Hello once again, everyone! I know, I know, it's been FOREVER! And I'm sorry... I went through a very dark and depressing time in my life that I'm just now getting out of...

If you recall, I believe I mentioned something about a continuation, or a mirror story for As Red as a Rose? Well. I am pleased to announce that I have [finally] uploaded its continuation! It is known as As Blue as the Sky, and I wanted everyone to know that! I hope you are all not mad at me, and if you are, I hope you can forgive me... It was careless and irresponsible of me to shut myself away from the world...but I couldn't find a better way to cope... However, I have changed and matured since the last time I was on here, which was a few years ago... So, don't worry about me. I'm fine now, and hoping for a fresh new start! Feel free to join me! ^^

I look forward to your reviews and comments, if you are interested in this new story.

With love,

Nozomi Kajuji~