Captcha prompt: wastrels matzoh-balls

Rorschach's Journal
April 11, 1979

Shouldn't be surprised by how low even good men can sink, but couldn't help be disappointed when I saw Dreiberg stop for the whore when she called out to him. Only heard a few words of her offer from my vantage point, but didn't matter. Expected better of him than to walk over and speak to her. He kept his voice low, still had the decency to be ashamed. Girl looked surprised, then uncertain. His tastes too filthy for even her? Felt a little sick for both their sakes when she nodded and they started down the sidewalk together.

He didn't take her to his house, which is something. Followed them, not out of curiousity, but some resigned need to bear witness to his Fall. Would it shame him back to a higher path to be caught with that grim little creature? Especially if it was me? Was it worth it to even make that attempt when he had already sunk lower than I had ever imagined he would?

He led the way into a deli. Have seen him go there a few times, but he's as wishy-washy with faith as he is with anything that requires resolve. He doesn't disappear into the bathroom with her. They make no move to duck into the alley to the right of the door. When they reappear, she's carrying Styrofoam containers of matzo-balls, laughing at him, but her jacket is zipped all the way now. He hands her some plastic-wrapped utensils.

"What?" he asked, sounding too cheerful. "$20 was spent, balls will be sucked. All requirements have been met! It was your own idea," he added mock-severely when she burst out laughing. Felt a little ill again, but no time to dwell on it.

"That's the dirtiest thing a nice guy ever said to me," she said. She thanked him. They went separate ways. Sick feeling went away, but kept following him. Still has a grip on his morals. Proved it today. No sense of propriety where money is concerned though. No reason to waste that much money on one meal for a stranger. Not his money though. Father made it. Maybe if he had earned it himself, he wouldn't be so frivolous. I shouldn't waste so much time on him, either. Other work to be done. Still, felt better about it as I started over the bridge.