They were one, they were whole. There was no Len, no Rin, no "he," no "her," there was only the one. They were complete, and it felt good, it felt right, being one. In their mind, their whole mind, both their minds that were now one, they heard themselves singing, two voices, gradually merging into one, both impossible to distinguish from the other. It was right, the singular voice. The voice, their voice, was right. It was them, them as one, they were one. Their soul was complete, they weren't two half souls anymore, they were one, as they should be. Their memories were known by all of the soul; there was nothing that one half had once known that was not now known by the other half. They relished in their completeness, thrived in it, because it was right.

But it wasn't was it? One was a terribly lonely number, so lonely, always alone. As the two halves were before they found companionship with each other, they had a friend; they were not lonely anymore, there was someone. Even so they were one; as such they would be happy with their memory of the time spent as two halves while they were one.

But that wouldn't be true, would it? Even with happy memories, they would long for more; happiness was not found in loneliness, only sadness and solitude. They had been happy with their friendship, their companionship that they had had.

They had not been alone, they had been happy when they had been two. Now as one they were alone, the happiness of being complete was fading, leaving a hollow well. They did not want the feeling of happiness and belonging to fade. The memories of happy times with two families made themselves known.

They would leave them, wouldn't they? No matter which halves family they chose to be with, the other would miss their half terribly, as they would miss that family. Would either even accept the whole self now? It would hurt horribly to never see either family again, to never see both again.

They didn't want to be lonely, they didn't want to be sad, and they didn't want to be hurt. Soon they knew, they would have to choose a body to live in, choose one of their halves bodies, or both would die and they would pass on. They did not want that.

So they came up with a solution to remedy all problems.

They would be one, they would still be whole, but in two parts. Two halves of a whole, heads and tails of a coin, that would work, it had to. Slowly, painfully, painfully slowly at first, they started to split. The problem was to remember which went with which half.

"Len/Rin is a…boy/girl…Lens/Rins mother/father is…a lawyer…"

Things then picked up and the differences became more and more apparent. Soon, too soon, not soon enough, just in time, the two halves went into their bodies, the "Len" half going into the male body, the "Rin" half going into the female one.

The two of them blinked, life coming back to their eyes. They sat up at the same time, their breathing and heartbeat in sync with the other.


They felt shock when they heard the other without speaking, and shock at the shock that they knew the other felt, yet, somehow it felt right, knowing. They smiled then, happy at finding the half of themselves they didn't even know was missing.

They linked their fingers together; nothing needed to really be said. But then a sudden question made itself known.

"I wonder what time it is. Who knows, does it matter? Maybe a little. I suppose you're right." The thoughts came jumbled and confused; neither could recognize which one was speaking what. "This isn't working. No, it isn't. We need to separate our thoughts. De-synchronize them, how? I don't know. This is getting confusing. I know. Wait I have an idea. Right, let's try it."

The entire conversation, as confusing as it was, lasted for less time than it took for them to blink. Eventually they were able to straiten their thoughts out; afterwards they sat in silence, pondering what happened. But sooner or latter, silences must be broken.

"I should go back; I don't want to run into my sisters…" "I don't really want to leave."

Len nodded and gave her hand a squeeze. "Right, I'll see what I can find about all this." "It's okay, Rin, it'll be fine."

The two of them didn't move though, not until noise came from Lens side of the mirror. His parents had come home early, he had to leave. She knew and understood this, so she left as well, her sisters and parents had not come home yet.


Len hadn't told his parents about entering the singing contest, he wasn't about to tell them that he had either, since he hadn't won. However they were able to enjoy a nice evening together with Len unconsciously sending comforting thoughts to Rin. He couldn't remember the last time he had had fun with his parents, though he could remember the fun times with Rins parents.

There were some times when he almost slipped up and called his parents the wrong name or forgot that they didn't have the same jobs that Rins parents had, though they were quite similar. It often led to humorous cover ups. At the same time though he couldn't help but feel guilty that Rin was depressed, he couldn't do much about it though.

He went to bed feeling oddly satisfied with how things went that day, despite the embarrassment he had felt earlier.


Rin hid in her room while the sounds of her parents and siblings coming home made themselves known. However her sisters and parents were surprisingly sympathetic to her stage fright, saying that she probably would have won had she sang, eventually egging her to join the rest of the family. It was comforting, though it was a bit offset when Rin would sometimes think that she didn't have siblings.

There were some times where she almost walked into walls because Lens house was a flipped version of her house, or when she'd almost call her parents the wrong thing; they were quite similar to Lens parents. Her antics lead to funny, though sometimes confused, laughter on the whole family's part. She still felt a bit depressed though, she had really wanted to win, but she was glad Len was happy.

She felt happier somehow, despite screwing up in front of every one, she went to bed with a smile on her face.


In the week that followed that fateful night, the two Kagamines discovered several things about themselves and this new bond, the first being that they were no longer self conscious about being nude in front of the other, since they knew what to expect and it was nothing new to them. The second was the mind link that they had together, though it wasn't exactly new, it was still odd for them to hear and feel each others thoughts and emotions. The third thing was that they also felt the others physical pain. When Len had accidently cut his hand, a red welt appeared on Rins corresponding hand. The fourth thing they learned was that they shared dreams as well. The final thing discovered was the migraines that they experienced when away from the mirrors for too long or a great distance from them.


Len woke with a start, gasping for breath. It had been a nightmare, a horrible nightmare, though the details were slipping away from him. Soon enough, panting and shaking in a cold sweat, the memory of what the dream was about was gone, leaving only the feeling of fear and dread. He sat up in his bed, shuddering, he wanted to go tell Rin. But a glance at the clock made him decide not to. It was late and one of their sisters was a very light sleeper, it would raise too many questions about Rin being up so late. Subconsciously he felt Rin make a similar choice.

Len figured that they could talk about it next time they were face to face. He had, not too long ago, decided that they should stop taking to each other in their minds until they could figure out what was going on, Rin had reluctantly agreed. That had been about a week ago and they still hadn't lifted the ban on each others minds. Instead they focused on some books that Len had found, using them to learn how to put up "barriers" in their minds, so that they would be separate from the other while they were together.

He eased himself back into the covers; Rin would probably remember the dream. She had a surprisingly good memory when it involved things that they disliked or liked, or grudges, she was disturbingly good at recalling grudges and slights against them. He shook his head, that dream was definitely on the "dislike" list. It had been almost a week and a half since the singing contest and Len still wasn't used to feeling Rins emotions, as muted as they now were by their mental barriers.

He rolled over and buried himself in the covers. He could at least try and get some sleep before having to face the day.


Rin woke with a start, gasping for breath. It had been a nightmare, a horrible nightmare, though the details were slipping away from her. Soon enough, panting and shaking in a cold sweat, the memory of what the dream was about was gone, leaving only the feeling of fear and dread. She sat up in his bed, shuddering, she wanted to go tell Len. But a glance at the clock made her decide not to. It was late and one of their sisters was a very light sleeper, it would raise too many questions about her being up so late. Subconsciously she felt Len make a similar choice.

Rin supposed that they would talk about it next time they were face to face. Len had, not too long ago, decided that they should stop taking to each other in their minds until they could figure out what was going on, she had reluctantly agreed. That had been about a week ago and they still hadn't lifted the ban on each others minds. Instead they focused on some books that Len had found, using them to learn how to put up "barriers" in their minds, so that they would be separate from the other while they were together.

She eased himself back into the covers; it bothered her that she couldn't remember the dream. She had a surprisingly good memory when it involved things that they disliked or liked, or grudges, she was disturbingly good at recalling grudges and slights against them. She shook his head, that dream was definitely on the "dislike" list. It had been almost a week and a half since the singing contest and Rin was slowly getting used to feeling Lens emotions, as muted as they now were by their mental barriers.

She rolled over and buried himself in the covers. She could at least try and get some sleep before having to face the day.


That day the two of them were a bit sleep deprived, but none the less, they managed to get though their day with no problems. Neither of them could remember their dream, and it bothered them to no end. However, the two passed it off as nothing of real importance and continued their day. They decided that day to allow each other within their minds again, surprisingly the walls that kept the essence of Len and Rin separate held, which they were glad for. Their lives eventually settled into a pace of normalcy and neither wanted it to be broken for some time.

But that night, it would be more than broken, it would be disintegrated and their walls cracked.

The evening started out the same for both of them; they were talking when they heard identical thumps coming from their mirrors. They left each other to check it out. Their lives were changed forever…more so than they already were.