AN- I believe you ALL can tell where this story is going. And if you can't, well just sit back and enjoy.

For those of you waiting fot a new chapter for A little TOO friendly competitionI'm halfway done with the next chapter. But my laptop charger is not with me, so it remains unfinished for now. I just thought up this new plot and got on my desktop computer to write it. I think this one's going to be good.

Disclaimer: Yeah I totally own Crypton, and the Vocaloids and blah blah blah....In case you didn't know that was sarcasm.

12/27 9:55pm

Dear Journal,

Yes, you're a journal, not a diary.

Anyway, I don't even know why I'm writing in you. I'm not one to tell his feelings....Or write them in a stupid book no less.


I guess the only reason is because you were a birthday present from Rin, and I don't want her to think I'm unappreciative and that I don't like her presents. Actually it's pretty awkward since she gave me a journal and I gave her a new diary. I guess that's just us, though.

Well as long as I am writing in you, I'll tell you a little about myself. So you'll feel more comfortable, OK?

My name is Kagamine Len. I turned 16 this very day. I have a twin sister, Rin. You know, the one who gave you to me? She's the older one, but I act the oldest. Especially when we fight. (She resorts to name calling of the Kindergarten level).

My appearance. Well, you know the saying about 'long, tan, and handsome?' Well...Rin says I'm more like:

"Short, pale, and Shouta"

BUT I'M NOT A SHOUTA!...I'm not...Seriously. I do have some muscle. Jeez.

Anyway, besides that short description, there's also blonde hair and blue eyes. Though I think it's these eyes that make me- I mean, make people thinkI'm a shouta. They're too much like Rin's. Too be honest, more people mistake me for her than they mistake her for me. Even with our signature hairstyles (high ponytail for me, and a white ribbon for her).


Why is it me that has to look like the other? Why couldn't Rin look more like a boy?

...I take that back.

Rin could never look like a boy. Ever. Ever, ever, ever.

She's too beautiful for that.

Yes, I'll admit it to you and only you, journal. I have feelings for my twin sister. I...have for a few years. But no one's caught on to me yet. Even when someone catches me staring at her, they just ask me if I drifted off into space. To which I say: "Yes."

But when you look at Rin, it's not hard to fall for her upon the first gaze. She's got beautiful features, a really gorgeous body, and her's breath taking.

I want her always to smile. Especially for me. It makes my heart feel like it'll explode out of my chest. It's hard to explain in writing....

But of course, Rin will never return my feelings. She'd think I was a pervert or disgusting or something if she knew my thoughts, or what my heart was yelling for me to say to her.

Besides, she's got a thing for the guy with the blue hair...What was his name? I think it was Kaito. He's a senior at our high school. I try not to get jelous when I see them talking in the hallway, or when she talks about him, but it's hard.

It's so...very hard to keep smiling.

Woah! Would you look at the time. I'd better hit the hay (that was lame, wasn't it?).

Anyway, journal, it was actually really fun to get my feelings out. Even if it is just a book with empty pages. I guess writing once in a while wouldn't hurt, would it?

Good night

-Kagamine Len