A/N: Well, this is the epilogue. I don't really like how it came out, but I couldn't think of any other way to do this.

"Rose, are you sure you want to do this?"

I smiled. My boyfriend of five years, Scorpius Malfoy, looked so nervous that he looked like he was about to pee his pants. Well, I can't say that his fear wasn't justified. My father did overreact sometimes…most times…all the time. I patted his arm reassuringly. I don't think it helped. I inwardly prayed that my father's reaction to this wouldn't be as bad as when I'd told him Scorpius and I were dating.

"Don't worry. I'll be the one to tell him, he'll be outside with no heavy things to throw, and Al, James, Louis, and Teddy are going to form a wall in front of you as soon as the words come out."

He nodded, jaw set. I grasped his hand, and spun on the spot, leaving the apartment that Scorpius and I shared in a blur of colors. With a loud crack, we landed to the entrance to my grandparent's home, the Burrow.

Holding hands, we walked into the Burrow's yard. My family was lazing around, some playing Quidditch, while the elders chit chatted. I found my parents soon enough. My mother was beaming at us (I had told her and everyone else the news last night), and my father was glaring at our intertwined hands and cracking his knuckles menacingly. I heard Scorpius gulp next to me. Tightening my grip, I dragged my boyfriend to greet Ron and Hermione.

"Hi Mum, hi Dad," I said cheerfully, trying to mask my apprehension. Everyone in the vicinity turned their eyes to the four of us. My cousins surreptitiously moved in closer, should my father decide to get violent too quickly.

"Hi sweetie!" My mother kissed both of our cheeks. My father just grunted. He was never good with words anyway.

After some idle chit chat, I sucked in a breath, preparing myself. "I have some news to tell you two."

My mom's eyes sparkled knowingly. My father's eyes started to dart from myself to the blonde next to me suspiciously.

I mentally cringed before blurting out, "ScorpiusandIareengaged!"

My dad's eyes narrowed to slits. "Say that again sweetheart?"

"Scorpius and I are engaged." To prove it, I held out my left hand to him. A gold ring, with a large emerald stone rested on my ring finger. It was a Malfoy family heirloom.

Ron stared in shock for a moment. My fiancé let go of his vice grip on my hand and slowly back away, my cousins blocking him from my dad's line of vision. We waited, and he didn't disappoint.

"YOU ARE MARRYING MY ONLY DAUGHTER YOU BASTARD?! I'LL KILL YOU! NO, I'LL RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!" Ron rummaged in his pocket for his wand, but his wife had stolen it while he had been in shock. So, he opted for chasing after Scorpius who was retreating faster and faster each second.

My father pursued his target for about a straight half hour until his legs finally gave out under him (Thank God Scorpius. Drinking the water Uncle Harry had provided for him, he glared at Scorpius and said, "Fine. I guess I'll just have to accept this. BUT, if I EVER hear the words pregnant come out of her mouth, I will personally kill you, WITHOUT MAGIC!"

From behind me, I head Uncle Harry say to my mum, "I think he took it rather well."

My mum replied, "Yes, knowing Ron, it could have been much worse."

"Remember when I told him Ginny and I were getting married?"

I sighed. The worst of it was over. Scorpius came back over to join my side. I could see the relief plainly on his, my mum's and my family's faces. Aunt Ginny raced up to me, with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"Well! We just HAVE to start planning the wedding!" She started to jabber away about little details that I really didn't care about. I just nodded dumbly, like a robot, knowing that I would regret it later when I had no idea to what I agreed to.

The rest of the evening progressed with countless people congratulating us. I was growing weary of smiling stupidly and saying "Thank you".

My fiancé must have sensed my tiredness because he bade everyone goodnight and dragged me to the exit of the Burrow.

I leaned against him, murmuring, "Thanks for the save."

He chuckled. "Let's go home."

A/N: Yeah, I know it's short, sorry 'bout that. I just really wanted to get Ron's fatherly reaction.