Here's the next chapter! I seriously did this chapter in two hours because I said I would get this out last week and I didn't. I'm sorry! Enjoy!

Orochimaru eyed her body. "Don't worry, I'm not interested in your body. Well, not the way you think. I want your body, for your powers."

"W-What are you talking about?" Miki asked, bewildered. "what powers?"

"You've recently joined the Akatsuki, am I right?" Orochimaru asked, with a sly grin. Miki nodded, unable to think clearly. "You're here for my Akatsuki ring." His hand trailed down her arm, causing her to shiver. "I'll give you my ring, if you allow me to test your powers."

"I—" Miki didn't know what to say. "I don't know what powers you are talking about."

"I can help you find those powers. I can help you remember everything. You know that you're not actually related to the Hatake clan. You were adopted."

"Adopted?" Miki asked. 'Kakashi isn't my brother?' "If I'm adopted, then who am I?"

"If you want to know then allow me to test your powers." Orochimaru said, circling around her.

"Would you stop observing me, please? I'm not dressed! And what powers are you talking about?" Miki tried to cover up more of her body.

"Your powers are one of a kind. Why do you think Pein brought you into the Akatsuki? Do you really not remember what your powers can do?" Orochimaru eyed her curiously. Miki's mind flashed back to the force field that she had created.

She shook her head. "No, I don't know what my powers can do. I don't remember."

"I feel like you're lying." Orochimaru played with a strand of her hair. "What soft hair…"

Miki backed away from him. "Why are you checking me out?"

"No reason…" Orochimaru hissed, "Will you let me test your powers?"

Miki stared at the man named Orochimaru. She knew he couldn't be trusted. 'But Orochimaru's offer was better than Kisame's. She would do anything to not sleep with Orochimaru.' Miki sighed, "Okay…"

"Good. Get dressed and I'll go get the ring." Orochimaru said, he exited the room with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Orochimaru-sama, did she take you offer?" Kabuto asked, walking beside Orochimaru.

"What offer? Kabuto, I thought you knew me very well. Am I a type of man that keeps his promises?" Orochimaru hissed, with a devious grin. "She's going to be my next body, and after her, an Uchiha."


"Do you have a problem?" Orochimaru growled, glaring at Kabuto.

"N-No, Orochimaru-sama."

Miki sat on the floor, waiting for Orochimaru. She was in an old, dusty room. The walls were made out of stone, with no windows. The room was unbelievably cold. A dim light bulb hung from the ceiling, barely illuminating the room. The room was empty, except for a single desk and chair in the corner. The door opened, revealing Kabuto. Miki stood up, waiting for Kabuto to speak. "I'm getting you out of here." He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door. He observed the hallway before dragging her out of the room.

"W-Wait! I need to get the ring!" Miki explained, trying to keep up with Kabuto.

"If you want the ring, then you're giving up your body to Orochimaru. He's not going to give it to you." Kabuto explained, checking another hallway.

"Why are you helping me?" Miki asked.

Kabuto stopped, "Because… You don't remember me, do you?"

"I-I… I'm suffering from amnesia. I'm sorry if I don't remember you." Miki desperately wanted to remember everything, but she couldn't.

"We have to keep moving." Kabuto said and started to run again. They turned a few corners, a guard was walking towards them. Kabuto quickly pulled her back towards the direction they came from. When the guard passed by, Kabuto knocked him unconscious. Kabuto ran down the hallway until they reached a door. "We have to get you out of this village."

"Kabuto? Miki?" Their heads turned around to find Orochimaru. He was standing at the end of the hallway, shaking his head. "Kabuto, how could you betray me?"

"I'm not betraying you, Orochimaru-sama. I can't let you take her body." Kabuto explained. Kabuto turned around and opened the door. "Miki, you have to get to an Akatsuki member. I'll try to buy you some time."

"Thank you." Miki whispered, giving him a hug. She felt like she had known him forever, but she couldn't remember him. She sprinted out the door, as Kabuto prepared to fight. She couldn't thank Kabuto enough; he had just saved her life. But she hated him, because he didn't tell her how to get out of the village. Orochimaru had taken strange routes; she couldn't remember how to get back to the main gate. Luckily enough, she entered the main streets. She was panting and gasping for air. "E-Excuse me, sir! Where is the main gate?" Miki asked a man. He stared at her strangely and pointed in the other direction. 'I've been traveling in the wrong direction?' Miki ran down a street and saw two Akatsuki cloaks. "Itachi! Kisame!" Miki shouted, running towards them. Their attention turned to her, the expression on Itachi's face frightened her. Fear.

"Miki!" Itachi shouted sprinting towards her. She was almost there, almost in the arms of the man she loved. 'Itachi!' She was tired and sore. "Behind you!" Itachi yelled, trying to warn her. 'Behind me?' She felt a sharp pain in on her neck and her whole body began to burn. She heard a hiss and her eyes widened. Kabuto couldn't stop Orochimaru. He could be dead. Her vision blurred, she could see a black and red figure still running toward her. Miki stopped in her tracks. 'Itachi?' The pain became unbearable and all she could do was let out a scream.

Did you like it? Orochimaru is such a perv! xD Please review!