This is my first fanfic and I know for a fact that this story is going to suck! So please no flame and R&R!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, but I wish I did!!!!!!

Kagome sat on the edge of her bathtub sobbing. In her right hand clutched tightly were the results she had been impatiently awaiting. Her eyes were closed tightly . She knew the chances weren't in her favor, but she never thought it might come to taking a test. Kagome knew in her heart that she was too young to care for another person with her never being in the same place for long periods of time and her lacking experience. And Inuyasha. She hadn't really thought about him yet. What was she going to tell him? All of these questions were racing through her mind now like : Does he love me or does his heart still belong to Kikyo? Would he completely shun me out of his life if he finds out about this baby? What would he say if he knew or worse what will he do? Would he even want this child? It's my entire fault I can't believe I was so naive. He doest love me he loves Kikyo!

Finally, Kagome couldn't bare it anymore. Slowly she peered down at the palm of her hand. There on the panel as plain as day were two pink lines. It amazed her so much that something so simple as two little pink lines would change her life the way she knew it forever. Nothing could be changed it wasnt like she could erase what happened between her and inuyasha and even if she had a choice in the matter she probably wouldnt change there night. It had been the best day of her life, she just wished the consequences weren't so severe as being sixteen and pregnant. She knew even before the test what it was going to say but, seeing it was a differnet story. She sat there for what felt like an eternity with tears pouring down her face, thinking of all the possible outcomes and not one seemed as if it would end the way she hope. Until finally she came to her senses and stood up and quietly headed for her room, shutting the door quietly not to disturb her mother, grandfather, or her brother Sota. Kagome tiptoed silently to her bed. She sat their a while letting all of the days events race through her head before finally collapsing on the bed from exhaustion and falling asleep. She thought that maybe when she woke up in the morning this would all have been a bad dream and she wouldn't be pregnant.... or so she hoped.

Kagome woke up the next morning in a poor mood because yesterday had been proven not to be a bad dream it was in fact real and she would have to deal with it the best she could. She walked though the house as if she were a zombie, emotionless and trying not to think about anything other than a nice hot breakfast awaiting her. It was exactly as she suspected no one was home, which sucked because she knew that meant she wasn't going to get that hot breakfast she wanted. So she decided on a bowl of cereal. In a way she was pleased that she was by herself it gave time to think things over but she was sort of upset that her mother didn't even say goodbye. Then she thought about it and her mother probably never heard her come in last night. Kagome slowly walked over to the counter, got out her bowl, the milk and cereal. She poured it and began eating, then she saw something out of the corner of her eye, it was a note that her mother had left explaining there whereabouts.

The note said that her Mother, Sota and Grandpa had gone to visit her aunt Sakura who had recently fallen ill. It said that they would be gone for two months or as long as it takes for health to return.

Meanwhile Sango, Miroku, and Shippo played in the river near kaedes village. Well Miroku wasn't exactly playing. He simply sat there admiring Sango from a far.... shocker there but, he SAID was keeping a eye on them to protect them if anything was to happen that he might need to rescue them. Well everyone was sort of going along with what miroku had said he was doing that is until Sango noticed that he was just staring at her with his mouth wide open drooling all over himself. Sango then decided that was enough and walked over to her boomerang to get it ready to whack Miroku.

"Miroku your such a perv" Sango shouted before hitting him over top of the head with her boomerang and storming off angrily.

"What Sango you should take it as a complement that I cant keep my eyes off of your flawless body" Miroku said while rubbing the newly formed knot on his head.

Sango's face turned a dark shade of red before she slapped Miroku across his face. Regardless of how perverted miroku was Sango still felt strangely attracted to him so although she always seemed angry about him staring at her. The truth was she enjoyed the attention of it. Inuyasha sat perched on a limb like normal actually keeping an eye out for danger and deep in thought. His main focus was on kagome and Kikyo. And every one knew this but what they wanted to know was whom he was going to chose.

Inuyasha began thinking quietly to himself about how he was going to choose 'Kagome is the one I want to spend my life with but Kikyo will always hold a place in my heart although she will never be the same after all she is dead. Kagome is the only one I've always been able to completely trust without a doubt and she has never wanted me to be anything other than who I am unlike Kikyo who wanted me to become a human. Kagome makes me happy and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and that fateful, passionate and lustful night just proved it. I just hope she feels the same way since I dont exactly come out and say what i mean all the time, i just kinda say the first thing that comes to mind which is normally mean. im just goin to haveto find away to show her how much she means to me'.

Sango looked up at Inuyasha smirking. She knew exactly what was on his mind it was written all over his face. she had just happened to walk in on Inuyasha and kagome in the act. lucky for her tho they didn't notice her which just made her chuckle since inuyasha hears everything... so he must have been really into it.

"What are you laughing at wench?" Inuyasha said darkly.

"Oh nothing Sango replied just wondering why you haven't gone to get Kagome yet?"

"What are you talking about I don't care how long she's gone" Inuyasha said quickly.

Inuyasha tried to hide his lie although he knew Sango seen straight through it though. Soon after Sango got out of the river and started to dressed. Her Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara all started walking back towards Kaede's village. Soon as Inuyasha was positive that they could no longer see him he took off in a dead run towards the Bone Eater's Well.