Truth or Dare…Cullen Style

Chapter 1: The Game Begins

It was just a normal day in the Swan residence, but for Edward and me, it turned into something much worse.

We both knew that Edward needed to go hunting, but leaving me with Emmett and Jasper made everything turn into the uttermost chaos.

"Edward!" Alice shouted, "We need to go now!""

Edward sighed then kissed my forehead, "If they do anything stupid, idiotic, or dangerous, I am just one phone call away.

I laughed, "I know. I love you," I said standing up on my toes to kiss him.

He laughed, "I love you, too," he said right before he left.

I sighed and sat down on the couch trying to relax.

"BELLA! BELLA? BELLA!?" Emmett kept on shouting over and over.

I sighed and started to get up, "What Emmett?" I said in disgust.

He laughed, "JASPER!" he yelled even though Jasper could hear him very well in just a whisper.

When Jasper appeared, they both had a smirk on their face. "So, Bella," Emmett started. "So now you are becoming a Cullen, there are a few things that you should know," he said with a smile. "First, we aren't the family that sits around and watches Disney movies all day," he said while Jasper laughed. "Second, there are no safe bases here. Everything is shared with everyone no matter how embarrassing. And last, there is one game that we all play," he said with an evil grin.

"TRUTH OR DARE!" Emmett and Jasper both shouted at the same time.

I had a look of pure terror on my face. "What?" I said in disbelief.

They both laughed, "Truth or dare is played when Carlisle and Esme are out of the house."

I laughed, "Why? Emmet break to many tables?"

After I said that, Jasper burst out laughing, "That's exactly why, Bella. Emmett has a habit of breaking all of Esme's favorite furniture."

I looked at them blankly, "So wouldn't that mean that you are banned from playing?"

Emmett looked at Jasper for a few seconds before they both shook the house with their laughter, "Good on, Bella!" they both said.

I sighed, "So what are the rules?"

Jasper was the first to start, "First, you only get one chicken card."

Emmett chimed in, "Second, dares can have more than one part, but you can't put each other in situations where they can die."

"And last," Jasper started, "nothing gay," he stated blankly looking directly at me.

I cocked my head to the side, "And why would I do that?"

They both shrugged their shoulders. "So who is going first?" I asked.

They both thought for a moment, "Bella, you go first," Emmett said.

I laughed, "Okay, um, Jasper, truth or dare."

He laughed, "Dare," he said right away.

I thought for a minute. I knew that normal human dares would be completed in a matter of seconds with them, but out-of-the-ordinary vampire dares would take a while.

"Okay," I said with a few moments of thinking, "I dare you to put a pair of Alice's underwear in everyone's locker at school. Oh, and you have to put a letter in each of them saying 'from Alice Cullen."

Jasper looked at me with a blank expression for a minute, while Emmett burst out laughing. "Nice one, Bella!" he shouted.

Jasper was still in shock when Emmett was finished, "You have got to be kidding me, Bella," he said.

I had a small settle smile on my face, "Nope," I said while popping the 'p.'

He looked down to the floor and sighed, "Fine," he said before he dashed up to the room to grab almost three-hundred pairs of underwear, and a stack of flyers sating, "This is for you! ;) 3 Alice Cullen."

After Emmett and I started laughing, Emmett grabbed the video camera and started to walk towards his jeep.

"What are you doing, Emmett?" I asked before he got to the door.

He laughed, "There is another little twist to our game. We always video tape everything so the rest of the family can watch it later," he said with a smile.

I laughed, "If you say so."

As we got to the school, Jasper started to take the walk of shame towards the doors. He started to grab the door, but then turned around to us, "Oh, dang. Sorry guys, it's locked," he said with a triumphant smile.

Emmett boomed out laughing, "Did you forget that we are vampires, Jazzy?"

He instantly got stiff, "Only Alice is allowed to call me Jazzy," he said with a glare.

Emmett and I started laughing, "You know just because you said that, we will be obligated to keep on calling you that?" I said.

He sighed, "Well, the door is locked, so let's just go home!"

Emmett laughed, "I can fix that," he sighed while walking up to the door and ripping up the bolts on the door.

Jasper sighed, "Fine," he said while he ran around the school putting her underwear and the note in the lockers.

In less than two minutes he was done and walking out the door.

Emmett and I took one look at his expression and started laughing. "I think we better go, Emmett. He already stole your jeep," he said while we both heard tires screeching down the road.

"Oh God-" Emmett started before he realized where he was, "Oh good ham," he said sighing in defeat.

I laughed, "Wow, Emmett. Oh good ham?"

He looked at me with a blank expression, "It's better than Oh God,"

"LANGUAGE, EMMETT!" I shouted at him.

He laughed and pulled me up on his back, "Like Edward says, 'you better hold on tight, spider monkey!"

I laughed, "Please, never ever again."

He smiled, "Oh Eddie boy wouldn't mind."

I sighed, "What is wrong with you, Emmett?" I quietly whispered.

He laughed, "Many things, Bella…many things."

When we got back to the house, we noticed that Jasper was throwing all of Emmett's stuff out his window. First we saw the X-Box, then we saw his T.V, and last we saw all of Emmett's sex toys being burned and then thrown out his window.

Emmett realized what was happening to late, and then realized that everything that he held dear to his un-beating heart was gone.

"JASPER WITHLOCK HALE!" he shouted while he ran up to his room.

When he got there in two seconds flat, I heard screaming, punching, and then I saw Jasper flying out the window.

"EMMETT?! WHAT THE HELL?" Jasper shouted while he fell out of the tree.

Emmett laughed, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR THROWING MY X-BOX OUT OF THE WINDOW!" he shouted back.

I sighed, "Would you two stop yelling?" I said in a whisper.

Emmett and Jasper both looked at me, "Okay," was all Emmett said.

I laughed, "So, Jasper. It is your turn."

He laughed, "So Emmett-"

"DARE, SON!" he shouted.

We both laughed, "Oh what to do you, Emmett? Oh what to do?" he said with an evil grin while I laughed.