I started thinking about this scenario after I saw the new promo pictures of Brooke and Julian on the beach for season 7. What if Julian was one of the boys Brooke met while she was in California for the summer before she got back together with Lucas? Some aspects of the time jump will remain the same: Brooke's successful with COB and living in New York and Millie is her assistant, but she hasn't gone back to Tree Hill, at least not yet.

Just a Summer Fling

"Brooke, there's a Julian Baker here to see you."

Who? Who the hell is Julian Baker?! Brooke thought as she briefly glanced up at Millicent, her assistant. Only 25 years old and Brooke Davis was the founder and designer behind Clothes Over Bros., one of the top fashion houses in the world. She met hundreds of people everyday so it wasn't unusual for a name to not register. She normally enjoyed the social interactions that were part of her job, but today she had a deadline.

"Does he have an appointment?" Brooke asked without looking back up at Millie, she had already returned her now divided attention to the sketch that was in progress.

Millie was flustered as usual and paused before she reluctantly said a quiet "no."

"Was I expecting a Julian Baker today?" Brooke asked with a hint of impatience. She could never be mad a Millie, but her insecurities could be infuriating and seriously, she knows theses sketches had to be delivered to Kate Winslet's people today or she'd go with that bitch at Versace for the Oscars.

Once again, however, Millie was quiet. It seemed she was oddly reluctant to deny this particular man a meeting with her boss, Brooke Davis. She stuttered and looked out the doorway towards the mystery man, almost looking for strength. Unfortunately, he did not hear her telepathic pleas for support as he continued to flip through the latest edition of B. Davis magazine, oblivious his trip was about to be in vain. Defeated, Millie sighed a second "no."

Brooked looked at Millie and really observed her for the first time since she disturbed her a few moments ago. Flushed cheeks, fidgeting hands, darting eyes, sweat on the forehead… it all means one thing. Whoever this Julian Baker was – he was hot, and Brooke was immediately interested. She grinned and walked towards the door hoping to catch a glimpse of the man that had such an affect on her assistant. Brooke couldn't help but be slightly skeptical about the relative hotness of mystery boy though. Millicent had an interesting taste in men. The last man who caused this type of flustered reaction in Millie turned out to be none other than Brooke's high school, very platonic, friend Mouth.

"Kate can wait!" Brooke declared with confidence and a tinge of excitement as she ogled the man waiting to see her. She began to silently assess Julian's features from across the waiting area outside her personal studio/office at her company's headquarters. Slightly curly short brown hair, nice cheekbones, strong jaw, adorable chin, and I love me some stubble, but oh my… that grin. An immediate wave of uneasiness and familiarity swept across Brooke, she looked at the unforgettable grin that sent a tremor of lust throughout her body. It was a grin that could launch a thousand ships and score ten thousand women, but it was more than a primal attraction for Brooke. She knew that grin, and not from a magazine, but she had met him before, kissed those lips before, but she couldn't remember when, how, or where.

Suddenly alarmed she whispered to Millie, "Where was I last night?" only half joking because she instinctively knew he wasn't a recent conquest. Besides her only recent conquest in the past couple of months had been herself. Brooke also knew that he wasn't a recent acquaintance, but almost like an archetype she had never realized she had always known. Millie rattled off Brooke's schedule, but her voice was muffled as Brooke's heartbeat was louder and louder, pounding in her ears.

Julian felt the hairs on the back of his neck tingle with anticipation. He could feel someone watching him and he could only hope it was the woman he came to see, Brooke Davis. Knowing he had a captive audience, Julian slowly closed the magazine and lifted his gaze to meet eyes he knew were hazel indoors, but would be a fiery green in sunlight. She was watching him and he could tell by the way her hand was unconsciously rubbing down her neck that she was aroused. Pleased he still had an effect on her, Julian's lips turned into a confident and satisfied grin which grew wider when he saw her bite her lip.

Julian was on his feet and striding towards her from across the lobby with the assured air of a man who was accustomed to success in every facet of life. Quickly reaching her, Julian smiled at her and wrapped his toned arms around her waist for a friendly, if seductively promising, hug. He laughed as he gave her a slight squeeze and slowly rocked her from side to side against his body. He enjoyed the small shiver that she couldn't control as the motion caused her breasts to rub against his chest and their hips to meet.

"Brooke Freaking Davis!"

She nervously laughed "That's me! Julian Freaking Baker" she attempted to cover her memory lapse by mirroring his words towards her. He frowned slightly as he looked down at her, examining her face. His frown deepened as he continued to look at her. It was painfully obvious she didn't have the faintest idea who he was. There was absolutely no recognition on her even more beautiful features.

Julian sighed and released her, rubbing a hand over his face. Once she was out of his embrace, Brooke couldn't help but to miss the feel of his arms and his musky scent. "Shit, I'm sorry Brooke. I shouldn't have expected you to remember me after all this time."

Julian turned his back towards her mentally berating himself for his miscalculated confidence in his previous impression on her. His skin tingled as he felt a small hand touch his back and another grasp his bicep. Julian grinned at her touch and was instantly flooded with memories of their only encounter nearly ten years before.

Facing Brooke's guilty hazel eyes, Julian furrowed his brow. "I thought I was special… that I meant something to you." His voice rose in an exaggerated tone, and he could barely finish the sentence without laughing. He shrugged off her touch and took a step away from her.

His halted speech sounded like anguish to Brooke and she was mortified. She knew she knew him from somewhere and obviously it was something "special" but she had no recollection of the specifics. More importantly, she needed to calm him down before he caused a scene in front of her employees. Shit! Damn my stupid memory! I'm totally going to hire a memory coach or just pay someone to follow me around 24/7 to whisper in my ear how the hell I know someone to avoid humiliating shit like this!

That last thought gave Brooke reason to pause. She stepped closer to him and suspiciously looked up at his face and touched his back. His hand was concealing his eyes and mouth, but she could feel the heaving of his back. Is he crying? Brooke couldn't decide if she felt guilty or pity or disgust for the man who was clearly upset from her inability to remember their past. She gave him a gentle pat on the back and wrapped her arm around his waist. She hugged him with encouragement and looked up at his face to see if there was any change.

Julian could no longer contain the laughter and threw his head back. Brooke was shocked and retreated from him further into her office. Julian turned to look at her with tears in his eyes with his amusement at her reaction. But now, Brooke was not pleased, she was pissed. Brooke placed her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. She didn't know where Julian came from, but she knew exactly where he could go…

Sensing his impending doom, Julian held his hands up in surrender and grinned at Brooke. "I'm sorry," but he wasn't helping his case with his voice bearing the fading trace of his earlier laughter. "Ahem… I'm sorry Brooke. Just, when you didn't remember me, I thought I'd tease you a little."

Brooke barely softened her threatening posture, but merely lifted an eyebrow. "Well, how do you know me Julian Baker?" Her voice had the coolness and hardness of ice.

"Excellent question Brooke. However, I'm not at liberty to discuss the details of our past knowledge of one another at the present time." Brooke rolled her eyes at his sudden attempt at being coy and sat back at her drafting table.

"Look Jillian, Jude, whatever," she waved her hand dismissively as she intentionally said the wrong names. "I lost interest in whatever past we may have shared, ohhhhh, while we were experiencing it, obviously, and I lost interest in whatever present we may have had the moment you opened your mouth." Brooke nodded to the door "If you ever lose your tongue and are mute I might find a use for you." Brooke made a pointed and obvious show of looking him up and down his body. "Thanks for the crash and burn down memory lane. Millie will see you out."

Julian laughed again and sat down on the plush sofa across from Brooke's drafting table. He was obviously enjoying her frustration and attempts to dismiss him. "Oh Brookie… I'm not that easily discarded. Besides, I think you'd miss my tongue. You certainly enjoyed it before." His eyes darkened as he leaned forward and licked his lips for emphasis.

Brooke blushed from his brazen reference to his memory of their apparent familiarity with one another and wished she could place him. She muttered, "pervert" under her breath then suddenly she did remember something. She stood abruptly, pushing herself away from her desk. She started looking around laughing, and walked up to Julian with a large smile.

Damn, I forgot those dimples. How could anyone forget those dimples? Julian thought. He was momentarily distracted by the brilliance of her smile, he didn't question her now jovial mood. Brooke quickly hugged him and then stepped away looking over her shoulder. "Where is he?!"

What the?? Julian was seriously confused and looked down at her shaking his head. "Where is he?" he repeated back to her slowly and deliberately. What the hell is she talking about? Who is he?!

"Yeah! Come on… where is he?" Brooke repeated her question almost shaking with her excitement.

She was looking up at him with so much expectation and excitement, he didn't know what to say because quite frankly he didn't want to disappoint her. Seconds passed and he stayed silent hoping for a clue or a rescue. She gently nudged him and nodded her head, he decided he had to be brave and ask the inevitable, "He who?"

Brooke began to frown as she looked around and trotted over to her office door. She opened the door peering outside. Not seeing whatever or whoever she was looking for, Brooke hastily shut the door and returned to face him. "Where is Ashton?"

Ashton? Who the fuck is Ashton? Julian shuck his head in annoyance and utter confusion. And then… wait a minute. Is she talking about Ashton Kutcher? "Assssshtonnnnn???" Julian drawled out the name waiting for her to provide his last name for the last piece of the puzzle.

"Ashton Kutcher. I know this is just a punk." She laughed and said it with such absolute conviction, he wished that it was the case.

"Brooke… I don't know how to tell you this, but, well, it's just, the thing is, there is no Ashton Kutcher, this isn't Punk'd." The more he talked, the more she blushed in embarrassment and anger. Her lips disappeared in a grimace that was more adorable than menacing and slapped his arm and chest repeatedly. He grabbed her wrist, but he couldn't help but add, "I mean come on, he hasn't done that show in like five years."

"Well, if there is no Ashton Kutcher and no sneaky camera crew, then who the hell are you?!" Brooke's voice rose to a shout.

Julian couldn't help but to steal a glance at her heaving chest. This was not how he intended to see Brooke again. He had fantasized about this moment for years. He hadn't been surprised when he saw the success she made with Clothes Over Bros. or her popularity with the paparazzi and male celebrities. He had hoped she would've remembered him, like he had remembered her all those years. Now that he was in New York for a few months, he knew he had to find her and see her again.

"Brooke Davis. You obviously made a bigger impression on me than I did on you. I'll be back at 8 to take you to dinner. If you're curious to see just how we know each other be here and come with me." He suddenly realized he could sound like a major stalker or worse and quickly added "You can totally bring Millie or someone along. Besides your memory may come back and we'll need a chaperone to keep us behaved." He gave her a small grin and walked towards the door.

"8 o'clock, Brooke Davis. Don't be late." And with that, Julian Baker was out of the door but the only thing on Brooke's mind. After thirty minutes of blankly looking at her barely started sketch, Brooke threw her pencil down in frustration. "Millie! Call and congratulate Versace. You and I have a date. Time to get ready."