Disclaimer: Supernatural and all its characters belong to Kripke and the CW. I own nothing.


Dean Winchester whistled as he walked across the mini-mart lot where his beloved impala was waiting. Opening the driver's door he tossed the bag of treats at his little brother with a shouted "Head's up!" right before the bag hit Sam in the head. "Getting a little slow there, Samantha." Dean joked as he climbed into the car and gingerly shut the door.

"Cute, Dean" Sam mumbled his attention still focused on the paper-filled folder in his lap.

Sighing at his brother's lack of reaction Dean revved the engine and pulled out of the parking lot and back onto the road. He reached over to the radio turning the volume up to ear shattering decibels smiling as 'Highway to Hell' blared through the speakers. Tapping his fingers to the beat the young hunter alternated between watching the road and watching Sam who was totally absorbed in his research. It only took ten minutes for Dean to get tired of the silence. Snapping his fingers in his brother's face he called, "Sammy? Hey, Earth to Sammy?"

"What Dean?" Sam huffed out without looking up.

"Tell me about the case." Dean instructed. "Whatcha got so far?"

"Not much" Sam replied closing the file. "Billings Tennessee was just your normal dot on the map. A few people came during hunting season but it was basically a blink and you'll miss it town. Or it was until a couple of years ago when a huge sinkhole engulfed part of the road that led into the town. At a little over one hundred feet wide and a hundred and fifty feet deep it was the biggest sinkholes the area had ever seen. People from all around started coming to see it and the town kinda boomed over night. They rebuilt the road to go around the hole and the usual motels and tourist stops popped up on both sides of the new attraction. The town grew as more people came and everything was going great."

"Until?" Dean prompted motioning for Sam to move it along.

"Until two months ago when the disappearances started. So far four people have gone missing on the same stretch of highway, all boys between the ages of ten and fourteen. All were only children from single parent households and they all had longish brown hair. But that's where the similarities end. They didn't attend the same school, live close together, or even know each other for what I've been able to find out." Sam explained. "They just vanished on their way home, no sign of a struggle or anything. The police covered every inch of road and the buildings surrounding that area and came up empty. They even brought in tracking dogs. Each boy's scent led to the same part of the road before stopping. The police are theorizing that an abductor snatched the kids, put them in a vehicle, and drove away. And I can't help but agree with them. There's been no deadly accidents on that part of the road since it was built."

"There's gotta be something" Dean muttered.

"There's nothing, Dean. I checked all the information twice." Sam argued. "I think the police are right about this. It's just some perverted whack-o taking boys for his or her own amusement."

"No, no way, Sam" Dean retorted. "Dad sent those coordinates. That means something supernatural is going on."

"Yeah, cause the mighty John Winchester is never wrong." Sam scoffed crossing his arms and glaring out the passenger window at the scenery flying past.

"Give it a rest, will ya?" Dean huffed rolling his eyes at his pouting brother. "I know dad's not perfect but he hasn't been wrong about a hunt so far. All the coordinates he's sent have been dead on which means this is too."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to look through everything again." Sam conceded. "And then hit the library when we get to Billings. Maybe they'll have some info I don't."

"That's the spirit, Geek Boy!" Dean cheered. He watched his little brother open the folder and start reading once more before turning his attention back to the highway.

They drove for another half hour before spotting the sign welcoming them to the town of Billings, Tennessee. Driving past a wide variety of fast food restaurants and outlet stores the hunters continued on searching for a motel.

"Sam, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say the sinkhole was on the outskirts of town?" Dean asked. "Cause I sure didn't see any hundred foot hole in the ground."

"It's on the other side of town, Dean." Sam replied wincing as his big brother pulled into the parking lot of the Cozy Country motel. The building was so dilapidated that it looked like a strong wind would knock it over. Hoping that the inside looked a lot better he sat and waited as Dean walked into the lobby to book them a room.

"Room 11, all the way on the end" Dean announced as he sat back down in the classic Chevy. After quickly driving around and parking in front of the door to their room, he grabbed his duffle out of the back and hopped out of the car. "Come on Sammy! Let's get this party started!"

"Coming" Sam called as he climbed out of the impala bag in hand. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he slowly walked to the room. "This place is giving me the creeps." He thought glancing around the motel parking lot. Seeing nothing he shrugged and went in their room.

A few hours later

"Find anything?" Dean inquired as he sat down in a chair beside his brother.

"Nothing" Sam replied shaking his head. He quickly rewound the microfilm and turned off the machine. "An unidentified woman was killed in an accident during a police chase but that was on the section of road where the sinkhole is. Besides it happened over ten years ago. What about you? Did you get anything from the cops?"

"Nah, they don't know any more than you do." Dean said as he got up and walked to the library door. "That leaves the victims' families."

Sam followed his brother out of the heavy oak door and into the bright sunlight. Shading his eyes with one of his hands he went down the stairs and climbed into the gleaming black beauty that was parked on the curb. "Okay, guess we should start with Ms. Warren, the first victim's mother."

"Sounds good to me" Dean agreed as he started his baby's engine and pulled onto the road. He followed Sam's directions out of town taking a right onto a gravel driveway in front of the sinkhole.

A shiver went down Sam's spine as he gazed at the log cabin at the end of the driveway. Something about the place was familiar and not in a good way. He racked his brain attempting to figure out what was freaking him out about the place but the answer seemed to be just out of reach. Sam was brought out of his musing by Dean's voice calling his name. "What'd you say?" he asked.

"I said are you ready" Dean repeated looking worriedly at his brother. "You okay, Sammy?"

"I'm fine" Sam replied as he climbed out of the car putting a stop to their conversation. "Come on, let's go." He trudged up the porch steps and over to the front door with Dean right behind him. Ringing the door bell he stood and waited refusing to meet his big brother's eyes not wanting Dean to see his nervousness.

"May I help you gentlemen?" a short, thirty-something woman with long brown hair asked opening the door part way.

"Yes, Ma'am, we're FBI agents Cash and Jennings." Sam answered flashing his fake id. "We'd like to ask you a few questions about your son's disappearance if you don't mind."

"I've already told the police and those other FBI agents everything I know." Ms. Warren informed them.

"We know ma'am. We're just double checking everything." Dean smoothly lied.

"Oh, alright, come in then agents" Ms. Warren said holding the door for Sam and Dean. Once they were inside she led them to the kitchen and motioned for them to take a seat at the table. "Would you like some coffee?"

"That would be great ma'am" Dean replied with a grin as he sat down at the table.

"Thank you Ms. Warren" Sam said taking the offered mug. He took a sip before setting the hot cup on the table.

"Now if you could just tell us about the last time you saw your son" Dean prompted.

"It was about two months ago. It was like any other school day. Danny got up and dressed for school before coming into the kitchen for breakfast. We had eggs and pancakes." Ms. Warren began.

Sam glanced around the room nervously unsure why he was freaking out. Tuning out his brother and Ms. Warren he leaned over peering into the living room. /Flash/ pictures of him when he was a toddler /flash/ children's books on his bed /flash/ a woman reading a cook book/ Sam jumped out of his chair and backed away from the table. In a full blow panic he turned and ran out of the room oblivious to Dean's calls.

After a hurried explanation to Ms. Warren, Dean raced through the house and out the door. Noticing the impala's open back door he rushed over eyes widening at the sight of Sam sitting knees pulled to his chest as he stared at the old cabin. Reaching out he gently grasped his little brother's chin pushing it up and over so Sam was looking at him instead of the house. "Sammy? Sammy, what happened in there?" Dean asked. Getting no answer he shook Sam's shoulder. "Come on kiddo, what's wrong?"

"Dean, I, I know w-who it is" he stammered.

"Who what is? Sam, what are you talking about?" Dean questioned anxiously.

"She's taking the boys, Dean. It's her" Sam cryptically said.

"Who buddy? Who's taking the boys?" Dean asked carding a hand through his little brother's hair to calm him.

"Mrs. Pool" Sam softly whispered. "It's Mrs. Pool."