Erin Scott was sat at her school desk, a stack of building bricks arranged perfectly in front of her.

'Happy Birthday Erin' A young girl handed the six year old a neatly wrapped parcel that her mother had instructed her to give to her classmate.

The little girl eyed the present through her wild blonde hair.

She didn't like the red shiny paper. She didn't like red.

Butterflies flapped relentlessly in her small stomach.

'Aren't you going to open it?' Another child chirped, a small crowd of girls had now formed around her.

She didn't like people near her.

'Open it, open it!'

She bit her lip.

'Open it, open it Erin!'

Her small legs tried to kick back the chair, she tried to get up but the gathering around her prevented her from going anywhere.

She couldn't help it. They were closing in on her. She was trapped.

She closed her eyes tightly.

Her little hand blindly reached out, fumbling across the table and closing around a green brick.

Seconds later all five children were screaming.

Amie Stevens was sobbing, her nose bleeding where the wooden cube had collided.

Erin covered her eyes with her hands. She could hear the teacher approaching.

Brooke Davis' high heels sounded against the floor as she walked down the schools corridor, three blue and pink helium birthday balloons in her hand. She peered through the glass window of the door, her smile faltering. Most of the children had vacated the classroom, running outside to greet their parents. Erin Scott was sat on a bean bag her jacket and back pack on. Brooke immediately knew she'd been crying. She sighed, today was meant to be a good day.

She walked through the door.

'Miss Davis'

Miss Jennings was a young teacher. She had the right combination of fun and discipline. She was sweet yet fair and above all passionate about her job.

Brooke knew all of that, and she had great admiration for the twenty something but her love for Erin Scott made her overly defensive when it came to the teacher.

'Miss Jenning' She smiled sweetly.

'How are you?'

'Good thank you. Is everything ok?'

'Actually I need to have a word'

Brooke stiffened, she sent Erin a reassuring smile before edging toward the corner of the room.

'It's her birthday, I don't mean to be rude but I want to make it special'

'I know, I'm aware, I'll try and make this quick. Amie Stevens had to go home early today because Erin threw a play brick at her and gave her a bad nose bleed'

'Oh god, is she ok?' The brunette frowned.

'She'll be just fine, but this is the forth time this month Erin has hurt one of her class mates, as you can imagine this puts me in a difficult position'

'I'm sure she had a reason, I'll talk to her, it won't happen again'

'Miss Davis you assured me nothing would happen again last time. I completely understand that this is hard for you, but I think we should start discussing Erin having special one on one teaching'

'I really don't think that's necessary, it's important for her to be around kids of her own age'

'I have to put the other children's safety first'

Brooke brushed her hair behind her ear.

'Please, there's nothing wrong with her. She's a clever little girl-'

'This isn't about her mental ability-'

'Then why are you doing this?' She snapped impatiently. 'She's been through so much. This is the only place she can be normal'

'Miss Davis I know you desperately want to believe she's like the other children but she's not. That's not a bad thing, but I think it would be best for her and the other kids if she was tutored on her own, she needs special attention'

'Just because she doesn't speak doesn't mean she's stupid'

'She's far from stupid, she's the smartest child in her year group, but she's socially reclined'

'You know it isn't her fault. She's getting better. How do you ever expect her to have a chance if you isolate her. For god sake, kids do stuff like this all the time, you're just targeting her' Brooke hissed, she wouldn't listen to reason. 'You know I could have you fired' She revealed harshly. 'I'm Brooke Davis-'

'I'm well aware of who you are Miss Davis and I don't appreciate you black mailing me-'

'I'm not' Brooke pinched the bridge of nose and exhaled an aggravated breath. 'I'm sorry. Please, Just, just give her one more chance'

Miss Jennings looked over toward the anxious child. She was only trying to do what was best, she was fond of Erin and like, what seemed to be the rest of the world, she was completely aware of the child's background. She was trying to be sensitive but there comes a time when you've got to take action- especially if she was harming other students.

'She was so talkative' Brooke's eyes went glassy. 'And then...'

The kindergarten teacher instinctively touched her arm. 'I'm sorry. I, I know. I'm sorry' She sighed. 'I can't even imagine how hard this is for you. I'll, I'll see what I can do. But if we have anymore complaints from the parents I really won't have a choice'

'I understand' Brooke said appreciatively. 'Thank you'

Miss Jenning's nodded, watching as the famous designer made her way over to the young girl.

'Hey pretty birthday girl. Are you ok?' Brooke held her hand out. Erin gingerly placed her smaller palm in the larger one. 'Come on kido' Brooke loosely tied the balloons around her wrist. 'You like them?'

Erin nodded.

'Good. Now what do you say we go to your Aunt Haley's, for birthday tea with your cousins?'

The six year old scowled, an expression that she'd perfected long ago, an expression that was identical to that of her Mother's, an expression that always made Brooke's throat constrict.

'No?' Brooke cringed, she knew why and she'd been hoping her birthday would be enough to distract her from what today was. Erin's great big green eyes stared up at her pleadingly. 'Really? Ok' She sighed. 'It's your birthday, whatever you want'

The prison's visitor's room was far from pretty. The dull grey walls and battered, plastic chairs and tables only accentuated the bleak situation. Lucas forced a wide smile as the door opened, trying his uptmost to make it seem like he was in the happiest of places.

Erin immediately let go of her god mother's hand and catapulted across the small room.

'Hey baby' He wrapped his strong arms around her little form lifting her off the ground. He didn't know what was harder, not seeing her or these one hour visitations that only left him wanting more, reinforcing everything he was missing out on.

He looked at Brooke, offering her a small nod as he sat down on a chair. Things between the two were strained and had been for a long time now but his daughter was in her care and even if she despised him, he was thankful that she was giving Erin all her love.

He cupped her small face, smiling brightly. 'Happy Birthday sweetheart' He kissed her forehead. 'Have you had a good day?'

She shrugged a shoulder and he pulled her back against his chest, running his hands through her golden hair. She deserved to be happy and god, it broke his heart to see her this way.

Like always he spent the remainder of the time telling her stories, making her promises that they'd be together again soon (while intently ignoring Brooke's disapproving stare). She'd trace his face with her little forefinger and he'd memorise every little expression she'd make. He'd try not to see his wife's eye's staring back at him, he'd try not to see her perfect lips but later that would be all he could focus on, because despite every ones efforts, there was no denying that Erin Penelope Scott was a carbon copy of her mother.

Eventually the gaurd would interupt and their time would be up and it never got easier, Lucas was positive that it would always feel like someone was cutting off one of his limbs as he said his goodbyes to his little girl.

'Come on honey, you'll see Daddy again soon' Brooke coaxed the best she could. She wanted to just stop these visits full stop. She always came away thinking they did more harm than good. Erin would be just starting to adjust to a healthy routine and then she'd come here and Brooke felt like she had to start completely over with helping the little girl settle back in. When she'd told Lucas that four weeks ago, it had not ended well. He'd told her she had no right to stop bringing her and she'd just shouted back that she had every right. And she did. As Erin Scott's legal guardian she had every right but she couldn't find it within her heart to be the bad guy, even if at the end of the day, she was certain it would be the best for her god daughter.

Erin refused to let go of Lucas' orange jumpsuit, her small fists grappling at the material. She never wanted to let go and it was no surprise when the tears ensued.

'I'll see you again soon baby' Lucas promised, kissing her head a dozen more times before reluctantly unravelling her hands and allowing Brooke to Drag her flailing body out of the visitors room. It was done quickly, and even though he had to hear her heart wrenching sobs echo down the corridor, he would forever be thankful for that noise. She'd not spoken for twenty four months and any noise that escaped those perfect little lips made him sway with hope, hope that she'd be ok, that she'd start speaking, that he'd get out of here and be able to be the father she needed, for them to live their life again, together.