Chapter 1- darn revision

Valkyrie Cain sat and looked at the pile of textbooks on her desk. She could not in a million years do this. She banged her head on the table. This was not fun. She slumped over to her bed and fell onto it. She hadn't slept since the night before last night so she could revise and it didn't help. She burst into tears.

This is so stupid

I'm so stupid

Why am I crying?

She knew why she was crying. She was tired. She hadn't slept. The pressure was really getting to her. She walked over to her bed and slumped onto it. After a minuet or so she slipped of it and landed with a thump. She groaned. she really couldn't be bothered getting back onto the bed. Instead, she slid under the bed. It was nice down here. Dark. She didn't need to worry about magic, or fights with grown people, or exams. She groaned again and put her head in her hands and started to cry all over again.

'Darn revision' she muttered

She didn't hear him come in; she just felt the bony hand around her shoulder.

'Valkyrie? Are you alright?

'Yes, i'm perfectly fine'

'Why are you crying?'

'I am not' she said defensively trying to choke back the tears

'Yes you are. What's wrong?'



'FINE-icantdomyrevisionbecause idontknowanythingbecauseiwasntthereforanyofit.

She put her head back in her hands again and tried to hide her tears. Skulduggery sighed. He sounded sorry for her.

'Do you want me to help you?'

She turned to him and realised he was lying on his stomach beside the bed so he could look at her

She wiped her tears away

'y-you'd do that for me?'

'Of course I would' she smiled

'Thank you'

'You're very welcome'.

He helped her out from under the bed

'Why were you under the bed anyway? Skulduggery asked

'I…uh…fell of it and wasn't bothered to get back up'

'Most people tend to get back on the bed instead of roll under'

'Yes well i'm not most people now am I? Besides, you do weirder things'

'Granted. But at least I don't roll of my bed

'You don't sleep'

'That's because i'm so wonderfully amazing

'You're very pleased with yourself aren't you?'

'Exceedingly so'

She rolled her eyes and made her way over to the desk. Skulduggery followed.

'so what first?' skulduggery asked'

'Well, anything but maths'

'Maths it is then'

'What? No! Anything BUT maths. Didn't you just hear me?'


'I hate maths

'Which is exactly why we're starting with maths first, worst out of the way, you know?

Valkyrie sagged. This was not going to be fun. Skulduggery pulled over another chair and they began.

Half way through history skulduggery looked round her room at all the papers and books

'Where do you sleep?' he asked


'Where do you sleep? I can hardly make out your bed'

'Oh, right.' She blushed 'I-uh-sleep in that pile of notes over there' she pointed to a pile of papers piled up on the floor like a rug.

Skulduggery nearly laughed.

'Well we'll tidy up your room when you've finished

'Wonderful' she said sarcastically

'Shut up and learn' skulduggery replied hitting her playfully over the head with a textbook. She rolled her eyes.

Skulduggery was a very good teacher, she had to admit it. He was enthusiastic and somehow, made everything seem interesting.

After a whole day of studying and pointless arguments they finally finished and started hitting each other with pillows instead. After an hour of pillow fight and room tidying skulduggery had to go.

'I have to go now' he said

'Will you pick me up tomorrow?'

'Of course'



'Thank you'

Skulduggery removed a feather from Valkyries hair and looked at her

'Your welcome kid'

She gave him an unexpected hug which with anyone else, would have made skulduggery pull away but Valkyries hug was welcomed for some reason and he hugged he back.

'see you tomorrow' she grinned'

'Unfortunately' skulduggery sighed (the teasing was clear in his voice)

She hit him on the arm and he turned for the window

'She's a great kid' skulduggery thought to himself as he jumped out of the window