I dunno. Just felt like a little drabble. (: My fail attempt at humor, I suppose. I guess Bakura would be ooc in this. Or you can imagine him beating the shit out of Ryou later. Or making sweet, sweet love. /snicker

I don't careee. Just wanted to test out tendershipping. :3

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It was an accident. That's all it was. It really, honestly, was just an accident. That's what Bakura, great (former) tomb robber, told himself.

His stupid hikari didn't mean to dump his drink all over his lap. No, no he did not.

There was no possible way that Ryou could possibly be clever enough to think of doing that. It was something he, the great (former) tomb robber, would think of! Not his measly, tiny, weak hikari. And no, Bakura didn't care if he was getting repetitive.

But here Ryou was, kneeling down by Bakura, his hand gripping a piece of cloth and daintily trying to soak up the orange juice he had just spilled.

The thief was momentarily stunned, obviously, as his very pretty (no! weak) hikari touched him again...and again...and again.

Bakura didn't like that.

The feeling was much too nice, and Ryou would notice. And then his stupid hikari would either giggle (because Bakura knew this was all a plan. All of it!), blush insanely (still part of the plan!), or wonder what that bump in his yami's pants was (very unlikely. His hikari was dumb, yes, but not as naive as the Pharaoh's hikari. Or at least, that's what Bakura hoped).

So Bakura did the one thing he could think of to save his dignity.

He jumped up roaring profanities.

"Fucking dammit, Ryou! These were new! Are you really that clumsy and dumb? Ra above!"

It only took him a second to calm down, upon seeing his hikari's adorable, saddened (dammit) face. He let out a sigh and scooped the stupid, clumsy boy into his arms. "If you wanted into my pants, hikari, all you had to do was ask."

Bakura decided he liked when his stupid, clumsy hikari's face was flushed (from embarrassment or something else, Bakura wasn't entirely sure), and he also decided that he liked to kiss his hikari too.

Bakura, the great (former) tomb robber, didn't like it so much when he got slapped and called a pervert.