OMG im so sorry I've had this chapter written for at least 2 months on my phone XD so I hope you like! and i'm pretty sure it'll help anyone whos confused =D

Fangs POV

After 3 long minutes i finally saw Gazzy and Iggy come out and well Gazzy looked confused but Iggy was just completely pissed

"So how was it" I heard Nudge mumble.

"Oh i dont know depends with ella of frell it went horrible and Max wasnt even there apparently" Said Iggy Sarcasticly

Gazzy then with a much controlled voice uttered " She doesn't remember us heck she didnt even know who she was" By the end he was holding in tears, Angel went up to him and gave him a hug

"It will be okay Gazzy, she just amnesia" Said Angel

"She has what?" I Asked.

"Amnesia, its a brain disease and the person , in this case Max forgets everything before the amnesia its called Retrograde Amnesia , Max's is kinda wacky cause she remembers a couple of stuff like my name but

i dont think she remembers she has wings its kinda like her being a baby she doesn't know barely anything" said Angel

"So in other words she doesnt remember about The School, Erasers, Ari, how jeb betrayed her & us, how to fly and fight , how to stay alive, that she can breath underwater & she has super speed non of that?" Said Iggy still confused

"Yeah pretty much" Said Angel

"But she does know how to talk" Leave it to nudge to notice something like that" How come?".

"Well i said she forgot most stuff but not the basics like eating and walking and flying isnt really a basic" Replied Angel

So i wonder if she remembers that i'm her boyfriend, i wonder if she even remembers she loves me? wait

"So thats why you want to leaver her angel?" I said putting two and two together" you wanna remember the tough Max who was mostly smarter than you"

"No, i just dont want her to remember everything of her hell-ish life shes forgotten everything that's ever pained her she can be happy now, even if happy means without us" Angel let a tear escape when she at the end

"That doesnt make sense"said Nudge " She still has wings and superpowers how can she just ignore those? Not to mention the voice"

"The School gave them to her, they can take them back if anything" Said Angel, though not convinced

"but then she'll still have to go back to hell on earth she might remember" Replied Gazzy

"Maybe Jeb can help so shes sleeping the whole time? we can tell her she superglued them on Halloween one day" She replied looking at me for help, although why i should help her i dont know but i might as well since it looks like im the new leader

"Lets give her a 2 months if she remembers about the school she can stay but if not then well leave her to Dr.M who is her birth mother" I Finally said after 7 agonizing minutes and everyone just nodded

Then a doctor came to us and showed us that Max would be able to leave the hospital in 2 days if she got enough rest

This is going to be a long 2 months,

So what do you think? i have no idea were this story is going so i'm extremely excited!!!Oh and the amnesia thing is actually real like there many types of amnesia like 7 to be exact!