Sorry this is so short and that it took me forever to update. I promis that I will update again soon.

***********Mai's POV *********************

After Sabina and I switched are bodies back I couldn't help feeling extremely grateful of it. I relaxed into my skin, happy to be back in it. It had been extremely weird to be looking at myself with a different personality, it couldn't have been much less strange for everyone else.

I looked around as I realized that I wasn't in the base on the couch where I had originally fallen into the 'Gene-sleep'. Instead I was in one of the rooms along with Masako and Ayako. They were both sound asleep which told me it was late and I knew I should go back to sleep, Naru wouldn't like me sleeping on the job tomorrow unless it's a 'Gene-sleep'. I couldn't though, fear of the lady who had almost killed Sabina kept me from falling back to sleep.

Even though Sabina and I had been taken while with people I couldn't help think I would be better off with people, specifically Lin-san. With that decided I snuck quietly out of the room and headed towards the base in hopes that Lin-san was there.

The base was empty except for Lin-san and Naru. I knew that Sam and Dean had found a room to occupy till the case was done seeing how their sister was almost killed. Sabina was probably with them. Naru's attention was completely focused on the monitor in front of him while Lin-san's went back and forth between his computer and the monitor in front of him.

I pulled a chair up right next to Lin-san without disturbing him too much. He glanced at me as I settled in next to him before turning his attention back to the monitor. "I can't go back to sleep. Do you mind if I hang out here with you?" I asked shyly. I glanced down at my hands in my lap and hoped he didn't see the red tinge to my face in the dark room.

Lin-san nodded and went back to his work as if I wasn't there. It hurt but I also knew that was how he was, no matter what he felt about someone he tends to be very closed-lipped about his feelings. I don't blame him though, I couldn't. I hadn't exactly been open about my feelings for him.

I don't know how much time had passed while I sat there thinking about my feelings and Lin-san continued his work. All I knew was I started feeling extremely tired and without thinking I leaned against Lin-san's shoulder. When he didn't push me away I relaxed into him, the peace he offered finally allowed me to go to sleep. What I didn't know is that as I closed my eyes and fell asleep Lin-san looked gently down at me with a small smile on his face.

I didn't awaken again until the sun was rising and the other members of SPR were joining us in the base. It was their arrival that woke me from my comfortable sleep. My chair was closer to Lin-san's then when I went to sleep and he had his arm snuggly around my waist with my head resting against his shoulder.

As everyone slowly entered the room to begin the days work I looked up at Lin-san and smiled. "Good morning Lin-san." I sat up, reluctantly pulling away from him. "Did you sleep any last night?" I stood up, stretching as I waited for his answer.

He nodded his head as he watched everyone begin their normal routines and I decided it was time to begin mine. It would probably be in my best interest to start the tea for Naru before he arrived to demand it.

**************************************Author's POV*********************************

Sabina and Naru arrived at the base at the same time Sam and Dean did. Sabina burst into the room first, a grin on her face as she dragged a reluctant Naru in behind her. Sam and Dean followed behind, both with smiles on their faces as they watched their sister in amusement.

"Bina, you are a nut. I just wanted you to know that. I love you but you are a nut." Dean told Sabina, a shit eater grin on his face.

She turned to her siblings with a grin. "Of course you do. That's what I pay you for isn't it? If you didn't love me then I would have to find someone else to be my brother. Heck, if you didn't I'd hire Naru to be my brother! You love me don't you Naru?" She looked at him with puppy dog eyes that would do Sam proud.

Naru looked at her with a carefully blank expression before turning away. Before he could even take a step away though Sabina hugged him like one hockey player does another one. Naru stumbled forward under the force of her attack while everyone else watched, amused, as their boss was attacked. "YOU DO LOVE ME! YOU DO! YOU REALLY DO!" she yelled, giggling before pulling away and instantly becoming serious. "Naru, this is no time to goof off. We have a ghost to bust!"