It had been a month since the spell's reversal. Team Taka still hadn't outgrown the side effects. The most obvious of course being Suigetsu's eagerness to sing at every opportunity.

Sasuke and Karin had once caught him auditioning for a musical at one of the villages they stopped in. Wanting to satiate the boy, and shut him up for the most part, they'd sat through a performance one night at dinner. The white haired boy sang his little heart out, donning his old seashell bra once more, and singing about his quest for swords. It was quite sweet really, in a surreal way. Unfortunately their plan backfired, and he sang more often if anything.

Karin, curiously had developed some sort of agoraphobia. If the opportunity to ride in a small cart, of sleep in a wardrobe occurred she took it. Most worryingly was the time the boys caught her in the bath trying to breath underwater and clicking her fingers. They guessed it was from being stuck in the fishbowl and carried around whilst in the other dimensions.

Sasuke had undergone the smallest change. He still had a burning desire to kill his elder brother. However, now when he spoke of Itachi there was a definite buzz to his voice. Like an angry little insect was in the area. The buzzing would also happen when the other two argued too much and irritated him. Wisely, Karin and Suigetsu chose to not to mention it.

Back in a forest of technicolor splendour, Jugo fluttered from tree to tree. The little orange bird was relieved. So many cute fuzzy animals here were suppressing his urges to kill. And on the rare occasions he did feel violent, there was usually some retarded princess singing that he could take it out on. He didn't mind at all that Taka had left him behind. Taka didn't even realise he was gone.

The akatsuki were taking some well earned time off.

Tobi was still grounded, his ideas for catching bijou more trouble than they were worth. The masked moron had stopped eating sushi though, and was currently building himself an aquarium. A small glass bowl in the room held a pink starfish, awaiting its new home.

Kakuzu was a different story. Since getting back he'd been torn between keeping his gun or selling it on the black market. He knew it would go for millions, nobody in their world had ever come across such an object. On the other hand, nothing shut Hidan up like a well placed bullet. And Kakuzu loved shutting Hidan up. He'd also developed an even stronger need to wear his hood and face mask around the base, going so far as to shower with them. Hidan promised next time he could he'd buy Kakuzu a tricorn hat.

Hidan was the same as ever. He'd undergone the least of them all he supposed. He had taken to talking to random sculptures and statues though. A little part of him hoped they talk back, or that he'd meet the muses again. Kakuzu had noticed, told the others and as a result the rest of them made fun of that. Still they'd shut up about Jashin now, maybe they were more open to conversion?

Kisame and Itachi had come out of the spell worse off than anyone else. The big blue shark had grown a taste for walking around topless and using dinner forks as weapons, but that was the only positive aspect of the spell. His relationship with the Uchiha had suffered. The black haired man hardly spoke to his partner anymore, well, he spoke even less than he usually did. He was still offended that Kisame hadn't recognised him as a dragon. If anyone else brought this up, they could swear they'd seen smoke forming from Itachi's nostrils. Still, Kisame didn't let it get him down too much. After all, he'd constantly praised Itachi to his face unknowingly and if there was one thing the Uchiha's liked it was a good ego stroking.

Deidara had squandered the remains of his mushrooms and shrinking drink. One day he'd flown out into a secluded area of forest, and sat for hours eating the mushrooms and drinking himself back to the right size. Each of the experiments was punctuated with an explosion and insane giggling of course. He had wanted to blow up his ridiculous blue dress while he was at it but the outfit had mysteriously disappeared.

It had of course mysteriously disappeared to his Danna's wardrobe. Sasori, intrigued by his foray into tights, had formed his own cross-dressing habits, unbeknownst to the other members of the akatsuki. It was stuffed at the back of his other clothing, along with the little green hat, which he couldn't force himself to get rid of. Not to mention whenever he saw the dress, an image of a blonde fighting a sea goddess came to mind and took him to a happy place. A very happy place.

Zetsu, it appeared had developed a taste for pirate. Most nights he would come crawling back to the base with little keepsakes for the others. These included swords for Hidan and Kisame, a packet of cigarettes for Deidara (not that the blonde wanted them) and for some strange reason a straw hat for Pain. He still ticked when he was around Kakuzu, but the assassins had all learnt to ignore that now. Other than that he was still their crazy cannibal.

Pain and Konan came out relatively unscathed. Well, Konan did at least. In any world she was in the blue haired woman kicked ass, and handed out regular beatings to inferior men. She did slightly regret not staying in one of the other worlds though. It would have been nice to have a longer break from the morons she associated with. Pain had liked the big stone she got him however. He'd used it to wedge Tobi's door shut and keep him annoying everyone. Speaking of Pain, the orange haired man was as depressed as ever. His brief stint in the working world had been enjoyable for him, and try as he might, he just couldn't sweep a chimney here in the akatsuki base.

Several miles away in Konoha a certain blonde strolled back to his home. He was in need of an afternoon nap, but was so happy he purred as he walked. The massive grin didn't fade from his face as he tripped over a small object on the floor. It was a curious dome shape, and looked like it belonged on some furniture. Naruto twirled the bedknob in his hand curiously, before pocketing the object. He wondered, idly, what would the world be like if it were made of ramen? And with that thought, the world went white.