For the last time in this one, nothing belongs to me

Thanks to ncislove for beta-ing

Thank you for coming back to read, and of course review^^




They didn't part until they had the noodles on the stove for the dinner.

"I set up the table, if you want you can check your boat, she missed you too." A smile on her lips while she pecked his lips.

"But don't forget the time, I guess Ducky will be earlier to check your…" She wiggled her eyebrows.

He laughed, kissed her forehead and went down to the basement.


It was already half past seven, she was right Ducky would probably be there earlier, so he didn't even bother to grab some tools.

Instead he went to her coffin and opened the lid the same moment in which a loud "Ouch" became audible through the partly open door of the basement.

Half a breath later something fell loudly rattling to the kitchen floor above his head.

For good measure a "God Damn it!" and "Fuck it!" followed, which he heard while he ignored the protest of his still sore body and already was on his way back up to the kitchen.


Half way up the stairs he heard the water being turned on.

30 seconds had past between hearing the first word leaving her mouth and entering the kitchen.

Abby stood in front of the sink with her fingers under icy cold water.

He stepped over the on the ground spread noodles and the cooking pot before he came to a halt right behind her.


Cautiously he let his hand wander to her shoulders.

"Are you ok?" His voice was full of worries.

She moved her back carefully against his chest and nodded.

"Don't worry, it is not that bad."


His hands moved tenderly from her shoulders down to her elbows while he brought his mouth to her neck.

Gibbs kissed gently the inked skin before he whispered in her ear, "Let me see."

Abby sighed softly and removed the hand from the water jet to show her soon to be husband her burnt finger.

"I'm getting the soothing ointment; put your hand back under the water."

"Yes Sir." He smiled unseen by his girl. "Don't call me Sir."

She smiled despite the pain at her fingers. "I can't help it."


I'm just glad I still can.


She felt his body move away. Her hand moved to the growing bulge in front of her.

Once she thought Gibbs was out of earshot she whispered softly towards the growing human-being in her body. "I told you your daddy would come back home."

A smile appeared at the corners of Jethro's lips while entering the kitchen again.




With three big steps he was behind her and embraced the body standing in front of him. One Hand was resting over hers on her belly while his other held the ointment.

"Always, Abs I would find a way out of hell, even if I would have to kick Satan's butt!"

"I believe you just did that." Her voice was heavy with tears.

Lost for words he just held her tight till the doorbell rang.

"Want me to send them away?"

She turned around and shook her head.

"No, it is your: I'm-back,-survived, engagement-and becoming-a-father party! We're not going to cancel it." She looked to the noodles on the floor, then to Gibbs. "Though we'd better order pizzas."

The doorbell rang again. "It's open." Jethro finally yelled a smile on his lips.


Mike, Tobias and Ducky were the first to arrive. The three stopped shortly after passing the threshold of the kitchen door, eyeballing the embraced couple and the mess on the floor next to them.

"Do we come at an inconvenient moment?" Ducky asked with a soft smile.

"No" they said in unison adding their hellos while looking into each others eyes smiling.


Abby disentangled herself from her love and signed.

*Go with Ducky, I clean that mess and order Pizzas.*

He nodded and kissed her forehead.

"But first..." he got a hold of her burnt finger, tenderly dropping a bit cream on said digit and spread the ointment with his own finger.


At last Jethro moved to the group at the entrance of the kitchen.

"You two help her." He told his friend before motioned Duck to lead the way upstairs.

"Jethro." He stopped and turned around to face Abby again.

"I'm pregnant, not sick… I can clean my mess alone." She said laughing.

He patted the shoulders of his friends. "Those two could need some exercise, they are getting rusty."

Finally Gibbs went grinning up the stairs.


Like Gibbs had ordered the two men in her kitchen had helped her clean the mess, despite her loud protest.

Defeated she had grabbed the phone and had dialled the number of their favourite pizza dealer in town.


When Gibbs and Ducky came down the stairs the group was complete, all gathered in the living room, joking and laughing.

Tony had his armed trapped around his girl both sitting on the two-seater, while McGee sat between Mike and Tobias on the three chairs they had added to the living room for that evening, currently listening to tips the two men told him.

While Ducky entered and found himself a place to sit on one of the armchairs, Gibbs watched his 'family' from where he stopped at the threshold, his good side rested against the doorframe.


He noticed the looks all of them paid Abby while they talked with one another.

All checking if she was ok and finally getting back to her normal self.

She sat alone, cross-legged on the second two-seater waiting for Gibbs while keep talking with her friends, completely unaware of the fact that they all checked on her.

A soft smile on her face while she looked at Gibbs.

*You ok?*

He nodded.

*And?* She glance briefly downwards.

*Everything is fine*


She patted on the free space next to her.


They enjoyed the evening. It seemed during the hours together, the still palpable tension slowly but surly subsided.

At some point Gibbs had talked with everyone for a few moments alone.

Eventually around two in the morning the guests said their good byes to Gibbs who had walked them to the door.


Abby had fallen asleep around midnight curled to Gibbs side, a smile on her face.

The moment he had stood up from his seat she had conquered the free space by outstretching her legs.

When he re-entered the room she had turned around. Her hair was framing her face while a soft smile was still visible on her lips.

His sleeping beauty, he just had to watch her.

The next day he would tell her his plans for a visit at his father's place.

Hopefully she would like the idea.

All in all, life was getting back to normal.

Sure he had to work through what had happened, but with a family like that he would be good.

No question.


He smiled down to the sleeping woman on the couch and wondered if she would agree to a marriage in Stillwater.

In the end it didn't matter where they would marry or when as long as they were happy together.

"Jethro" Abby mumbled his name sleepily into the cushion beneath her head, "stop staring at me."

"I'm not staring, I'm watching."

"Well," finally she opened her eyes. "Stop watching and start snuggling."

"Yes ma'am."

He lifted her up and stopped her protest with his lips.

Finally he was home, again.




I know it is not the perfect end, well ok it doesn't work out how I wanted it, but well... it is a somewhat decent end, isn't it?

Though I have some ideas for a sequel, what you think, yes? or no?...