A Storm's Ending

A/N: Hello everyone, here is the sequel to the Storm of Change, I hope you guys like it and enjoy this story just as much as the first one which I have to thank you for all reading it! :D best story I've ever written XD.

Well here it is..I hope you enjoy! XD EROCOCOLOCO x x x x

A tanned haired man slowly massaged his temples as he entered a toy wrecked room, brown eyes looked over at a small silver haired boy drawing on a piece of paper, lifting a brown brow the tanned man walked over to the boy and kneeled down beside him.

"Kiseki…Do you know where your brother is?.." Kiseki looked up at his 'mama' and gave a small confused frown, his small honey coated hand pulling at the miniature tuff of silver hair at the back of his neck.

"…I wouldn't know mummy..I've been drawing.." Sighing, Iruka gave a small tired smile and looked at what his son had been drawing, his brows knitting together when he saw an, badly drawn Kakashi holding hands with a person he was guessing to be himself. Gritting his teeth Iruka looked over at his son, his heart dropping when he met big hopeful hazel eyes.

"Ah…Kiseki.." Swallowing the man put the piece of paper down and held onto the small hand; four years had passed and him and Kakashi hadn't became an official couple, not that Iruka didn't try, it was just hard when you have two troublesome twins roaming around and your children's father is constantly on missions and, when he did have a break he spent it with his son's, what was good but he just felt like he was just there to care for their children all alone and have no official partner as a backup. Kiseki looked up at his parent then back down to the floor.

"Mama.." A loud bang cut the young boy off and Iruka sprung to action, leaping out into the hall way and intently listening to any odd sound there could be, hearing another thud Iruka burst into Arashi's room and smirked when wild silver hair was poking out from behind the boys wardrobe.

"…Arashi..You've been caught.." A cheeky face came behind the wardrobe and the boy pulled himself out and ran past his 'mama'.

"AHHHH KISEKI, SAVE ME!! I DON'T WANNA!!" The quiet looking boy walked out of the living room and watched his brother dart down the hall, their mother following close behind. Vein throbbing, the tanned man lunged for his young son, tugging up the blue shirt he was wearing and throwing the item of clothing over his shoulder.

"You have to wash you smelly little boy!!" A loud whine came from the boy as he struggled from his mother's manly grasp, a huge scream filling the house when he was yanked into the bathroom and placed into the bath tub filled with water. "NO I HATE THIS, I HATE THIS, DADDY!! DADDY!! SAVE ME!!" Iruka stared at the boy and sat on the toilet, his frown darkening when the boy started splashing about, sending waves of water to flood the bathroom floor.

Hearing the door open, Iruka looked and smiled when a tired looking Kakashi peeked his head into the room, his mask being tugged down to reveal an exhausted smile; Arashi stopped thrashing about and waved to his father.

"HELLO DADDY..I MISSED YOU!!" Kakashi gave a nod of a greeting over to the tanned man sitting on the toilet and strolled into the room, his gloved hand reaching out to rustle his son's wild and partly wet hair.

"Mama got you into the bath ay? That's a good boy.." Standing up Iruka walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the kitchen, his hand automatically holding onto the honey coated one that had already grabbed onto his trouser leg, looking down he saw Kiseki smiling up at him.

"Daddy's home mummy.." Iruka gave a small smile and went to pick the boy up, his head turning to look behind his shoulder when he heard Kakashi walking towards them,

"Hello Kiseki..Have you been good for your mama?" Kiseki nodded, giving a peck onto his fathers cheek when Kakashi leaned in. "Good.." Looking over at Iruka, Kakashi followed the other man into the kitchen and sniffed the air, a satisfied smile appearing on his naked face when he could smell curry.

"How's Naruto doing?" Came Iruka's break of silence, Kakashi taking a seat at the table and watching the tanned man stir the sauce in the pan shuffled around before speaking up.

"Fine…Just extremely busy, but his plans for creating peace are finally on their way…Just the efforts for our team has become highly stressed…He's training all the time.." Iruka nodded and looked over at his son he was carrying; Kiseki was currently playing with a loose strand of hair that escaped the man's ponytail.

"Least he's not slacking..." Hearing Kakashi yawn, Iruka looked over at the man who got up from his chair and headed to the exit,

"Iruka could you put my share of dinner away for when I wake from my nap?..Thanks.." Kiseki watched his mother's face drop, he to, had hoped that they would all eat dinner together.

Slowly opening up his door, Iruka walked up to his bed and took out his hair tie, he successfully put the boys to sleep and had heated up Kakashi's dinner as the man was now eating it, finally getting into his empty bed he heaved a sigh and stared at the untouched pillow beside of him. When had he moved into the spare bedroom? Oh that's right, when the twins were just babies, Iruka thought it was best to put them both in with him so he didn't disturb Kakashi as Naruto was obviously working the usually lazy nin to the bone, heaving another sigh, Iruka turned off the light sitting on his bedside table and closed his eyes, the feeling of loneliness invading his heart.

Six Year's later

"Mother…" Slowly opening his eyes Iruka glanced over at the person talking, his eyes narrowing in confusion and haze when he saw a worried looking Kiseki shaking him.

"Eh?" Iruka blinked to take in the boy's appearance, tamed silver hair with a small ponytail almost resembling Jiraiya's hairstyle, a navy blue jumper and black shorts, both with a scarecrow face printed onto them and a pouch attached to the boy's side. "Kiseki?" The boy nodded and tried to pull the man into a sitting position.

"Mother..Your running late.." It took a few minute's for Iruka to register, his eye's growing wide in shock when the news finally made sense, jumping out of the bed the tanned man darted towards the bathroom, his fist slamming into the door when it was locked.

"ARASHI GET OUT NOW! I'M RUNNING LATE!!" The brown wooden door opened to a Kiseki look alike but one with untamed hair, no ponytail, a grey baggy vest and black shorts, and a black head band wrapped around his thigh.

"Your still here mum?" Iruka hissed through his teeth and lifted the young boy out of the way, closing the door behind him, Kiseki walked out of Iruka's room carrying his mother's dirty clothes from the night before and glanced at his baffled looking brother.

"Arashi could you be of some use and make mother some toast?" Groaning, the wild Hatake jogged towards the kitchen.


Jumping into the shower Iruka heaved a long and tiresome sigh, he overslept because he was dreaming of the past again, six years had passed and there wasn't any sign of improvement between him and Kakashi, he rarely spoke to the silver haired nin now as Naruto had been dragging him all over the world to greet and make peace with the leaders, although he was pleased Naruto's ideals and late Hokage's dreams of peace were finally becoming a realization, his heart yearned to be loved by the one man he had unfortunately fell in love with. He didn't even notice how deep he was in until Kakashi started coming home less and stopped spending his spare time with him and the kids as one big family. Smacking his head, Iruka grabbed the body wash and squirted it onto the sponge.

"This isn't the best start to a day.."


Kiseki and his brother walked side by side as they strolled down the street, they could feel people's eyes on them where ever they walked, after all they were the famous twins who graduated the academy and became Genin just at the age of 9, both considered geniuses and offered the chance to compete in the Chunin exam's but after having a mother who simply protested strongly against it, they missed the chance to be promoted. Heaving a sigh, Arashi took a look at his passive looking brother.

"I'm sick of this.." Kiseki looked over at the untidy version of himself and lifted a finely shaped brow.

"Hm?" Throwing his hands up into the air dramatically Arashi ruffled up his hair some more.

"Mum's sad.." Rolling his eyes Kiseki continued looking forward.

"You only just noticed?" Arashi glared at his brother and started picking at his shirt.

"No..But..I thought things would have been sorted out by now..Naruto-nii keeps dragging dad around the world so we don't get to see him that often and it's obvious at how much mum loves him.." Kiseki looked a little taken back from his brother's view; he was surprised the knucklehead could even catch onto what others were feeling.

"I know…But mother's not the type of person to selfishly demand for father's attention.." Arashi gave a long bored groan and looked through the window to the flower shop, his mouth drooling when he saw a blonde haired woman smiling and sniffing a rose.

"She's the most beautiful being I've ever seen…" Kiseki rolled his eyes and carried on walking down the street leaving his loved up brother alone to stare like a freak. "OI KISEKI" chasing after his brother Arashi nudged him with his elbow.

"What??" Came Kiseki's annoyed tone of voice.

"Don't leave me to be captivated by Ino's beauty.." Rolling his eyes the passive Hatake stopped in his tracks and patted his brother on the back.

"Alright…Well I have to meet Sensei at his house..You have a good training session with Konohamaru-sensei.." Arashi nodded and watched his brother walk off towards the Uchiha district, when his brother had disappeared off into the distance Arashi started jogging to meet Konohamaru, his body freezing on the spot when the advertisement for Naruto's latest book to be released had been pasted to a wall.

"..Two lover's, separate paths....Can there be love?.." Giving a small frown the boy stared harder at the poster, slowly a huge smile appeared on his cheeky looking face and he punched the air. "Right! Naruto-nii must've picked up mum's loneliness and done this for a hint!..I of course got it!!.." Giving the poster one more look the young boy darted off down the street.

I'll bring mum and dad together....


"Sensei?.." Kiseki knocked onto the mans door one more time stepping back when he heard footsteps coming him way, the door slowly sliding open to reveal an older Sasuke.

"Your early.." Kiseki gave a small sigh and bowed.

"Please stop saying that…I am punctual like always as my mother had raised me well.." Sasuke smirked at the polite speech and beckoned the boy to walk in.

"Hm..Your definitely Iruka's son.." The small silver haired boy gave a tiny smile and took off his sandal's, following the raven down the hall and into the back yard.

"Um Uchiha-sensei?..What are we going to do today?.." Sasuke looked over at the boy and heaved a sigh.

"Kiseki…You've been working way to hard…I know you say your taking advantage of me not going with Naruto, but I think your training for another reason.." Kiseki looked at his teacher quizzically and turned to look at a flowing leaf that had fallen from a near by tree.

"I don't know what your talking about sensei…I'm just taking the opportunity to grow stronger.." Sasuke rolled his eyes, he didn't want the young boy to become crazy like he did and run away when some freak came to the village and said he'd offer him a way of gaining ultimate power.

"…Well today I've decided to make you meditate.." Kiseki gave a small curt nod although he looked unsatisfied. "Tell me before I take you to the waterfall..Why do you crave to grow stronger…There are certain reasons behind peoples actions.." The silver haired boy inhaled thickly.

"I want to grow up quickly and become as strong as my father..So my mother won't need his company to be happy..." Sasuke raised a small brow.

Could he have a 'mother' complex?...

"I'm sure your mother is happy…he has you two to love him.." Kiseki scoffed.

"Well that may be the case, but unfortunately I think mother craves something more.." Giving an exhausted sigh Sasuke ruffled the boys tied hair.

"Fine…If you want to become strong like your father you're going to have to take it slowly..Your only ten.." Kiseki nodded and beamed a happy smile at his teacher.

"So no meditation?.." Sasuke nodded.

"First show me how well you've developed the Jutsu I taught you.."


Kakashi heaved a long and exhausted sigh, turning his head to the side to see a just as worn out Yamato and a beaming looking Naruto staring at his village with a hopeful face, a small smile grew on Kakashi's face when the young blond ended up looking exactly like his father, his smile dropping when his stomach started growling extremely loudly.

"EH? Kakashi..Don't tell me your hungry..We just ate!" Kakashi rubbed his masked face before looking at a tired Yamato.

"..That was well over a good hour or two ago.." Naruto glanced over at the brown haired man and gave a huge beam of a smile.

"OFF TO EAT RAMEN THEN.." Kakashi smiled under his mask when the young man started walking energetically off towards the Ramen stand, an onyx eye catching a glimpse of Naruto's book advertisement.

"Two lover's, separate paths….Can there be love?.." Kakashi glared at the back of the blond.

Did he use me and Iruka as a basic template for this story?...Naruto looked behind him, obviously feeling the tired glare boring a hole into his back and noticed that Kakashi was now glaring at the poster.

"Like it?....Maybe it will give you an idea of how to make things work Kakashi…" Yamato gave a small chuckle and patted his Sempai on the back before walking off with Naruto towards the Ramen stand.

Make things work…Ten years have passed and our relationship hasn't changed...It's my fault...I doubt there's still a chance…Naruto's just to damn positive.

Iruka rubbed his face from annoyance, why did he feel this day wasn't the only day that was going to be a bad one?

TBC? Totally up to you guys hehehe XD

Read and Review please :D x x x x

EroCocoLoco x x