
A simple color. An accepted color.

After all, on tests you weren't allowed to use anything other than "blue or black ink". No red, no green, no yellow, no purple allowed. Twas unheard of. Silly. Ridiculous.

No, just black and blue. That's the way it's always been, and ever will be.

Mandark idly turned his blue ballpoint pen in his hand several times. The sound of the teacher's nasally voice droned on in the background, while the other students listened, paying rapt attention to each and every word.

It was strange that Mandark would choose blue to write with. It was accepted, certainly, but not recommended.

"Bring two blue or black pens, preferably black." His AP study guide had advised him. Dismissively, he had ignored it.

Perhaps he was just being temporarily rebellious in the hope of mildly irritating (or possibly amusing) the grader of his essay. Perhaps black was just too plain, and monotone for him, and writing in blue would have added some flavor, a little bit of zing, spice, originality.

Or maybe his favorite color just happened to be blue.

The latter was the closest.

And certainly the most unexpected from Mandark, of all people.

Blue was beautiful.

It was the sky, unblemished by wispy clouds. Clear, open, like the shimmering waters of the ocean. The mysterious, captivating lure of an uncut sapphire, sparkling, glistening, mesmerizing.

But most importantly,

Those eyes.

Mandark felt his own eyes slide to his right, immediately falling upon the shock of red hair just a few rows away.

For a moment, it appeared as if Dexter was staring at him, watching him. But no, those lovely azure eyes would not waste a moment on him, Mandark rationalized. Surely he was listening to the teacher just to his left, who was still lecturing on the rules.

Mandark looked back down at his pen, still rotating it slowly in his hands.

He'd like to lose himself in blue. To drown in it until he forgot what all the other colors were. To forget everything in existence except blue, blue, blue…

"You may begin." The teacher's voice cut through his thoughts, prompting him to start.

And so, Mandark opened his booklet and filled it with pages upon pages with words, and the color blue.