!" he yelled and Soma looked over at the winged gundam and screamed as she fired hitting the gundam's cockpit. Allejiuah screamed as a part of the cockpit hit his forehead and blood ran down his face and floated around the cockpit. As Kyrios drifted, Allejiuah groaned before he looked at the image of Soma helping Sergei.

"What?" whispered Allejiuah when he saw Soma's face on the screen and his eyes widened.

"M-Marie? Why? Why are you?" he whispered as Kyrios fell backwards.


"Lasse? Can you hear me? Lasse! Respond!" yelled Setsuna as Exia and Freedom stood by the smoking Gn-arms.

"Lasse!" yelled Rina when she suddenly felt something incoming and she looked up to see a particle beam heading their way.

"Setsuna!" yelled Rina as she pushed Exia aside and was directly hit by the particle beam. Setsuna's eyes widened when he saw Freedom push him aside and Rima's screaming voice filled the intercom as he saw Freedom getting hit directly by the particle beam.

"Rina!" he yelled as he opened a communication with Rina and his eyes widened when he saw blood in the cockpit and he saw Rina grimacing as she held onto her arm.

"Setsuna," she whispered before her eyes closed and her body slumped on the seat.

"Rina!" yelled Setsuna when another beam hit Freedom's arm and Setsuna looked over to see a gold mobile suit ontop of the damaged mobile armor.

"What is that?" he asked when the mobile suit threw away one of its guns and pulled out a beam saber before it charged at Exia. When the two mobile suits clashed, Alejandro's voice filled the intercom.

"As expected from a suit equipped with the original solar reactor," and Alejandro's face appeared on Exia's screen. "So you're the immature pilot I've been messing with till now,"

"You're the bastard who messed with Aeolia's plan!"

"It was just as I planned it to be! Now all that's left for me is to take the stage! I am the lead actor in this play, I , Alejandro Corner!" he yelled as he kicked Exia away.

"What the hell are you trying to achieve!" yelled Setsuna as Exia started to shoot at the mobile suit who dodged and generated a Gn-field.

"Destruction and rebirth," answered Alejandro causing Setsuna to look up.


"Destroying the world through Celestial Being's interventions! The 'rebirth' through unification has begun! And then I will rise on top of this new world!" yelled Alejandro as he fired particle beams at Exia.

"You're planning to rule the world!" yelled Exia as he dodged the incoming attacks and Alejandro smirked.

"I only said I would guide it!" he yelled as he wing like structures on the gold mobile suit moved forward. "But there no place in my new world for people like you!
Nice knowing you! Now fade away! Exia!" yelled Alejandro as he fired a giant particle beam and Setsuna's eyes widened as the beam approached him. When the shot was over, Alejandro smiled at the emptiness of space before he started to laugh.

"Too bad for you Aeolia Schenburg. The one who to lead mankind through a new age in this world you envisioned will be me! A person who lives in the present! Now," he stated as he looked at Freedom drifting in space. "I'll just get rid of you," when a particle beam was fired and Alejandro's eyes widened as the gn-field deflected it.

"What?" and his eyes widened when he saw Exia approaching while it was glowing a red color.

"Dam Aeolia's system!" he yelled when Setsuna's voice filled the intercom.

"I've found it,"

"What?" and Setsuna's eyes narrowed as Exia approached the gold mobile suit.

"I've found the distortion in this world! And its stemming from you!" he yelled as Exia dodged all the incoming shots and started to shoot.

"My rebirth has already begun! Yet you're still continuing to destroy!" yelled Alejandro as he countered Exia's attacks with his own.

"Of course I am!" yelled Setsuna as the two units shot at each other and Setsuna's eyes narrowed at the gn-field that deflected all of his attacks.

"That Gn-field!" he hissed when a memory played in his head.


"Setsuna," and the young meister turned to see Lockon looking over at him as the two stood in the container that contained Exia. "Do you know why Exia and Freedom are equipped with those massive swords?" he asked pointing to the Gn-sword and Gn-blades. "It's a counter attack against Gn-fields. Within out plan we also have anti-gundam measure. If that time comes and the meister of Freedom is unable, you'll be our trump card. We're counting on you, Setsuna,"


'I understand Lockon, I am a destroyer who only know how to fight. But that's why I'll fight! I'll fight to defeat this distortion!' and Exia dodged the incoming attack as it flew directly at the Alvaron and when it raised its Gn-field, Exia plunged its Gn-sword into it, cutting through the field and stabbing the left arm of the machine.

"You little-!" yelled Alejandro as Alvaron raised its beam saber when Exia blocked it.

"To intervene and end war! That's what Celestial Being is!" yelled Setsuna and the gn-field surrounding the Alvaron disappeared.

"The field!"

"That's why the gundams exist!" yelled Setsuna as Exia pulled back and stabbed the gold mobile suit with both its beam saber and sword. "Along with me!" and Setsuna pulled back again. "That's right! I am-!" and he ran the Gn-sword down the mobile suit in the center before he pulled away. "We all are gundams!"

Inside his unit, Alejandro groaned as he looked at the blood on his pilot suit when the face of Ribbons Almark appeared on his face. Looking over a look of relief filled Alejandro's eyes as he reached over.


"Alejandro Corner, you play the part of the fool quite well,"

"What?" and Ribbons smiled.

"This is no longer Aeolia's plan, you see now it is my plan, I will take charge of this united world you made,"

"You bastard! This has been the Corner family's dream for generations!" yelled Alejandro as blood trickled out of his mouth and Ribbons smiled at him.

"And that is precisely what makes you a small man," and Alejandro's eyes widened.

"RIBBONS!" he yelled as he punched the screen before his mobile suit exploded.

As Exia stood by the explosion, the glowing affect disappeared and inside the cockpit, Setsuna panted as he looked around.

"Is it over?" he whispered when he saw Freedom floating nearby.

"Rina!" yelled Setsuna as he piloted over to the gundam. When Exia stood next to Freedom, Setsuna opened the cockpit of both machines and he pulled Rina into Exia's cockpit. When the door to the cockpit closed, Setsuna placed Rina on his lap so that her head was resting on his left shoulder.

"Rina," as he shook her, Rina slowly opened her eyes before she looked up at Setsuna and the older meister looked down to see Rina's blue-violet eyes back to normal.

"Setsuna," she whispered and the raven-haired meister nodded when a warning sound echoed and he snapped up to see another mobile suit heading his way.

"There's more?" he yelled and both Rina and Setsuna's eyes widened when they saw the machine heading towards them was a Flag equipped with a solar reactor.

"A Flag with a fake solar reactor?"

"When did they-?"

Graham's eyes narrowed as he piloted his machine towards the blue and white gundam.

"I've been wanting to meet you for so long, Gundam!" yelled Graham as he pulled out a beam saber and attacked. Exia pulled out its gn-sword and the two units clashed against each other.

"A beam saber?" yelled Rina with wide eyes.

"I'll get my revenge for Howard and Daryl against you in this Gn- Flag!" yelled Graham and Setsuna's eyes widened when he saw Graham's face appear on Exia's screen.

"You were that solider in Azadsitan!" yelled Setsuna.

"What? That kid from back from back then and a girl?" yelled Graham when he saw Setsuna and Rina's faces before a smile found its way to his face.

"Certainly you and I are tied together by the red strings of destiny. We were destined to fight each other!" he yelled as he pushed back Exia and sliced off Exia's left arm. As she watched, Rina gritted her teeth before a blue-violet seed exploded and as she entered SEED mode, Rina reached over and placed her hand over Setsuna's on the controls. Setsuna looked over at Rina who only looked back and offered a small smile before Exia blocked another one of the Gn-Flag's strikes.

""You single-handedly stole my heart away! This feeling is without a doubt, love!" yelled Graham and both Rina and Setsuna's eyes widened.


"But if it transcends love, it becomes obsession! Just like when religious devotion gets out of hand and causes wars!" and Setsuna's eyes widened before he gritted his teeth.

"Then if you know this! Why do you fight?" he yelled as Exia severed the right leg of the Gn-flag off.

"My only reason is that I'm a soldier!" yelled Graham as he plunged the beam saber and hit the gundam's head and knocked it off.

"You're twisted!" yelled Rina as Exia sliced off the Flag's head.

"If I'm twisted then so are you!" yelled Graham as the Flag kicked Exia causing the two teenagers to groan.

"The whole existence called 'gundam'!" yelled Graham as Exia pulled back and started to fire at the flag which dodged. "That's why I will defeat you! I don't care what happens to the world, only my will matters to me!" and Setsuna's eyes narrowed.

"So you're saying that the world is only a fleeting thing?"

"If it is then this is surely its voice!" yelled Graham as he pulled his beam saber and charged.

"You're wrong! You're just wrapped up in your own distortion!" yelled Rina as her and Setsuna's grip on the controls tightened.

"I'm going to through you and your distortion!"

"Well said Gundam!" yelled Graham as the Gn-Flag and Exia charged at each other. As the two collided, Exia's blade went through the center of the flag while the flag's beam saber went through the right side of Exia's main body.

"Howard, Daryl, I've avenged you," whispered Graham before his mobile suit exploded.

"Gundam," whispered Setsuna as Rina went limp against his own and his crimson eyes closed as the two machines exploded covering the area with green and red gn-particles.

Inside Nadleeh's cockpit, Tieria groaned as he opened his eyes.

"This can't end here, our plan is still incomplete.." he whispered before he pressed one of the buttons in the cockpit and Nadleeh ejected its Gn-drive from its body. Whenteh Gn-drive was out of Nadleeh's body, Tieria slowly closed his eyes.

"I'm heading your way, Lockon Stratos," he whispered before everything went black.

As Kyrios drifted, Allejiuah let out a cry of anguish as he covered his face with his hands.

"It can't be! Soma Peries was actually Marie?" and Allejiuah reached out at the screen at his reflection.

"Did you know about this Hallejiuah?" he whispered and his reflection stared back at him before smiling sadistically.

"If you knew, you would have stopped fighting. You'd just die," and Allejiuah's eyes widened.

"Well whatever, it doesn't matter what path you take now," and Hallejiuah laughed. "I'll be leaving before you," and Hallejiuah closed his eyes.

"Hallejiuah?" asked Allejiuah and his eyes widened when he saw he reflection just staring back at him. "It can't be!" whispered Allejiuah as he reached his hand out.



"Marina Ismail,

by the time you read this I will no longer be in this world. The eradication of war through the use of armed force... all I knew how to do was fight. But Celestial Being gave me a reason why I should fight; like that day I saw the Gundam. I wanted to know why was the world so twisted? Where did this twistedness come from? How can people be so wicked without needing to be? And why don't they realize their wickedness? Why are there things that bring chaos to so many lives? Why do people rule and let themselves be ruled? And why do they hurt each other? And why despite all that do people still want to live their lives? I was just looking for answers. I thought that if I met with you, you'd give me those answers... because you're looking for the same thing along a different path from mine - from the path where people can understand each other - for those answers. I was looking for answers... together with my Gundam... with MY Gundam."

Tears fell down Marina's face as she finished reading the letter before she pulled it close to her chest and sobbed.




Even though they're no point in writing this letter, I felt like I had to. Aianna, I wanted to thank you. When we were growing up in the facility, you were the mother I never had; you were the one who raised me. Even after all the horrible crimes I committed, you embraced me and assured me that everything would be alright. When I regained my memories, I was horrified by my actions; I never realized how horrible they were until I saw the end result. They said that we, coordinators were the perfect human beings. They were mistaken, we aren't perfect. In fact, our existence is a mistake. Our existence is what led to everything. We were being created to fight until we die. Our whole existence in life was to fight and only to fight. It didn't matter how many lives we took or how horrible our crimes were. Our memories were erased frequently so that we wouldn't be able to feel guilt or horror at our own actions. In the end, we would never realize our wrongdoings. I wanted to change. I wanted to atone for my past wrongdoings. That's the main reason I remained with Celestial Being. I knew that if I joined you and we found our paradise that we would be doing the same thing the naturals did to us. In the end, what all of us wanted was freedom. Freedom from everything and everyone that controlled us. I wanted to gain that freedom. I didn't care if the world hates me and I chose this path. I wanted to change. I wanted to change with the power the gundam gave me. I wanted to change, together with my gundam."

4 years later, 2312


Standing infront of a grave, Tieria's red eyes looked down at the tombstone as the last memories of Lockon Stratos flashed in his head.

"Lockon…. Stratos,"

In the distance, hidden by the trees, stood a brown-haired man wearing black suit, his green eyes narrowed at the sight of the mysterious man standing before his family's grave.

HRL Prison

Inside one of the many prison rooms, sat an olive-green haired man tied down to a chair with a face mask covering the lower portion of his face. Beneath his silver and gold eyes were dark circles implying that the man barely got any sleep as fatigue started to overwhelm him.


Ptolemaios II

Putting on the customized Celestial Being uniform, Tieria put on his dark purple jacket before he walked out of his room into the cold corridors of the Celestial Being mothership. When the door to the briefing room opened, a pink haired teen with blue- green eyes, a teenager with curly brown hair tied up into pigtails and amyest eyes, and a man with black hair and brown eyes with a scar on his face turned and greeted him. Tieria walked forward and offered a small smile at the three member of Celestial Being before him.


The desert wind swept violently throughout the land as a young man sat on top of his jeep. A pair of goggles covered his eyes while a red scarf covered his nose and mouth as his black hair was swept everywhere by the wind. The man's eyes focused on the destroyed country before him as memories of a young boy being saved by a mysterious mobile suits flashed in his head. When he raised his hand to pull off the goggles, a silver ring with a ruby star in the center flashed on his left hand as he pulled off the goggles and scarf away from his face, the man's crimson eyes stared up at the sky.


Men surrounded the table before that had a map laid out. At the head of the table stood a man with brown hair and blue eyes. His red coat distinguished him from the other who were dressed appropriately for the desert weather. The door of the room opened as a young woman with dark brown hair with pink highlights that fell to her lower back walked into room. Behind her, a little boy with black hair and blue eyes followed and his eyes widened at the sight of all the men before he grabbed onto the woman's leg. Smiling, the woman reached down and patted the young boy's head and the men in the room saw a glimpse of a silver ring on the woman's left ring finger. When she stood back up, the woman's violet-blue eyes were filled with determination before she looked over at Klaus.

Lagrange 1

"I'm sorry you had to come all the way here Mistress," apologized Ian as Wang Lieu Mei and Hong Long walked into the room.

"What's the situation?" asked the Chinese woman.

"We've already rolled out two of the units, we're running trials on them as we speak,"

"And what about the other machines?" asked Wang Lieu Mei and Ian turned back to the windows.

"They're proceeding on schedule to be rolled out,"

"I would like to see the first generation machine, if its not too much trouble," smiled Wang Lieu Mei and Ian looked over and raised a thumbs up sign.

"Roger that," and the mechanic scrambled over to the keyboard and one of the containers out of the many in the hangar opened revealing a gundam.

"That is the 0 gundam, the first working machine to be equipped with a solar reactor," awed Wang Lieu Mei.

"We've already removed the solar reactor and installed it in the new machine, but even that wasn't a match. I really don't know if it will even work with Exia's solar reactor," stated Ian as he looked to his left at one of the other containers. Wang Lieu Mei looked over at the container and smiled.

"The machine that will change the world. The 00 Gundam,"

Mission Incomplete

Thank you again for reading. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I have enjoyed writing and planning it.

Here's a quick little thingie of the sequel I have in mind.


Four years, four years since our demise. Four years and yet the world hasn't changed. The world we strived to create, the world all of us sacrificed so much for. The world as it is now will never see peace. That's why I'm going to fight, even if the world hates me, even if the world betrays me, even if the world comes after me, I will fight. This is to atone for everything I've done. I will change, for the sake of the future.

Hehe.. like I said no promises but its a small idea that's blooming in my head.