I'm positive this story will be good if I persevere with it! I'm going to aim for at least one chapter a week! It's easier with this story coz I'm not relying on reviews, so enjoy the story!

Ages of people appearing in this Chapter:

Amy: 15

Sonic: 15

Heather (Mum): 40

I didn't want to move, I opposed the change with every fibre in my being. I was positive my 'mum' had gone over to the dark side. Didn't she love me? But I wasn't going down without a fight, or the knowledge that I didn't do anything to try and stop this.

I had put sticky notes with 'Home Sweet Home' written on them with sharpie all over our house; the kitchen, the laundry, under the couch (don't ask, 'mum' usually looks under there for spare change) and everywhere else my 'mother' usually spent her evil days.

I pestered my 'mum' constantly. To the point where she hid my mobile phone (oh I love that phone) and threatened not to tell me where it was until I shut up.

But despite my best efforts, my constant nagging, and my 'not-so-subtle' messages splayed around my favourite house, 'mum' still was fixed on moving. And if you're wondering why I've put 'mum' in inverted commas, it's because she doesn't deserve the title of my mother anymore.

My name is Amy. I'm 4'6' (average hight for a Mobian), I'm sixteen years old and I have a Mum, but no dad though. People say that having a parent die is much worse than having your parents divorce, but I have to disagree. Although the death of a parent would be so much sadder, at least your dad/mum stays a hero in your eyes.

I was eight when my dad walked out on me. And ten when he contacted us, telling me and my mum he had a new family with a new kid. He told me I should come down for Christmas, spend some time with my step-mum and new brother. I don't think I've hated anyone more in my whole life. The bitter resentment towards my father scared me, and it also scared my mum.

Every Christmas my dad would send me a card, and a picture of his new baby growing up. The picture always was of him and his new wife, supporting the little guy as he learnt to walk, his first day of school, and other big moments of his life. There was usually a little gift with it; a doll, a hair brush, some random pencil case or drawing my little bro had made for me. And each Christmas I would send my little brother a card, telling him how old he looked with his school hat on or asking him to say Merry Christmas to my step-mum, then sticky tape a bag of skittles to the envelope and a picture of his painting on my bedroom wall. I wouldn't talk to my dad.

I always wondered whether dad would walk out on them as he did with us, but he always looked so happy with them. He never smiled like that around me.

I gave up on being sad or angry with dad, and settled with forgetting him. Moving on without him.

Moving from my house, however, made no sense whatsoever.

"Muuum" I whined, hitting that pitch where it even annoyed me. "Why are we moving again?" I started clicking my teeth together, resurfacing that annoying habit that peeved off my mother so much. She twitched.

"Ames" She warns "You know I have a promotion, and the job offer is far away. We need this money…" All I hear is another pathetic excuse to leave my old town. Mum's work colleagues were giving her hell back in our old place, Dosa (made that up) because she was a single mum.

So what? Kids at my old school used to pester me about it, until I ignored them. Then the guys and girls realised I didn't give a shit, and left me alone. My friends were always cool about it, most of their parents were divorced as well, but they all remarried. I found it MUCH easier to talk to them.

But mum was impatient; she couldn't handle the constant stress of whispers and sidelong glances. She asked her boss for a transfer, but because he felt sorry for her he claimed it was a 'promotion' and relocated her to some random country bumpkin town. I was a bit of a city slicker, to say the least. now we were in graysville, which was about as sunny as it's name.

"Liar, liar…" I whispered, she ground her teeth. "Awww, come on Amy, forgive me this once. Puh-leeeaase?" She pouted and made her eyes huge in that freakishly cute way she does. I grumbled, knowing she had won the first round.

We arrived at a house five minutes later. It was like those little country houses you see in low-budget western movies complete with a little wooden porch, big tin roof, and teeny-tiny attic window. I loved it, but I didn't understand why we would need the huge field surrounding it.

Mum caught my gaze and her eyes went wide. "Wow, you don't know how big two acres is until you see it, huh?" I felt my own eyes go wide, and I snapped my head around to look at her.

"Two acres? Mum, that's, like, bigger than a football field!" I knitted my hands into my hair and let out a little shriek of delight. So I could get something out of this situation…

She looked at me with a smile and nodded, until she caught onto what I was thinking of and shook her head. "I can't afford one, Ames. I've told you this a billion times." She said crossing her arms. I stomped my foot in frustration. "Yeah, But I can! I've been saving up for one for, like, forever! Besides, you didn't say you didn't have enough money, you said we didn't have enough space." I added slyly. Mum rolled her eyes and stormed off to the boxes.

"Amy! I'm not getting you a horse!" Yup, you heard mum right. I had always wanted a pony, ever since I was six years old and a very rich family moved into the estate down the road. They had a son called Konna who owned a horse, and gave me lessons. After four years Konna's family moved away, and I had fallen in love with riding horses. Mum (and Dad for two years) were totally against horses, and I started saving for one with the blind wish of riding bareback in a long flowing dress on the beach, just like in the movies.

I wasn't giving up THAT easily, but right now I had to unload my room.

That sounded weird.

"So you're new here?" A voice said from behind her. I snapped around in shock, startled to hear somebody sneak up on me. My senses were usually so acute… Okay so that wasn't entirely true… But it was still unnatural. I barely noticed I had dropped the box I was carrying.

He was a hedgehog, a very fine hedgehog. Blue fur, cute emerald eyes, baggy pants, red polo shirt… He was gorgeous! And I thought coming here I would only find country bumpkins, or those guys with the buck teeth and Okie accents.

"Huh? Oh, Me?" Oh, smooth Ames. Yeah you, who else? He laughed, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, you. We don't get many new people here…" He trailed off. Eyes suddenly loosing contact with mine and wandering over to the box I dropped. I looked down as well, continued to blush five shades of red, and went on to cram my collection of horse plushies back into it's tiny box.

I hope he hadn't seen them.

"Nice collection you've got there…"


"Oh these? Nonononononononono, you've got it all wrong! I'm- ah- holding them for a friend!"

The guy seemed to believe me at first, but then why else would my mother be around.

"What are you talking about Ames? You've had those plushies with you since you were 5! I can remember you sitting up late at night after a scary movie, clutching that smelly pony like a vice… Mr. Twinkie was his name, I think…" I was going to kill her.

"Okay, ummmm… I think I better be going now…" The blue hottie turned and walked away, leaving me scarlet and angry.

I picked up my box, blowing the dust off a little pink pony inside. As I trudged to the door and past my mum, I sent a death look that would have any mere mortal on their knees. But my mother simply smiled, shifting the weight of the two boxes she had in her arms.

"What a nice boy Amy, he seemed very interested with Mr. Twinkie!" Her voice was caked with good humour, and I saw she wasn't out purely to humiliate me. I grumbled in frustration.

'If there aint' a pony outside my window tomorrow morning, all hell will break loose…" I said when I walked past her towards my room.

My mothers sweet laughter echoed down the halls, causing even me to smile.

I know I got a bit sloppy towards the ending, but I just wanted to submit this ASAP! Apart from the usual Sega crew that star in most of the stories, I will also have some others from Archie and STC (no Sally Acorn!)

The Sega characters are;









I MIGHT add the Chaotix

Other Sonic Sources:

Tekno the Canary

Mighty the Armadillo


OCs of mine and friends:

Charity the Cat

Seth Avia

Felix Rivvett

Adriana the Dark vixen

Eric the ESPN hedgehog.

May add more from mine and friends, but they would only be extra's ^^