Title: Ambush
: Enkidu07
: These characters do not belong to me.
Challenge Word
: Glimmer & Ankle... I have been getting behind.
A/N: This one is for you, Nana56. I hope your birthday was special!


There was an audible pop as Dean twisted to meet the sudden ambush. He grunted but continued fighting. Moments later, the spent carcass crumbled like ash into the dirt, molten scales glimmering in the moonlight.

Sam frantically scanned the landscape, found Dean curled tight, breathing harshly. Sam dropped, bowing his head close, curled a hand around Dean's shoulder.

"How bad?" He asked quietly.

"Gimme a minute," Dean grunted, hands guarding his left ankle.

Sam waited.

Dean's breath slowly calmed, his body relaxing. Finally, his eyes rose to meet Sam's and he reached out a hand for help.

"Let's go home."

