Okay, this one was a little random. Thanks to Solier Heart for being my beta reader. Hope you enjoy this and please review!

He hated Barbies.

His sister played with them all the time when they were kids. His dad made him play Barbies with his sister if she played football with him. Needless to say, he didn't have his sister play with him very often.

As he got older, his hate for them intensified. When he bought toys for his nieces, he always bought My Little Pony, Cabbage Patch Dolls, anything but a Barbie. So, when his little girl came along, he vowed he would never play nor buy Barbies for her. His little girl was now 7 and he played Barbies with her every night. It was all his wife's fault. She bought every one of those stupid dolls for their daughter. He preferred playing My Little Pony, but, his little girl wanted to play Barbies.

Even worse, he started dreaming about them, that he was Ken and he rode in the Barbie Mustang with Barbie to a lake. Curiously, she resembled his wife quite a bit. They would get to the lake and the rest of the dream would be a bit blurry. Always in the end, they would melt from a mysterious heat source, causing the plastic dolls to melt. He never understood it.

So, when at work, they got toned out to a fire, he didn't think twice about it; until they pulled up to the building. It was a Barbie Factory.

It figures. I hate the damn things and here we have a fire at a Barbie factory. God, this is going to be a long day!

He and Johnny had to go in and check to see if anyone was still in the building. His paranoia was at an all time high; they were everywhere! They were stacked from floor to ceiling, in every sort of shape and size.

To him it felt like they were staring at him, staring him down. Thankfully, there was no one in the building and they could get the hell out of there. He was so glad to exit the building.

"Hey Pally, you okay? It seemed like you were eager to get out of there," Johnny asked him, concerned. Johnny didn't know about his hating of the dolls; no one ever really understood, not even himself why he hated the dolls.

"Junior, I really hate Barbies and let's keep it at that."

"Oh, hmm, okay. That's weird. I mean, I hate..." Johnny began on one of his long-winded speeches.

Nope, doesn't understand.