Happily ever after

Rating: M

Pairing: HP/DM

Summary: Harry and Ginny are married, but their love soon begins to fade and they are left living an unhappy life. Draco Malfoy enters his life again thanks to their sons, is it only friendship that blossom, or something else?

Warnings: If you love Harry/Ginny don't read. If you are against slash, don't read. I'm not from England and therefore I don't know how you celebrate Christmas. I've taken information from the Internet though, and if this is wrong, please forgive me.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, although I, as many others, wish I did.

Corrected By: Dark Raven 4426, UPDATED 21ST JULI 2010 by myself.

Authors Note: My dislike for Ginny is rather obvious, don't you think? But to my defence, I can imagine Harry with thousands of other characters that would be much better for him.

21st of Juli 2010 This fic is now being rewritten! I'm changing it into a fic with more chapters and longer contains! Hope you'll like the change!

Chapter Five

Your vengence isn't sweet


Our friendship turned into a relationship, my affection was quickly blinded by love. Years passed and I spent them with you, how I wish my love for you was true.

My love turned into affection, my affection turned into distain and my distain.. slowly grew to hate.


It was during that same day that Ginny made the move I never had thought she would dare to make. Well, that is not entierly true, I was not yet sure of what Ginny was capable of. But I had trusted her with information which she had failed to keep to herself. We sat down for dinner and ate in silence, except for Albus and Scorpius who were talking in low voices to each other. It was a large contrast to the night before when the conversations had been loud and boisterous with friendly arguments and happy bickering. I wondered briefly what they were speaking of.

"So Scorpius," Ginny suddenly said, cutting her youngest son of. "I heard about your poor mother, I am terribly sorry."

I choked on my water. Scorpius change of face was heartbreaking. The small smile that had been lifting the corners of his mouth up disappeared and for a moment he looked throughly confused as his gaze flickered to me for a second and then instantly fell to his lap. He murmered a quiet thank you and grasped his glas of water clumsily, taking a sip to occupy himself with.

I turned my eyes to Ginny and she looked at me with the very kind smile she had directed to Scorpius still on her lips. Ginny was a good actor and could fake feelings quite easily. Her disguise of her own genuine feelings was however, remarkably full of cracks and holes. Her eyes were like open windows at times and while her face was carefully set in a empath fashion her eyes were screaming of glee and satisfaction. I felt a sudden urge to slap her across her cheek. Hard. Without holding back.

God how I hated her.

The silent room went even more compact, and it reached new deeper levels of silence. I quickly threw the food into my mouth, in a desperate attempt to fill the room with noise again, even if it was my own chewing. When I was done I turned towards the boys, Scorpius whom hadn't touched the food again.

"Boys," I said for once with authority in my voice. "You are excused."

They quickly scrambled to their feet and left the dining room.

James followed them, but Lily sat contently where she was and picked up a blank sheet of paper and her chalk pens from beneath her chair. It stopped me from confronting Ginny. On a second thought though, would it have made any difference?

I begged and hoped that Scorpius wouldn't tell Malfoy about it, and at the same time, the thought of Scorpius doing so appealed to me. Maybe he could help... Maybe he knew the answer to the question I had been asking myself of for months.

He didn't though, he simply hugged his dad when Malfoy came to pick him up, slightly longer and slightly harder then usual I supposed, but he waved at me and said goodbye in a brave voice.

Albus was oddly silent and he left for his room upstairs the moment the door shut again. I felt sweat drip down my shirt as I asked myself the question again.




I waved at the boys and called out as the train started moving away. Lily stood next to me in her pink jacket that clashed horribly with her red hair, but which she insisted on keeping anyway. Tears prickled her eyes as they always did when we said good bye to the boys, and as the train train slowly gained speed and the sound of a horn whistled loudly through the air, she closed her eyes hard and two drops of tears fell down her cheeks.

"Bye." She whispered, her small hand still waving.

We stood there for a while, as the rest of the parents around us slowly exited the platform until nearly half had gone. I raised my daughter into my arms.

"Let's go home and make some hot chocolate!" I said smiling.

She nodded, her lips still pouting as she rubbed her right eye with a clenched fist. I brushed some of her hair out of her face and walked towards the exit.

That was when I realized the answer of the question that I had been asking myself. That was when I knew what to do.



The bravery I had felt when we still were at the platform, and the answers I suddenly gained, were washed away the second I saw her. I got paranoid, it seemed as if she already knew what I wanted to tell her. Any glance she sent or any remark was suspicious. I tried to analyze every word she said until it was twisted by the possible hidden messages she wanted to tell. I completly chickened out, and afterwards as I looked back on my actions, I felt ashamed. So my plan was put on hold, for days and weeks. And Ginny's visits with her new friend got even more frequent. She was going away an hour or three at dinner time for some coffee, or for a late drink.

My only comforts were Lily and occasionally work. I had begun to work overtime in a attempt to keep Ginny at home. Lily couldn't be left alone during the evenings, and if I wasn't home then Ginny had to be. It was a few days later when I realized that if I weren't home and Ginny was, then Lily would be alone with Ginny. I hurried home immediatly. And Ginny's dates continued.

I met up with Malfoy again, or Draco as I surprisingly enough had begun to call him. We decided one day that we should go to the pub somethime, rather awkwardly, more to be polite rather then actually doing it. We did, one day when Ginny was out and Lily was at Ron's and Hermione's. Our conversation was at first awkward and embarrasing, until the ice suddenly was broken by a stupid comment and our wild conversation once again took us by it's iron grasp.

This time, we didn't simply talk about work, Quidditch and kids and such, but about our wives. It was strangely easy and comforting to talk to a stranger about things you never opened your mouth and talked to with anyone before. I never uttered a word to anyone, not even to my closest friends. I figured that talking to Ron or Hermione about this would only make it worse; Draco wouldn't or rather, couldn't do anything to help me.

His own marrige had been arranged, and Draco shared his thoughts, even his worries the night before the wedding. How Draco and his wife always had been friends rather then lovers, his and her joy when Scorpius arrived, and their loss as she died.

I talked about Ginny, quickly spitting everything out, like poisenous venom. I talked about how things had been and of how things were. He sat and listened and ocassionally asked questions but didn't press anything. Perfect.

Afterwards we both felt uncomfortable and we were back to the awkward silence before. I took the time to think as we quietly sat and sipped our firewhiskey, I wondered why I never had seen Draco like this before, so alive... so human. Probably because he was a Slytherin.

We met several times after that as well, both of us somehow comforted by the other. We became... friends? Well, maybe not. But we something close. Something really close.



It was late afternoon, but Lily and her friend Margaret were outside playing happily in the snow. Me and Ginny shared a calm afternoon tea with each other, sitting in the sitting room with view over the backyard where the two girls where. We sat opposite of each othere, if we really could have had it our way, we probably would have chosen to sit as far away from each other as possible. But as it was, we could see Lily as well as she could see us and if we were going to keep this charade up, acting well was necissary.

"I'm pregnant." Ginny suddenly said.

I dropped the newspaper in my hand and stared at her.

"What?" Was the only thing I managed to stutter out.

She repeated herself in the same smug, careless voice.

For one long, incredibly sick moment, I felt happy. I was going to have another baby. And at the same time I felt devastated, I was stuck with her. I couldn't leave her now that she was having my baby. I was stuck. The moment, however long it might have been, still passed and my former emotions quickly turned to a strange sort of happiness that crept into every cell of my being. I had trouble keeping a smile from blooming on my lips.

"It isn't my baby." I said, stating the obvious.

She sneered at me, for my sudden happiness and turned her head away, confirming my statement. I felt so relieved. I wasn't the one to break up our marriage. No matter how much I had thought of telling her I wanted a divorce, I wouldn't be the one to destroy our children's childhood. She had done it by herself. I picked up the magazine again.

"Well, at least we know it isn't your fault we couldn't have another baby." I said in a calm voice as I returned to the article I had been reading.

I was provoking her, I knew. She wanted me to hurt by the fact that it now was obvious she had slept with another man. She wanted it so desperately, I knew. That was the only reason she probably had chosen to tell me.

After we had Lily, both of us agreed that we wanted another baby. The next year that followed she blamed me for not giving it to her. It was my fault we never got to see another child come to life. She never became pregnant again. It was a touchy subject and I almost regretted bringing it up, until I saw that instead of her looking angry, she was smirking.

"I have known that there is nothing wrong with either of us for several years." She said, a smirk still plastered on her face.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a frown, sensing the danger and trouble that would come. I put the paper down again.

She put both of her hands protectively over her stomach.

"Well." She drawled. "Let's just say that I won't have an abortion for this one."

The words echoed in my head, it seemed to take several seconds for those words to really enter my head and make some kind of imprint. My hands shook in anger.

"How many?" I asked in a rather steady and calm voice, inside though, I was shaking like a leaf.

"Two." She said, and glanced at me.

Her gaze scared the shit out of me. It was pure hate. No regret, no other feeling but that, hate.

"You see," She begun again. "While you thought I wanted another baby, I simply wanted you to touch me. I noticed that you were beginning to loose some interest in me. I had to do what I had to do. I got pregnant twice. Fortunately though, I noticed in time and could have them both aborted."

I threw the paper away and walked with long strides towards the floo. No longer caring about our act, our time together had come to an end anyway. From the kitchen I could hear her chuckle, and I wondered for a second what devil or demon had possessed her. I stepped into the fireplace without any particular goal in my mind. I just wanted to get away from her.



I stumbled through the floo and almost (as usual) fell down on the expensive carpet in front of it.

"Harry?" Someone asked.

I looked up and saw Draco sitting in front of me and I started to pace.

"She had them killed," I murmured to myself, knowing that I probably didn't make much sense to him.

"Who killed who?" Draco asked with an alerted voice.

"Ginny... She killed them," I said and walked back and forth.

A pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and forced me to sit down.

"What happened?" Draco asked, no, demanded.

I looked straight into his eyes and shook my head once before I opened my mouth. I told him everything, our conversation, the babies. It wasn't until later that I realized that I was crying. How could I miss someone so much who I hadn't even known existed until now?

Draco's hands cupped my cheeks and he hugged me. I leaned back into his strong embrace, feeling strangely small.

I turned my head slightly towards his and suddenly our lips were touching. We were both very still, until someone began to move and instead of moving back, our kiss deepened. I recognised his tongue dancing over mine, exploring. It was harsh, short and everything that I needed. Never had I thought I would feel this tingle in my stomach ever again. Never had I figured that it would be with Draco Malfoy either.

We pulled away, flustered like teenagers caught in bed and gasping for air.

His hand caressed my cheek.

"Did you regret that?" He whispered.

"No." I answered and meant it.

He smiled.

"Good," he murmured against my neck. "Neither did I."


Another chapter! And it's only been a week! :)

Thank you for your reviews!

Celestial Beauty