Hey guys, Youkai Of Hearts here

Just here to tell you guys that I'm stuck on who should be the next victim for Butters

So another Poll has been added and it has a lot of selections even ones you can suggest via PM

So you can go ahead and vote and remember kids, you can also PM me for any costume Ideas, I have a list of possible costumes depending on pairing but I don't mind a little feed back on what costume you guys wouldn't mind seeing Butters in, except for Cartman because the costume that's been selected for his punishment will not be changed for special purposes!!

So good luck and get voting!!

Deadline will be Friday the 16th of April so get voting away possibly by the end of this small note which is…


P.S. Apparently this is a little silly fact but did you know that the B for Butters and the L for list can also be interpreted as Boys Love?

Just a silly little fact lol…

Get cracking kittens!!!