Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. Never have never will D:! True owner is Tite Kubo.

Pairing: Aizen & Orihime

Author of Fanfiction: EngelXDamon



Chapter 1: The Lion's Territory

It was night time. The girl with Auburn Orange hair left her crushes home and headed towards the location she was given. She was still in her Karakura High School Uniform. As she arrived to her final destination, a portal appeared out of nowhere, revealing the pale Espada that she had met earlier. The tension between them was intense, no conversation, no eye contact, no anything, just her following right behind him. The back of his head in her view. Orihime Inoue, which was the name of the girl, heaved a sigh. She placed both hands behind her back. Orihime knew the portal had closed. The sound it made was quite eerie and she failed to turn around to look, because if she did, she will see all that she had left behind.

Ulquiorra Shiffer turned to her. He noticed she had slowed down some. "Onna, pick up your pace. We do not have time to waste, especially for Aizen-sama's sake."

She lifted her head up and gulped. "Hai…" She quickened her pace.

As they both reached the portal heading inside the palace, known to be Las Noches, Ulquiorra stepped right into the throne room first. There sat in his throne was Aizen Sousuke himself. Also in the room were Yammy, Wonderweiss, Luppi, and Grimmjow. Aizen leaned back into his throne, resting his face on his hand. He looked somewhat relaxed. His attention came to Ulquiorra's direction. Giving him a hand gesture to welcome in Orihime, who was just behind the door.

He looked at Aizen with the stoic expression that has always stayed his face. Ulquiorra took a bow "Hai…Aizen-sama…"

His attention now to the door "You may enter Onna." Just as he said it, the door opened.

Orihime looked ahead of her. The room was very large. Its tiled floor was accented with a marble teal finish. Large dark pillars lined up evenly on each side of the walls. The air felt somewhat dense. Small beads of sweat dripped from her forehead. The more she approached, the heavier the reiatsu felt on her small frame. Luckily it didn't send her entire body to the floor, like when she was in the Soul Society, as Ichimaru released a huge amount of it.

"Welcome to our palace of Las Noches…" Aizen's piercing mahogany eyes stared down at the adolescent girl. The sound of his voice echoed throughout the room as he spoke.

To her point of view, she thought she had entered the lion's territory. No way of escaping. She was now his prey. His victim. His toy. She belonged to him. Her mind, body and soul, now in his possession. Aizen was indeed the lion.

Orihime placed both hands to her heart as she looked up at him. She was frightened. Hoping and wishing that she made the right decision in coming here. There after he had asked her to heal Grimmjow's arm, Aizen ordered Ulquiorra to take Orihime to her bed chambers.

And as she began to walk behind the emotionless Espada, her eyes darted back at Aizen. A chill ran up and down her spine, getting the feeling that this won't be the last time she meets him in person again.

Aizen sat there silently, watching the young female walking with his most trusted Espada. His eyes never left her. The lion's prey disappearing into the darkness.


Author's note:

Ehehe sorry for this fan fiction ^^;

I tried my best…o_o;;;

I hope you like it and chapter 2 will be out maybe next week.

And for those who have been waiting for my last chapter on my first story, which has been put on indefinite hiatus.

Still thanks again for reading this story and hopefully it will turn out great.