A/N: Ok...so I'm new to this little family thing....honest to God I've never posted a thing on this site....usually I just read...okay so I was re-watching season eight and low and behold I saw a little budding relationship between Billie and Phoebe, now I didn't want to be the only one right...so I looked around to see if I was the only one crazy and well what do you know I'm not the only one who thought they would make a pretty good couple.....so I wrote this...this little teaser type thing that's set after Kill Billie vol:II I've changed a few things from the canon of the show you'll know what I mean when/if I post the rest of this...so it's kind of about their connection, or re connection all things considered, and I'll also float in a few chapters devoted to their beginning....or if it strikes my fancy I'll make a whole damn story about it.

I don't own the show obviously just this story....







The fog had just rolled in then again this was San Francisco the fog always rolled in. I see you sometimes; in my minds eye, happy healthy smiling, and most importantly safe.

The last time I saw you, all I could feel was pain, immense sorrow. Emanating from such a strong will I saw you break that night and I wanted to put you back together, but you ran, your room at the manor empty, your dorm room a wasteland and the drawer you kept at my loft empty as well. It was as if you had never swept into our lives, into my life and my heart breaks with every passing night that goes by that I don't know where you are or if you're safe please, be safe.

* * *

It had started to rain, but this was winter time in London, it always rains. I think of you sometimes and how we used o be.



The last time I saw you, I had fallen apart. I chose you, all of you over my own flesh and blood and still I did not dare face you. There had been others before you of course but never like this, this was pure, this was real this was love, this IS love.

I thought about calling for Paige so many times and asking her to take me home, but I can't not after everything I've done, so I keep running, a few weeks here another few weeks there. I can see the look of disappointment and disgust on your face if you were to ever learn of what I do to support myself.

You're with your family now and I'm not there to get in the way of your destiny any longer, I just wish that you'd be safe, please…be safe.





....so that's the intro...we've met our protagonists...


and as always....to my eternal muse