So, I haven't been on for a while and, upon finding myself with writer's block on my other story, I started a new one. Please don't kill me. . Anyway, here we go.

Draco Malfoy was not at all pleased.

Then again, when was he ever?

The young man sat, chin propped on the desk, staring over his folded arms in the general direction of the front of the classroom. He honestly didn't give a rat's arse about turning a newt into a mirror. When would he ever need to know that? He had plenty of other things he could see himself learning, and actually using.

He cast the girl sharing the table with him that day a slight glance. She was pretty enough, gold hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, out of her dark brown eyes. She gave an exasperated sigh and half-shouted at the slightly-flattened reptile on the table again. He sighed and withdrew his gaze. Hopeless. But he made no move to help her, blinking groggily. White blonde hair fell into his silver eyes, but he did not move to clear the line of his vision.

"Draco," the girl whined petulantly, "won't you help me?" She stuck out her lower lip a little and looked up at him innocently. He almost sneered. Without a word, he drew his wand, and murmured the spell in a barely audible whisper. The already-flat newt continued to change shape, scaly skin replaced by gilt until a silver-handled mirror sat in its place.

"Save your simpering," he grumbled, casting her a sharp glance, "it does nothing to flatter you."

She inhaled sharply through her nose and he looked away, slipping into a brooding stupor.

He had reasons for his…. odd mood, though they were not ones to be expected. He had found out through the grapevine that he was not considered for Head Boy the next year. In fact, it was almost definite that some Ravenclaw suck-up would be Head. And Draco was taking it less than gracefully. He knew his father would not be pleased, especially since his god-father was a teacher. He should be doing better than second-rate. And when Lucius was not pleased, no one was.

Draco lifted his head as students began filing out of the classroom. He slowly stood, gathering his things into his bag. When he stepped around the desk, he made a point to bump the boy who was taking his rightful place as Head especially hard with his shoulder. The smaller boy immediately fell back into his chair and Draco didn't give him a passing glance.

His eyes wandered over the halls, somehow seeking out the one person in the world he really couldn't stand.

Hermoine fucking Granger

She would undoubtedly be Head Girl, and that was another reason he was not pleased about the Head Boy selection. Hey, they may not get along—hell, they couldn't stand each other—but that was a hot piece of ass, no denying that. In fact, she seemed oblivious to her own appearance. Her breasts had blossomed, but she did not opt for a better-sized blouse. No, she kept the same one, torturing any male with the look of the top buttons straining not to pop off. Hell, she even had curves and, if she didn't know it, showed them off. Her walk, so full of confidence, almost a swagger, drew all eyes to those curves. He found it hard to believe someone so incredibly intelligent could be so oblivious.

She didn't even look in his direction; almost oblivious to his burning gaze on her as she walked away with those two dolts she called friends. Oh, Draco knew one of them, if not both, must be shagging her. How else did they get so close? He refused to think they were as oblivious as she was. His eyes narrowed slightly and he turned on his heel toward the Slytherin Common Room. But even before he reached the dungeons, a plan was already forming in his mind. A smile pulled at his lips as his two best friends jumped to their feet when he entered.

"Gentlemen, there is something we need to do…"

Crappy beginning it may be, but I promise I will TRY to make up for it. Review? Be harsh!