Love Scenes


Snippets -all slash and unrelated except where indicated.

1. It's Pon Farr Time!

The title is self-explanatory.

The richness of the chamber took Jim by surprise.

After hearing so much about Vulcans' near-Spartan lifestyle, he'd been expecting to see a couple of blankets on the ground and little else. But there was nothing Spartan about this room; under the muted light of a dozen candles strategically placed, he saw thick furs covering every surface, and brocade curtains that added to the intimacy of the occasion. And then there was the bed. Huge and luxurious, it would have tempted even the most reluctant human.

Even a human who still had a few misgivings about entering into a monogamous relationship with his (undeniably sexy) First Officer…

But Jim felt his reticence start to fade. He liked Vulcans' sense of tradition. They evidently spared no expense when it came to their first time in the sack, and Jim approved of it whole-heartedly. His own first time, which had taken place in the back of a car, really paled by comparison.

"So!" he said, eagerly taking off his shirt, "Do you want me to wear something or say something, or what?"

Somewhere in the room, Spock responded.

"Are you mocking the occasion, Jim?"

"Hey, you're the one with all these traditions to fulfill," Jim replied, "I'm willing to be flexible, here."

And suddenly, Spock was right there behind him, and the feel of his warm body sent shivers down Kirk's spine.

"There is no need for you to wear or say anything;" Spock said huskily, "Flexibility is all that is required."

The End