Aoyagi funerals

Location: nearby funeral home

Date: July 29

Time: 1:17 PM

Ritsuka stood beside Soubi at the funeral home, his expression apathetic. They were booth dressed in black in the tradition of respect for the dead.

"Thank you for coming with me," Ritsuka told Soubi, glancing up at him.

He nodded. "Are you okay?"

"I will be," Ritsuka said, giving him the slightest of smiles.

He barely knew anybody there. There were family members who were obvious about the fact that they hated him. They seemed to despise him even more now that he had Soubi with him. Some of his mother's friends from before she went crazy were there. Most were actually friends and workers of his father's. Not all of them were lawyers, some were Fighters or Sacrifices. Some of them recognized Ritsuka, but all of them recognized Soubi.

Ritsuka was now beginning to get pissed at one of his aunts was drunk and talking very loudly, all the while pointing at the pair.

"I'll bet he's a pedophile and Misaki's son is his bitch. I always knew he'd turn out that way. All kids are annoying bitches. What's worse is that he's gay." That sent Ritsuka over the edge. He opened his mouth to say something, but Soubi put his hand on his shoulder.

"Leave it," He murmured in his ear from behind him.

"Why can't people just shut up?" He asked, keeping his eyes forward.

"If they want something to talk about or stare at," Ritsuka shivered as Soubi's voice grew lower and closer. "Then we'll give them something they can stare and talk about." They were suddenly kissing. It was passionate and Ritsuka soon slipped into it by closing his eyes and putting his arms around his lover's neck. His relatives grew silent and he could imagine them staring at him. It gave him a sense of satisfaction.

They split apart when Soubi's phone rang. "I'm sorry," He said.

"Turn off your phone," Ritsuka told him.

"I'll ignore it-" He cut himself off as he looked at the caller ID. "It's Soichiro."

"What?" Ritsuka was shocked. The task force had kept them posted but nothing had happened in awhile and it was usually Matsuda who called. "Why is he calling?"

Soubi walked away for a few minutes to answer the call. Ritsuka waited, defiantly meeting the stares from those around him.

"I need to talk to you, Ritsuka," Soubi said, pulling him outside the funeral home. "L died today. That's why Soichiro called."

"What?! How?! Why?!" Ritsuka had a million questions at once.

"Simple; Kira killed him."

Five years later

Location: Aoyagi household

Date: December 27

Time: 8:30 AM

Soubi gently nudged the now seventeen year-old Ritsuka awake. He had taken his ears the night before, feeling that he was ready for it. They had been living in Ritsuka's old house for five years now. The two shared a room upstairs and the Zero boys slept downstairs.

Ritsuka's head poked out of the covers, his hair a ruffled black mess. A blush spread across his face and he smiled warmly. Soubi was happy to return that smile.

"Good morning, Ritsuka," He leaned over and kissed him lightly.

"Stop that," Ritsuka told him playfully. "It's too early in the morning for that."

"I suppose you're right. God, you look so cute without your ears."

Once again, they were interrupted by the ringing of Soubi's cell phone. Ritsuka sighed and rest his head on his chest as he picked up the phone.

The person on the other end did most of the talking. Soubi barely said a word but his expression turned serious.

"Well, you'll never guess what happened," He told him, pulling him closer on him so that Ritsuka's entire upper was positioned on Soubi's chest.


"That was Matsuda," Soubi began, resting his hands on Ritsuka's back. "Soichiro's dead for one thing. Light just died, too. It turns out that he was Kira all along."

"Really?" Ritsuka asked, not really shocked but not expecting the news. "I guess we can all live in peace now. I love you."

"I love you, too," Ritsuka."


*sob* this is really the end, isn't it? Awww I loved writing this so much. I had so much damn fun! And all my reviews were so awesome!

Well, I promised you guys a playlist so here it is:

Relationship between Seimei & Ritsuka- Dearly Beloved (Bad religion)

Chapter six- Come on Get Higher (Matt Nathanson)

Chapter eleven- Broken (Bad religion)

Relationship between Ritsu & Soubi- Never Again (Nickelback)

Relationship between Soubi & Ritsuka- She Will Be Loved (Maroon 5)

Seimei- Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (Green Day)

Inner conflict Ritsuka has- 21 Guns (Green day)

Chapter six- Far away (Nickelback)

Relationship Ritsuka has with his mother- Numb (Linken Park)

Fight in chapter 10- Thanks for the memories (Fall Out Boy)

Relationship between Ritsu & Soubi- Call Me When You're Sober (Evanescence)

Relationship Between Seimei and Ritsuka- Whispers in the Dark (Skillet)

I know some of these songs are a bit strange but if you really listen to the lyrics of the songs like She Will be Loved and Call Me When You're Sober you'll see why I picked those songs. As for Seimei he just deserves his own song. Dearly Beloved is one of my favorite songs on here. Go listen to it if you haven't.

*sobs some more* alright well I have to say goodbye before I really break out in tears. I'm pretty close right now D: . Stay tuned for my other fanfics

I love you all so much!,
