Disclaimer: We do not own Sonny with a Chance.

We want to thank all of you guys for the amazing reviews and reading our story.

Chapter 11:


Life sucks!

Sonny hasn't talked to me since two weeks ago, when she yelled at me. Hell, she doesn't even look at me. On the bright side Matt wasn't mad at me anymore, but it was awkward. We were trying to avoid certain subjects, like a brunette living in his house, but sometimes they came up. He and Tawni were dating now, so there were days I didn't have to talk to him. At lunch he would mostly sit with us and Tawni sat with Sonny. But twice a week he would sit with her or she would sit with us. Today was one of those days. Tawni was sitting in front of me, her eyes on Matt.

I looked behind them, trying to find Allison, so I could torture myself a little bit more. The blond guy saw me and shot me an almost deadly look. A second later Sonny turned around to see what was going on. I smiled a little smile, but she just turned around and pushed her plate to her friends. That smile got wiped of my face and I stared at my food. Since what happened I had hardly ate. Today wasn't going to be any different. I just kept pushing the food around. Tawni gave me one of her sympathy looks. I hate those, I've been getting them far to often lately.

"Why don't you go talking to her?" Tawni asked me still giving me the look. That's the only reason she takes her eyes of Matt, to tell me I have to go and talk to Sonny.

"I already tried that." I said.

"Then try again."

"Tawni, every time I come near her, she runs of or one of your friends over there tells me to go. If she wanted to talk, we would have done that already… but she doesn't, so I'm going to leave her alone." Tawni rolled her eyes.

"It's so obvious that she wants to talk to you. She's miserable. She doesn't go out and she doesn't laugh anymore and that's what she's all about. Since you two stopped talking to each other Sonny isn't Sunny anymore. So talk to her, just find a moment when Nico and Grady aren't around."

Like it was that easy. I tried that already and Nico and Grady are always around. It's like they work in shifts. Every time I see Sonny, one of them is there too. They even wait outside of the bathroom for her.

"And when is that? I've tried before and after school, but that Grady gives her a ride, so I can't talk to her then. I've tried between classes, before and after lunch. I've tried every spare time I have." Tawni just looked at me, disappointed. I had given up.

"You haven't tried at home." Matt said. I looked at him, speechless. I didn't really think that was an option. Matt and I weren't fighting anymore, but I didn't think he wanted me to come over and talk to Sonny again, seeing how great that went last time.

"What?" I probably look like an idiot, but I'm surprised. "You're ok with me coming over?"

"Yes. I don't like seeing Sonny like this. Tawni is right, she hasn't been herself and that's because of y- the incident. You're the only one who can fix that." He said. Tawni smiled and kissed Matt on the cheek.

"Do it today. She isn't doing anything." Tawni said pleased with herself.

I looked at Sonny when she got up. She looked miserable and I just wanted her to laugh again. To be honest I live for that smile and not seeing it was the worst part of all. She could ignore me or yell at me, but that smile… I just couldn't miss it.


The bell rang. School had finally ended. I walked to my locker and got the books I needed. I looked around, hoping to see Sonny, but I didn't. She had become very good at avoiding me. I just walked to my car and got in. I thought about the plan and drove off.

I arrived home and put my bag away. I was waiting for Matt's text and it seemed to take hours for him to finally send it.

'she's home + no Grady'

I stormed out of my room and to my car. I was more confident after what Tawni and Matt said and I know they were right. Sonny wasn't being her normal cheerful self. I hurt her, but that means she cares. On the one hand I felt guilty about that thought, but on the other hand… . I walked over to the door and rang the bell. Matt opened it and I smiled weakly.

"Where is she?"

"The garden." He said

"Thanks man."

"Yeah, well you better fix it and don't make it worse." He stated

He always knows how to make you feel better.(sarcasm) Just ignore it Chad and go to the garden.

I walked past him and opened the backdoor. Sonny was sitting with her back against a tree, her guitar next to her. She wrote something down, took her guitar in her hands and started to play.

(Demi Lovato – Catch me)

Before I fall too fast
Kiss me quick
And make it last
So I can see how badly this will hurt me
When you say goodbye

Keep it sweet
Keep it slow
Let the future pass
And don't let go
But tonight I could fall to soon into this beautiful moonlight

But your so hypnotizing
You got me laughing while I sing
You got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
And your love is where I'm falling
But please don't catch me

See this heart
Wont settle down
Like a child running scared from a clown
I'm terrified of what you'll do
my stomach screams just when I look at you

Run far away
So I can breath
Even though your far from suffocating me
I can't set my hopes to high
Cuz every hello ends with a goodbye

She put her guitar back down and grabbed the notebook again making changes to the song. I slowly walked up to her. When she heard me, she turned around. She didn't say anything. Her head turned to the lyrics and closed the book.

"That's a really good song. You have an amazing voice, you know." She looked at me for a moment, before looking down.

"What are you doing here? I don't think you came here to tell me I'm a good singer." Now it was my turn to look at the floor.

"You ignored me at school, so that's why I'm here."

"Maybe there's a reason why I'm ignoring you Chad!"

"I just hoped… that maybe you… you could forgive me." I finally finished the sentence "I'm really sorry about what I did and I get that you don't want to talk to me, even though I really want you talk to me again."

"Well it's not all about what you want!" She practically yelled.

"I know, but is this what you want?" She looked shocked and tried to say something back, but she couldn't. "I… I."

"I've seen you these last days and you're not happy. You can tell me and everybody else that you are, but you're not and I know that I did that to you. And I hate that you're mad at me, I hate to not see you smile, I hate that I can't be around you and all because I made a stupid mistake!." Now I was the one that was almost yelling. "But you're just being stubborn, because I know, that even though you try to hide it, you also like me."

Sonny stared at me for a while, stood up and tried to walk inside, but I didn't let her. She has to hear this, she has to know, because I'm not giving up. I took her arm and pulled her closer to me.

"You can leave, but I'm just going to keep coming back until you give me an answer." She looked up in my eyes and wanted to say something, but I interrupted her. "And I don't count 'I don't want to talk about it' as an answer."

"You hurt me." She whispered, while a tear rolled down her cheek. "And I don't want it to happen again, because… it just hurts too much."

"I don't want that to happen again either. I don't ever want to see you hurt." I said while pulling her closer. I placed my lips on hers. She didn't pull back, but put her arms around my neck. We broke apart and she looked in my eyes, a big smile plastered on her face. I really missed that smile a lot. I smiled back at her and wiped the tear away.

"I love you Allison, just Allison."

"Well I am gorgeous;" She said while smiling and started dancing. "You think I'm gorgeous, You want to kiss me"

"Oh just shut it" I interrupted her

"I love you to Chad, Chad Dylan Cooper" She said before kissing me again.

A/N: Hope you liked it! We enjoyed writing it and we're already working on other stories, so stay tuned. And review, so we know how much you love us, because… you know you do :P