Ch 2

The Erasers were pelting towards us at an astonishing rate! "They must have had some new upgrades" I whispered to Fang who, like me, was preparing to fight. I flexed my muscles, crouched down and waited for the Erasers to come. They hit like a wave of arrows shooting down. Some missed and went slamming into the sand but I heard an "ooof!" and I knew that some had hit their target. I ran towards the nearest Eraser and punched him full in the face. He growled and grabbed my hand but I swept my legs under him and knocked him to the ground. I looked around to see my flock all engaged in their various battles. Nudge was throwing sand in an Erasers eye, Gazzy was up in the air fighting an Eraser. He boxed the Erasers ears causing his eardrums to rupture, sending him screaming down to the ground. Angel was hovering just over the water concentrating on something. I was about to fly over and intercept the Eraser that was shooting towards her but suddenly a huge shark shot out of the water and grabbed the Eraser's leg, pulling him back down into the ocean. Ahhh, that's what she was doing. Iggy and Fang were back to back knocking out Erasers left and right. "Max! Watch out! Behind you!" I heard someone yell but before I could turn around an Eraser's fist was slamming into the back of my skull causing me to black out.

I woke up a few seconds later with my hands and legs incarcerated by plastic ties. I struggled to look around and saw that I was being held by an Eraser and we were flying surrounded by Erasers. I heard some of the Erasers whispering. "What about the other one?" "What other one?" "We were supposed to bring back both!" Who else were they supposed to capture!?! I hope it's not Angel. I don't think she could handle having to be back at the School. Because where else could they be taking me? "Oh, don't worry. Boss has a plan to get the other one." Their voice faded away and I strained my ears to hear the plan but I only caught on to the last part. "Knowing them, it will definitely work out."