Reaper of Bones

Title: Reaper of Bones
Author: miss_m_cricket on LJ / MissCricket on AO3 / MissCricket on Tumblr
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot! / Doom Crossover.
Rating: R for language and goriness
Pairing: Reaper!McCoy/James T. Kirk
Disclaimer: Own neither Doom, nor Star Trek.

Summary: Starfleet has ordered the Enterprise to Mars to reactivate the Olduvai facility and Bones is once again forced to face his demons...

A/N: I couldn't bear to leave this story unfinished so...after 2 years, here is the conclusion to Reaper of Bones. I may upload a smutty epilogue if that is what people would like...but for now...this is it. Thanks for reading guys, it's been a hell of a ride.

Chapter 9

They were near the back of the atrium before John had his chance.

A few well aimed shots and the left flank of their attackers crumbled, leaving the way to the staircase up to the upper personnel levels open. In that moment he didn't think there would have been a single gods blessed thing that could have held him back, and sure enough in a flash of movement the immortal man was up and racing for the stairs, ignoring Moreau's shouts and Spock's hurried orders, ignoring the phaser fire that zinged all around him.

They couldn't stop him.

Never had he felt so in tune with his enhanced body, everything sharp and perfectly clarified like electric charges dancing across his skin. He knew where every enemy he encountered was, where every heartbeat thumped. He was a perfect predator, lithe, dangerous and utterly and completely lethal. This was what C24 had made him, and without Jim, his grounding influence, he embraced the animalistic side of himself completely.

Nothing could stand against him,

Men tried and died as he strode through the corridors. All the armed personnel he killed, all of the cowering scientists, the ones who he didn't know, he left. Except for one.

"Tell me where MacLean is." He growled into the mans' face, the hand on his jacket holding him up on his toes, "I can assure you he's not worth dying for."

The helpless man squeaked miserably.

"I d-d-don't know! I s-s-swear!"

He growled, low and dangerous and dragged the man easily over to the nearest computer terminal. "Find him."

"Of c-c-c-course..." the scientist typed with shaking fingers, logging himself in before saying in a hoarse voice, "Computer, tell me the location of Doctor MacLean."

"His location is in the biotech labs, on this level." the Computer's smooth voice responded immediately, "Warning: Weapons testing in process."

"I'll just bet it is." He growled and pushed the scientist away. "Get out of here."

He didn't watch the man scuttle away; his focus had turned away from that meaningless pulse of life. Instead he was completely focused on the biotech labs, which according to the floorplan on the wall were a few corridors away.

Finally, he would have his vengeance.

It turned out that the biotech weapons were a bit of a challenge.

Bones rolled out of the way of another liquefying blast and ducked behind yet another row of benches, clenching his hands into fists by his side.

Even in the hands of amateurs the biotech weaponry was nothing to joke about, and he had barely managed to escape a few of the blasts. With three men holed up in the weaponry room, he was at a disadvantage, despite his immortal prowess. His lips pulled back into a feral smile and he growled softly. In the end he would win, they would die, and he would have his vengeance.

And then?

He pushed the thought away, he couldn't think about the future right now. Reaper lived in the moment, for the current crisis. And he couldn't afford to be anything else right now.

With a neat combat roll, he dived behind the next bit of cover, wincing as one of the weapons blasted a hole in the floor beside him. Bastards, they were getting better with those...

Time to put his special talents to good use.

With a growl he leaned down and wrenched the big experiment lab bench out of the ground, wood splintering with a crack. Ignoring the cries from the men he lifted it and with a roar of fury he threw it.

With a crash it smashed into the weapons room and silence fell.

In a flash he was there, snapping the necks of MacLean's two lackies and bending over the man, trapped under the bench. He was alive, his handsome face twisted by horror and fear.

"Wait, you don't want to do this!" he yelled, seeing the dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"Oh trust me." A bark of laughter echoed around the ruined room, "There is absolutely nothing I want more."

"I c-c-can give you credits..."

"I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN COIN!" Bones roared the words, seeing MacLean pale even more with fear, "No...What I want is vengeance. And that is right here..."

"No..." MacLean whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut, "Don't hurt me. I have friends...people in high places..."

"They can't save you now." And he leaned over the man, hazel green eyes gleaming with savagery, "No one can."

And he pulled his phaser out of his belt, pointing it at his head.

But before he could fire, a voice called to him.


No...he thought, agony ripping through him, now he was hearing Jim too. Hadn't he suffered enough?

Footsteps ran up towards him and he turned with a snarl to meet whoever it was attacking him. But there was no attack, and next second his arms were full of Jim Kirk, his warm hands cupping Bones' cheeks, his soft, chapped lips melded to his, his firm, strong body meeting his own.

He felt real.

Next moment he was kissing him back, large hand coming up to tangle in Jim's fair hair, holding their mouths together as they kissed each other with everything they had, like they were drowning. He could feel Jim's warm enhanced hearbeat thundering against his, pounding like his own. He had no idea how long it lasted, it could have been mere moments or days for all he knew. But eventually Jim slowly drew back, their mouths reluctantly separating.

"Jim..." he whispered, hand leaving the younger mans hair to cup his cheek, "How...I thought...?"

"I know...I'm sorry." Jim's smile was crooked and very sad, "We had to let them think I was out of the picture."

"Captain. Doctor." Spock had arrived on the scene, his phaser held carefully in his hand as he moved around the crouched pair to peer down at the trapped and cringing Doctor MacLean. "I see you were in time, Captain. You do have a remarkable talent for arriving at the right moment."

"I'll say." Bones chuckled hoarsely, feeling the animalistic rage that had been riding him since the scientists had told him Jim was 'disposed of', subside slowly, letting him come back to himself. "I can't're alive..."

"A good sense of timing is vital in every daring rescue." Jim grinned at his two friends and stood, pulling Bones to his feet.

"If you could restrain this flare for the dramatic in the future, if I'm involved?" Bones couldn't tear his eyes away from him, "I'm too old for this shit..."

Jim 's laugh filled the room as Starfleet officers flooded in through the ruined doors, telling them that the fight was over.

And for once it was Jim, pestering him to get checked over.

Would wonders never cease?

Three Months Later

The Enterprise pulled away from the docking clamps of the Starfleet station orbiting above Earth and slowly began to glide, picking up speed as she soared away from the blue planet.

On board, Leonard McCoy let out a low sigh of relief.

He was standing at his usual place, to the right of Jim's Captain's chair, on the Bridge. It was unusual for a CMO to spend so much time there, but the crew understood, and some of them even encouraged it.

The principle crew had reacted happily to the news of their Captain and Chief Medical Officer finally getting past the issues that had been between them, and they were even happier that it seemed to have resulted in a warm and loving relationship.

Spock thought that it improved ship and individual efficiency, which was basically the Vulcan form of giving his blessing.

Scotty had simply given Bones a big bottle of genuine Scottish whiskey and told him that it was an early wedding present.

Sulu had given Bones the talk, the one about 'if you hurt him we'll have a problem', which Bones didn't mind at all. Uhura had given Jim the same talk about Bones, which was surprising, but also very heartwarming at the same time.

Christine tried to give both of them the 'other talk', the one about safe sexual practices.

That had been traumatising.

And Chekov had simply thought it was the most romantic thing he'd ever heard. Bones still caught him watching them during dinner times or meetings, always with a small wistful smile on his face. So he took the time to talk to the kid, realising very quickly that for all his vaunted intelligence, Pavel was still very young.

He was a good kid though, and Bones found himself becoming fond of him.

All of them had wanted to leave Earth, but until now it had been impossible.

Jim, Spock and Bones had all been subjected to thorough psych evaluations, making sure that all three of them were ready and capable of serving on the Enterprise. Then there had been the trial.

There had been no surprises when MacLean was convicted, but the entire thing had taken time, and energy as well as having made Bones very edgy.

Jim had come up with very good ways to get him to relax.

Finally there had been the debrief. And the assurance from the Starfleet command who knew of the C-24 to wipe all traces of it from record. They named Olduvai as a restricted zone, even though they had exploded the facility, and they promised Jim and Leonard that no further experiments or tests would be made on the C-24.

It was something...but both Jim and Leonard day they would have to disappear out there into the galaxy, because there would always be men who would covet the C-24 if they knew of it.

Now finally they were free to head out into space once more, to get back to what they did best. Finding trouble...and sorting it out.

Bones glanced over towards Jim, sprawled out in his Captain's chair. He belonged there, Bones thought wistfully, He was born to lead men and command a ship. And Bones place was at his side.

Jim looked over at him, and seeing him looking too, he grinned and winked

Bones smiled softly, and watched as Jim turned away, exchanging some quip with Spock who just raised an eyebrow at him.

Finally, after all this time, he was home.