**~ Clueless ~**

One sunny afternoon, at Andrew's house, everyone was relaxing and taking it easy . . . except Chloe and Derek. Once again, they were bickering about something stupid.

"I said; let me take your temperature!" Chloe persisted, her hand getting slapped away for what seemed the hundredth time.

"And I said no!" Derek, in turn, argued with her. This had been going on for awhile, Tori and Simon hadn't stopped them because of the heat wave passing.

"Now I know that it's pretty hot today," Chloe gestured towards the other to super-naturals slumped on the couch with all the fans on, "but your temperature shouldn't feel like 102 degrees!"

"Like I said, I'm fine, Chloe," Derek's voice showed his annoyance. Why is she being so concerned?

Chloe narrowed her eyes, "You said you were fine the last time, and you face is hot," she lowered her voice enough so only he could hear, "Are you about to Change?" Again, Derek had to take a deep breath to keep calm. It was bad when she was scared of him, but even worse when she was afraid for him. It was bad enough having Simon like that. He knew it was a bad idea letting her stay with him while he was going through that. Then again, she could comfort pretty well, and it was better than having Tori there.

Chloe crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow. "Should I take the lack of an answer as a yes?"

"No, Chloe, I'm not gonna Change anytime soon," he sighed again.

"Then why won't you let me take your temperature?" she persisted.

"If I tell you the reason why it's so high will you leave me alone?" This stumped Chloe. She'd been able to talk to Derek frankly for quite awhile now, but still didn't know if she could trust him.

"That depends, what's the reason?" Another sigh escaped the boy's lips.

"I'm pretty used to it by now; I can't really point out when it started, but it was around my second Change . . ." Chloe softly gasped, eyes widening from shock. 'Does she know?' he asked himself, finding a sudden interest with the carpet.

"You don't mean . . .?" she trailed off, averting her gaze.

"Yeah . . ." he was equally awkward for words.

"You mean you're closer to becoming a full werewolf!" she broke out into a smile. "Congratulations, Derek!" Derek stood there, dumbfounded, and blinked twice. Had she actually misinterpreted a confession for turning into a werewolf? He sighed softly and faintly smiled.

"Yeah, thanks Chloe."

"Oh, can I come with you like the last times?" she gave him a hopeful look.

"Sure, I'm not sure why you'd want to, though."

"No!" she persisted. "I want to be there with you!"

"Alright, alright, you can." He turned around and sighed in comfort and stole a glance at Chloe and quickly averted his eyes. 'She's still clueless, I'll tell her someday,' he thought


Rin: Yo peoples/fans of Darkest Powers series! I've just gotten into this series, and, this being my only non-anime/manga-related-fanfic, I am very proud to say that it's a Derek-X-Chloe one!

Tsukiko: Finally! You only did Shugo Chara for so long!

Rin: Not true! I did one for Blood+, too!

Tsukiko: Who cares? One out of thirteen fanfics is for Blood+, so what?

Rin: And I was gonna do one for Percy Jackson & the Olympians, but I haven't started it yet.

Tsukiko: Anyway, we don't own Darkest Powers.

Rin: If we did, Liz would be alive instead of Tori, Tori would've been the one to betray them, and Derek would tell Chloe that he loved her.

Tsukiko: But what about Simon~?!

Rin: He could go meet up with Tori in Tartarus.

Tsukiko: . . . Why isn't that in the dictionary? 0-0

Rin: *shrugs* My computer must not know Greek.