"Kurogane...?" Fai calls out into the dark, his arms tracing circles on Kurogane's shoulder. His eyes focused on what would be a wall but in the dead of night is simply darkness.

"Kurogane…?" He prods again, the circles becoming larger and his voice just a tad louder. The man still does not stir and Fai smiles into the darkness, the expression intended for only him and the darkness. He sometimes wonders if one can have an affair with a lack of light. If so, then everyone must be having affairs all over the world. If Darkness were a person, he would be the person you confide your dreams in. In whom you indulge in your sins with: a person who doesn't judge and gives you an odd sense of privacy. Darkness hides all from view.

He has had many a conversation with darkness in his life.

"I might care for him, you know?" He confesses to his old time friend. Smiling, he kisses black hair. "His opinion matters somewhat to me."

Darkness cannot reply but Fai likes to think that Darkness acts out surprise before laughing at him for being so sentimental.

His hand moves to play with the ends of Kurogane's hair. "I'm not that sure of what he thinks of all this, I tend to think that he would be just as content swinging his sword around."

Fai sighs and looks down at Kurogane through the darkness.

"I'd like to believe he cares just a bit though." He smiles a smile that only he and darkness know well.

The darkness only listens because that is all it can do.

"How are dusk and dawn?" Fai mumbles with a chuckle – a private joke with a friend as old and wise as time – older in fact. After a while Fai allows his eyes to close and prepares to meet his fair-weather friend: Oblivion.

I have always liked to think that Fai finds darkness somewhat comforting. That he feels as though darkness knows him better than himself. This is me trying to get into the swing of writing again so please forgive me for the general fail that is strewn throughout the small fic.