Disclaimer: Supernatural and all its characters belong to Kripke and the CW. I own nothing.

AN- Not to sure about this one. Think the first ending worked better.

Previously on Supernatural- After checking on his brother and assuring himself that the younger boy was resting comfortably, Dean dropped into the chair beside the bed. He settled into the chair and focused his attention on his sleeping family. It was his turn to watch out for them now.

As Sam drifted towards consciousness he slowly began aware of two things: he was lying on something soft and warm so he wasn't in the cave anymore. Which was good. But he was also snuggled against someone's side. And that someone wasn't Dean! After a lifetime of big brother hugs and cuddles, Sam knew Dean's touch like the back of his hand. And the callused hand on his arm was definitely not his brother's. Neither was the bearded chin that was resting on his…wait, a beard? "Oh my God! I'm cuddling with Bobby!" Sam thought with a groan. It has to be Bobby. He's the only one with a beard besides dad and there isn't a snowball's chance in Hell of it being him. The mighty John Winchester does not hug let alone cuddle anyone. Sam frowned as another more troubling thought danced through his fuzzy mind; where was Dean? His big brother always stayed with him when he was hurt or sick. So why isn't he here? Why is Bobby cuddling me instead of Dean? "Unless he's hurt" a tiny voice whispered. The thought of his brother being injured propelled Sam into action. Fueled by worry for Dean he fought his way out of the blissful oblivion and back to consciousness.

It took a Herculean effort but Sam finally managed to pry his eyelids open. Blinking several times in an attempt to clear his hazy vision the young man glanced around the room sighing with relief when his eyes landed on his brother's blurry form slumped in a chair beside the bed. Assured that Dean was alright Sammy closed his tired eyes only to open them once more as his curiosity got the better of him. Taking a deep breath he looked up mouth dropping open at the sight of his sleeping father. Shutting his eyes tight he counted to three and then opened them again stunned to still see his dad embracing him. Confused Sam lifted his hand to touch his father and winced as something pinched him. He stared down at the IV in his hand for a moment before grinning. "Ohhhh" he thought. "I'm in a hospital on the good stuff. And this is all just a hallucination. Now that makes sense." Satisfied that he had figured out the strange scene Sam closed his eyes and faded back to sleep secure in the knowledge that when he woke up everything would be back to normal.

Sam drifted in and out of consciousness the next two days waking rarely. But each and every time he woke his father and brother were right there beside him.

Three days later

Sam slowly opened his eyes and glanced around starting when he found himself face to face with his father. "Dad?" he croaked, "You're still here?"

"Of course I'm here Sammy" John replied hiding the wince that his son's question had caused. "Why? You tired of me already?"

"No" Sam whispered shaking his head, "but the hunt…"

"The hunt can wait Sam. The most important thing right now is you; getting you better. And I'm going to make sure that happens. I'm not gonna leave until you're back on your feet." John told his son.

Sam opened his mouth to argue but closed it as a more pressing matter made itself known. He looked around the room before turning back to his dad. "Ummm, dad? Where's Dean?" he rasped.

"He went to get some supper. Why Sam? What's wrong?" John questioned putting a hand on his boy's cheek.

"I ummm, I gotta go, go to the bath-bathroom." Sam stammered as a blush crept across his face.

"Well then let's go" John said. Grabbing the edge of the blanket he started to pull it off only to meet with resistance. "Sammy son, you've gotta let go of the blanket if you wanna get up."

Shaking his head Sam held the blanket in a tight grip. "Wait dad" he whispered. "I need my, my pants first."

"No can do, kiddo. Those welts on your back are just starting to heal. You don't need something rubbing them raw again." John pointed out as he yanked the blanket out of Sam's hands and tossed it on the floor. "You don't have to be embarrassed son. I'm your dad. I've seen you in your birthday suit more times than I care to remember."

"But dad! What if Bobby walks in?" Sam protested covering himself with his hands.

"Sammy, you've been laying in that bed for the past three days now while Bobby and Dean and I cleaned you up, changed your bandages, and pumped medicine into you. He's already seen it all. You ain't got nothing to worry about." John explained with a chuckle. Taking his son's shoulder he carefully rolled Sam onto his side before levering him up into a standing position. After giving the boy a moment to adjust to the change, the oldest Winchester started the slow trek to the bathroom with his youngest son. Making it into the small room John made sure Sam was steady on his feet and then excused himself from the room to give the youngster some privacy.

Sam quickly finished his business and shuffled to the sink. Worn out from the short walk he leaned heavily on the sink as he washed his hands. Turning off the taps he glanced towards the door with a sigh. As much as he wanted to he knew there was no way he'd make it the few steps to the door unaided. So sucking up what little was left of his pride he called for his dad.

Hearing his name John rushed into the bathroom to find his son hanging onto the sink for dear life. Striding over he wrapped an arm around Sam's waist taking most of the boy's weight. "Come on Sammy. Let's get you back to bed." He whispered as he began walking them out of the bathroom. Shuffling over to the bed John helped Sam lay down on the bed once more. Snatching the blanket off the floor he covered his son up and tucked him in. He then sat down on the bed by Sam's hip. "How are you doing, Sammy?" he asked. "You need anything?"

Sam gazed curiously up at his old man as a hand started stroking his hair. "Dad? You're really starting to freak me out. What's going on?" he questioned. "Why are you still here? And why are you acting like you c…?" Sam quickly covered his mouth. He hadn't meant for that last part to come out.

"Like what? Like I care Sam?" John huffed. Standing he stomped to the other side of the room and stood for a moment. Reigning in his anger he turned and walked back to the bed taking a seat beside Sam. "Son I do care. I know I've haven't been the perfect father or even a half way decent one at times but I love you. I've always loved you. You and Dean are the only good things in my life. And I know I've been really hard on you and I've said some things I didn't mean especially when you got older. I don't know why it was so much easier for me to show you boys affection when you were really little. I guess the older you two got the less I thought you needed it; needed me. But I was wrong. I never should have stopped giving you guys the love and attention you needed. But I promise I'm going to do a better job from now on. You're my baby boy, my last gift from Mary, and I swear if it takes me the rest of my life I'm gonna show you just how much you mean to me." Reaching over John carefully wrapped his arms around his youngest, drew him against his chest, and held on tight.

The End