Disclaimer: Still own nothing, sadly.

Okay, so, I wrote chapter one before this, so it may be a little off. And I have no idea where it's going, so deal with it. -smile-


The end was near. He could feel it. The power coursing through him was proof. He was even more powerful now than he was before his downfall. Before he caused him to become weak. Before Potter. The name made him sneer. It made him want to torture and kill him, make him wish he'd never been born, make him wish his filthy mudblood mother had never protected him.

He'd been watching Harry for a while. Waiting to find his weakness, the perfect way to torture him. His waiting had paid off. He had found Harry's weakness. And now...

He knew just how to kill him.

Okay, there's the beginning. Let me know what you think.
