Disclaimer: Don't owe them, wish I did.

AN: OK, peeps! Last chapter! The song's still 'Halo', and it doesn't belong to me, either.

Chapter Eleven.

Logan watched the two young women as they hug each other and sat down to talk.

He remained close, far enough to give them privacy, but close enough to catch the looks Max gave him from time to time. She had seen Max content, particularly after a good meal; he had seen her smile in delight at her bike, had seen her smirk in triumph after a successful mission: but he had never seen her just...happy.

He didn't think it was possible, but it made her look even more beautiful.

They chatted for a while, until Tinga remembered she was due to pick up her son in less than fifteen minutes. Logan offered to take them in the car; Max's frown puzzled him for a moment, until she told him she wanted to show off her baby.

Laughing, Logan then offered to drop them at Tinga's house and return with the SUV, as there was enough space in back for the bike, but Max just gave him a calculating stare. Logan managed to keep his cool under her gaze, but it took a lot - he was reminded once more that there was more than a little wild cat in his girlfriend. He was so focused on remaining aloof he missed the mischievous twinkle in her eye that usually preceded her rare, bright smiles, the ones he liked to think were mostly for him. He had known many people who smiled with their mouth, and then spread over their faces: Max was the first person he had ever met where her eyes started the smile, before tugging her lips up. The fact that he knew such minute, telling details about her made him smile in return.

Max sauntered over to him, put a hand on his chest and rose on tip toes to leave a fleeting kiss on his cheek. It was her other hand that was his undoing, though; he felt her small fingers slide up his leg, over the side, into his pocket...and then Max was gone, and so were his keys. He didn't have time to protest, though, as she threw him the keys to her bike.

It was a huge sign of trust, he knew. The effect was spoiled slightly as Max proceeded to explain in very graphic detail all the painful things she would do to him – or rather, to certain parts of his anatomy – if he even scratched her baby. Even with the threat of dismemberment included, Logan knew it was as close to a declaration of love and devotion as he was likely to get from her.

All things considered, life was good.


Max and Tinga chatted as they drove to the school, where they found Case waiting at the door. Max was instantly taken by the kid...yesterday she barely had a boyfriend, now she had a sister, brother-in-law and a nephew. She remembered how she'd almost stayed in Seattle, writing Logan off and moving on with her life, and decided that she would forget his little indiscretion after all.

She was taken by the little boy, he was bright and funny, and cute as hell. And the little monster knew it, too. Soon she found herself wrapped around his little finger, but considering he was family, she could live with that.

When they arrived at Tinga's place Max found herself led to the living room, where Case sat her down and ordered his new aunt to help him with his coloring book while Tinga started dinner. Max suddenly realized how wildly out of character this was for her, playing with a kid while her sister cooked. She was completely relaxed and happy. It took her a while to make the connection to her usual evenings at Logan's, lazying around while he prepared her dinner. The damned man had screwed her up big time, had made her soft.

She loved him for that, too.

A little over half an hour after they'd got home she heard the distinctive roar of her baby, and moments later Logan was at the door. Of course, he came bearing wine and ice cream. Lots of ice cream. At hers and Tinga's amused expressions, he just shrugged and gave them his best roguish smile.

"Well, she is your sister, Max..."

Tinga's husband arrived an hour later to find his house filled with laughter and screaming, as Max had taken it upon herself to keep Case amused, and in her book that meant running around with him. She had played a couple of times with Omar, Theo's kid, and she knew kids his age had tons of energy, so she decided to help him burn a little. Or a lot.

Dinner was great, for many reasons. She had experienced the whole 'family dinner' deal a couple of times with Theo's family, but in this case was different, because it was her family. And because she had Logan to share it with. And because he made things seem easy, he talked with Tinga and her husband Charlie about everything. He weaved her into the conversation with ease, and made all the appropriate comments and gave the usual smiles, handling the situation like the upper crust socialite he used to be. He was a handy man to have around.

After dinner was finished and Case put to bed, the four stayed up late talking, getting to know one another. Logan had introduced himself as Robert Eastman, journalist, and herself as Maxine Gutierrez, as stated in her forged Id. When midnight approached Logan had excused himself, claiming he had to work in the morning, and exchanged keys with Max. Charlie also went to bed, leaving the sisters to themselves; it seemed 'Penny' suffered from insomnia, so it wasn't really a surprise for him when she sent him to bed with a kiss.

After cleaning up they decided to take their conversation elsewhere, and Tinga took her to her favorite thinking spot, the water tower on a building three blocks from her house. They swapped stories of their early days after the escape, the pulse, and their many close encounters.

This was the conversation Max had been dreading since she had seen Tinga's picture.

Haltingly, Max told her about Brin, about leaving her for Manticore. About her close encounters with Lydecker. About finding Zack, only to lose him again when she refused to toe the line. By the angry snort from her sister, Max gathered her C.O. Had tried to pull rank on her too, with similar success. By the time Max told her about Zack sacrificing his freedom for her, and the suspicious accident that destroyed the chopper carrying him, she was weeping. She knew she was responsible not only for Zack's fate, but for anything that may happen to all her other siblings when he couldn't be there for his unit. She expected Tinga to hate her, or at the very least to be angry with her.

Tinga just held her and whispered in her ear, rocking her slightly. Max allowed herself to be reassured, knowing her sister didn't judge her, didn't blame her for their loss. She had never felt so safe before, except with Logan.


After a few more moments in Tinga's arms, Max stood back and started talking about him. She knew Tinga had questions, Max had only told her in the car that he knew about them, about Manticore. Tinga just looked at her, long and hard, and asked a single question. Did she love him?

Max stared back at her, then looked at the road while she though about it. It didn't take long, really. She knew what she was asking, not just if she liked him, but if she trusted him with her life and her secrets. Max gave her a huge, happy smile and said yes.

Focusing again on the present, Max then told her about how they'd met, leaving only the exact nature of his work, and Eyes Only, out of the story. As she recounted all the adventures and close calls they'd had in the last eight months she realized as she shared the details with Tinga that there was a new feeling swelling inside her; pride.

She loved the stubborn idiot, yes, but above everything else, she was proud of him and his quest to save the world.

Eventually Max hugged her sister goodbye, after promising to visit her in the morning. Tinga could go a few days without sleep with little problem, not like Max, but good enough. But she also wanted to go back to her bed, and her husband, and be there when her son woke up. Since Logan and her had decided to stay at least a few more days, she could wait.

Besides, there was another bed, another man, waiting for her.


The next few days they settled on a new routine.

Max and Logan would go to the bakery for breakfast, and spend the morning and early afternoon sightseeing, and then pick up Tinga, and later Case. They had dinner together, either at Tinga's or out. Logan outdid himself with his cooking, Max bragged about it, and everyone was happy. Then they would either go back to the safe house together, or Logan would return first while Max spent most of the night with her sister. Max had been nervous about leaving him alone for so long, so soon after finally getting their act together, but Logan had assured her he understood, and promised that they would have enough time for themselves once they got back to Seattle. When they did went home together, they'd go straight to bed and spend a few hours making out and talking, until Logan fell asleep. Max would then stay curled up in bed with him, sometimes napping, sometimes just watching him sleep, marveling at how she didn't feel the need to go out, to run the streets on her bike. She knew it wouldn't always be like that, but for her it was enough.

They had also agreed to wait until they returned home before exploring the more...physical aspects of the relationship. Max was content with just kissing and holding him, although she had spent more than a few of her quiet moments exploring his body while he slept. She had discovered Logan not only smelled good, he tasted real nice, too.

He was also very ticklish.

The seventh morning after she had found her sister Max woke from one of her power naps to find herself sprawled over a very naked Logan. Last night she had stayed up with Tinga, but Case had woken up in the throes of a particularly nasty nightmare, so Max had returned earlier than usual. To her delight, she had discovered that Logan usually slept in the nude, and only had dressed for bed – just boxers, but it was the thought that counted – when Max was sharing it with him.

Even though Max had spent several nights at his apartment, and even a few of those perched on the armchair on his bedroom, watching him sleep, she had not noticed before that while he usually slept until mid morning, especially after a long night working on a case or keeping her company, there were certain parts of him that rose earlier.

And stayed up for a while, too.

She bit her lip to keep herself from laughing, picturing his face if he were to wake to find his favorite cat burglar draped all over him, wearing only one of his t-shirts and a huge, wicked smile. Assuming he would sleep a few hours more she dressed and went out for a drive.


Logan woke only an hour later, and could still smell Max in the pillows. He smiled at the thought that a restless, wild jungle cat would choose to spend her nights curled up with him instead of prowling the streets. No, he didn't need Max to make any overt declaration of love; it was in these little details that he knew she shared his feelings.

Clearing his mind, he rose and went through his morning ritual, steeling himself to the task ahead. He had not told Max what he intended to do, because he was afraid she would misunderstand his intent.

Money wasn't power. Money didn't bought power. It was how you used that money that made a person powerful. And he had the money, and the means, to make a real difference on many lives.

He dressed and walked to the bakery where Tinga worked, hoping to have time for a private talk. He nodded to her as he entered, and waited for the only customer to leave, before asking her, in a low voice he knew Tinga would pick up, to meet him in the alley out back.

Her only reaction to his words was a slight tightening of her eyes, before nodding almost imperceptibly.

Logan left, and five minutes later Tinga joined him at the alley. She seemed relaxed, but Logan had spent too much time watching Max to be deceived by her nonchalant attitude: Tinga was tense and wary.

"Hi, Penny. I'm sorry to bother you at work, but I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Something Max doesn't need to know?"

Logan laughed softly at her blunt, direct manner. "Something like that, yes. No, I didn't say anything to Max about this, and I would hope you wouldn't either, but that's up to you. She can be a little...stubborn, sometimes. This is something I would've done when we first met, and it would've been a mistake, done for the wrong reasons. Now, I'm afraid that if I were to broach the subject again she would see it as a regression to my old self, rather than a genuine offer without conditions."

Tinga's gaze hardened as her stance turned from wary to almost hostile: then she cocked her head to the side, before relaxing and smiling at him.

"You're offering me money?"

Logan laughed, amused at how similar they were.

"Short answer, yes."

"And the long one?"

"Well, did Max tell you about the time we met?"

"Yes, she was stealing from your place, she run, you followed her, she run, she followed you, you made her an offer."

"Right. Did she tell you what was my offer? What was it about?"

"She told me you were some kind of investigative journalist, and tended to get into trouble. She told me about your injury, too."

"I see. Well, I asked for her help, in exchange in my assistance in tracking you, all of you. She's spent the last eleven years looking for you. But the fact is that I was a bit of an asshole before the shooting, and I almost offered money. I'm pretty sure she would've kicked my ass right there if I had. I try to help her anytime she needs it, but she's too independent, too proud to accept help. It landed her in jail a few months ago, I barely managed to get her out before Lydecker arrived."

"Yeah, about that. How the fuck did you found out about Manticore? Because I don't think Maxie just told you over beers."

"Actually, I had read some reports of Manticore about five years ago, some rumors and partial accounts about a transgenic super soldier project, and being the sci-fi nut that I am, I looked into it. Then I found a report about an escape, and then the orders to form a joint operation including several federal agencies, to coordinate the search for a group of escapees from a military installation in Wyoming in early March 2009. The task force dissolved within 48 hours of being called, and all records of it's existence an purpose were sanitized. I only found an old inter-office memo talking about it, and the twelve 'dangerous prisoners' it was supposed to locate.

After that I only found some scraps of information here and there, but a friend of mine, a real conspiracy theory nut, helped me put together a dossier. When I saw Max take down my ex-cop bodyguard in three seconds flat, and jump out the window to land unharmed ten floors below, I was almost sure. Then I did something stupid, something that almost cost me any hope of a future with her. I tricked her into letting me see her barcode. I don't think she's forgiven me for that, yet."

"Hmm. That's an interesting tale, Logan. But you still haven't told me what you wanted."

"It's simple. As you said, it involves money." he sighed, and took a moment to gather his thoughts "Before coming here, I left everything ready in case I didn't make it back alive. One of the things I did was to liquidate most of my assets. Right now it comes up to about 30 millions in several numbered accounts in Europe. My intention was to re-invest it once I returned, but in case I didn't, I left about half that money to Max. I know money doesn't buy happiness, trust me. But it helps keeping you alive."

"What are you saying exactly?"

"I'm offering to transfer one million into eleven separate accounts on my bank in Switzerland, and give the numbers and access codes over to you. Max never found any of you, and Zack refused to say anything, but I'm willing to bet you know where or how to contact some of the others. If and when you do, you can pass the accounts around, make sure you can eat, pay rent, buy new Id's, whatever you need. Also, once you retrieve the access codes, you can change them, even move the money somewhere else; after I give them over to you, the bank won't disclose any more information to me. That's the 'no strings attached' part. I don't want to know where you are, beyond letting Max know, if you chose to contact her. I really hope you will, all of you, but that's not a condition for the money."

"Why not tell her, then? It's a very generous thing to do, after all."

"Yeah, right. I'm afraid she'll see it as flashing money around: she doesn't mind me spending a thousand dollars in groceries to make her a three course dinner, but she almost kicked my ass when I tried to pay for her breakfast burrito. I want...I need to do this for you, for all of you."


"Guilt. Responsibility. My family's company has made several fortunes in the last forty years from defense contracts. And above everything, because you need help and no one else will give it to you. Call it an affectation of a bored rich guy, if it makes more sense to you."

"And you think she won't understand? Do you have so little faith in her?"

Logan sighed again, exhausted. When he looked back at Tinga, his face was set, determined.

"It's not that I think she wouldn't; I'm afraid the might not. And I can't deal with the idea of losing her, even over something that I feel so strongly about." Logan chuckled, amused. "Hell, especially about something like that. Tinga, I...I don't think I could live without her. Not anymore. Not for a while, now. That's why I'm the one making this offer. And it's just that, an offer. Take of leave it, no strings attached, no second guesses, no conditions. Well, except to keep her out. I'm not asking you to lie, just don't say anything, no matter what you chose."

"Why, Logan? What's with the super hero complex you have going on? What do you do exactly? And how is Maxie involved in that? You say you can't live without her, but what if she needs to-"

"I'll drive her to Canada myself. I've done it before. I'd rather have her alive across the world than risk her safety. But until it's necessary for her to run, I want her with me. She's my partner in crime, my best friend...and yes, she's the love of my life. I've had many relationships, Tinga. I've even been married, a long time ago. All that pales compared to what I feel for her." Logan smiled, amused. "So now that you've given me 'the talk', will you think about it? We're leaving the day after tomorrow, but you can reach me, us, in fact, in Seattle."

"Really? You're giving me your phone number? That's very risky, you know? I might be compromised." The words were Zack's, but the smile was as mischievous as Max's. He laughed again, happy that Max had finally found the family she'd been looking for.

"Don't worry. Here." Logan threw his cellphone to Tinga. "The chip's been scrubbed clean, it's encrypted and untraceable. The first speed dial is my cell, the second is Max's."

"Really? All this time I had a cellphone and I kept wasting change on pay phones every time you called? How stupid of me!"

Logan froze. As soon as Max spoke he felt her behind his back. He resisted the urge to flinch, and kept his gaze on Tinga.

"Wait...I don't remember having a cellphone! How's that even possible, Loogie?"

"Because I didn't give it to you yet. It's another encrypted cell, I have several around, just in case one gets compromised. By the way, how long have you been there?" he looked back at Tinga. "And how long have you known she was there, for that matter?"

"A better question, Loogie, is what the fuck do you think you're doing? Didn't you get the memo about lying to me?"


"NO! It's just a simple question! Why did you do it? Why offer money to my family? Why hide it from me?"

"You know the answers, Max. In want to help them because they deserve to be helped, and I can do it. And I didn't want you to know because I feared you would take it the wrong way-"

"Ha! Fear? The all-powerful Eyes Only is afwaaid of me?"

Logan didn't flinch, didn't hesitate. He knew the next thing he said could mark the end of his relationship with Max.

"Yes, Max. I'm afraid. I'm afraid you'll have to rum, and I won't be able to follow, or even help you. I'm afraid one day your seizures will be too strong for the pills, and I'll lose you. I'm afraid one day you'll wake up and realize I'm old and broken, and you'll leave me. Any way you want to look at it, I'm terrified something will happen to keep you away from me. I'm scared shitless of having to face another day without you by my side. I love you more than words can explain, and I fear it won't be enough...so yes, I'm afraid, Max."

Max stared at Logan with hard, narrowed eyes. She turned to look at her sister, exchanged a flurry of hand signals and turned back to him. Max took a few steps closer, and then slapped him. Hard.

Logan found himself sitting in the ground, ears ringing, the soft mid-morning sun making improbable shapes on the walls of the alley. He shook his head, and looked up at Max.

"That's for trying to keep things from me. I warned you about this, Logan."

Logan couldn't bear to look at her, but he forced himself to do so. It was likely the last time he would see his goddess, he might as well get it imprinted. He was ready to be hit again, to be yelled at, spat on. He wasn't ready to find Max straddling him on the floor, arms hugging his neck, her lips tearing at his, hungry, demanding. The kiss lasted a couple of minutes before Max moved away a little, giving him a parting nip on the chin. Her eyes shone with unshed tears as she caressed his face, his hair, his chest...


"That, was for being the best boyfriend/sidekick/underground cyber journalyst a girl could hope for. I understand your doubts, Logan. If you had made the offer before we came here, you would've been correct. But I'm not going to get pissed just because you want to share your money with my family. God knows you waste it like it grew on trees or sumpthin'. But you lie to me again, and I'll make you wish you never regained feeling on your lower extremities, honey. All of them. You understand?"


Max gripped his face, pinching his cheeks and dragged him closer until their noses touched.

"Say 'I understand', Logan"

"I understand!"

"Good boy." Max patted his cheek and stood up, sauntering toward Tinga, who gave her a proud smile. As they began to leave the alley, she stopped, turned and spoke to him. "Come on, Logan! It's your turn to buy lunch."

Logan stared at the retreating women, too stunned for words. Then he stood up, and started laughing. He was still laughing as he reached them in the street.

Only Max...


A bright Saturday morning three days later Max and Logan were preparing to go home.

Max wished she could stay, spend more time with Tinga and her family, but she was long overdue to go back to work; Logan had called him and asked to have Max stay over to run errands and carry his messages for two weeks, for a hefty retainer fee, of course. Max had objected, pissed off because Logan was throwing money around to do things for her, and more importantly because he was throwing it a Normal. She finally calmed down when Logan pointed out that a two-week vacation would've cost them almost as much, and she would get to spent that time with Tinga. But the two weeks had come and gone, and her pager was beeping almost every hour.

After saying goodbye they had rode to the exit checkpoint, Logan in his car and Max on her baby. Logan had again suggested she load the bike in the back of the SUV and ride with him, but the look Max gave him put a stop to that idea.

As they approached the line Max swerved to avoid one of the many water-filled holes on the road that still remained even after a week without rain, when she run over a piece of scrap metal and slashed her front tire. Normally Logan would've suggested going back and try to get it fixed, but they were almost at the front of the line and it would've taken a lot of time and trouble for Logan to leave. Besides, Sector cops frowned on people running away suddenly from them...

Logan Parked the car on the curb and went to help her, but found that she already had a small group of men surrounding her. A group of cops...

He approached them slowly, trying to calm himself, when he heard Max's loud, angry voice ranting, and the amused answers of one of the cops.

"...you can always leave it here, we'll take good care of her...."

"OK, let me make it clear. NOBODY TOUCHES MY BABY!"

Logan was surprised when her growl was met with good natured laugher. He circled them and moved to stand next to Max.

"Hey. What do you want to do?"

"Excuse me, sir? Can we help you?" This came from the youngest cop, who stood up straight and puffed his chest. The effect was less than desired, as he barely reached Logan's shoulder. This, too, made the other cops laugh. Max just huffed in annoyance and jerked her thumb at Logan.

"Don't mind him, he's just my boyfriend."

This drew interested looks from all the men, especially the younger one, who looked crestfallen at the news.

"Hey, if he's your boyfriend, how come he's riding alone?"

Max opened her mouth to snap back at him, but Logan beat her to it.

"Well, I tried to get her to ride with me, and put the bike in the back, but she loves that monster..."

"What, she doesn't love you as much as the bike? That's sad..." The other men snickered and looked at the men, and started whispering among themselves. Logan just smirked, put his arm around Max's waist and smiled brightly at the younger man.

"Nah, she's in love with that bike. I only get the sex." Then he winked.

That sent the older cops in another fit of laughter, and earned him and elbow to the ribs from Max.

"Behave Robert, or you're not getting any for a long, long time."

Logan just chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"OK, honey. So, what do you want to do? Ride with me, or spend the next two days searching for a spare?"

Max growled at him, but after a few moments she wheeled her bike to the SUV, and soon they were on the road. Max was still a little pissed, but she had to admit she didn't really mind spending the next two hours – make it four, Logan drove like an old lady – curled next to him.

On the highway the radio reception was practically nil, so she started rummaging through the stack of Cd's on the glove box, making faces and clucking her tongue at Logan's selection. Then she remembered somethin she had found on sale while she roamed Portland, and fetched the Cd from her backpack and put it on.

Logan smiled as the familiar sounds of Beyonce's Halo filled the car. Then grimaced as Max cranked up the volume and started singing along. He sighed in relief as the song ended...and then begun again, this time a different version. He picked up the Cd case, and sure enough it was the Single release, containing four different versions of the same song.

He groaned.

"Come on Max, you're not going to listen to all of them, right?"

"Of course. I like this song." She leaned over him, putting her left arm over his headrest while his right hand caressed his thigh. She let her lips caress his ear playfully before whispering "Come on Loogie...We kissed for the first time to this song." Max tilted her head to the side, looking pensive "Come to think of it, we also had our second, third and fourth kiss listening to this. And you also got to second base, so I don't see how you can complain."

Logan groaned at the effect she was having on him, but managed to answer.

"Our first kiss was at the cabin, and while I appreciate the sentiment, I'd like to have a little variety in my music."

Max leaned back into her seat and crossed her arms.

"Well, though luck. I like it, and I think I will listed to all the songs. And then I might listen to them again. You know, until..."


"Until we make it back home."

"What? But that's like three hours!"

"Again. I like it. Deal with it. Besides, we could get there faster if I was at the wheel. You drive like my grandmother."

"Max, you don't have a grandmother!" The moment those words came out of his mouth Logan wanted to die. He hated doing anything that reminded Max of her peculiar origins, and her birth was certainly one of them. He looked at her, trying to apologize, but to his surprise Max only smirked.

"Considering I was carried to term by a surrogate, I had a mother, and therefore a grandmother. And I'm sure you drive just like her. Hell, she's related to me, she probably drives faster than you, old man."

Logan was so distracted that he couldn't take his eyes off of her, which is a very bad idea while driving. Max laughed evilly as she reached for the steering wheel and corrected their course, narrowly avoiding rear ending another car. Logan cursed loudly while he stopped by the nearest shoulder to give his frayed nerves a chance to recover.

Max almost falling to the floor laughing certainly wasn't helping him.

"God Max! You're going to drive me to an early grave if you keep that up!"

Max wiped tears from her eyes as she looked back at him.

"Hey, nobody told you to go and fall in love with a genetically engineered super soldier/bad ass biker chick. You're just asking for it."

"Yeah, laugh it up now, when we get home we have three weeks worth of Eyes Only work to catch up to, so enjoy your free time while it lasts" He snapped back. Max sat up as all the mirth left her face.

"What????" She couldn't believe it, after all that happened, all the promises and kisses it was just back to business as usual? Then she saw his smirk and the glint of triumph on his green eyes, and understood.

"Well, nobody told you to fall in love with an underground super hero obsessed with his crusade to save the world. It's your own fault, really."

They looked at one another for a moment before laughing again. Logan unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned toward Max, caressing her face.

"Oh, and I love you, by the way."

"Well, now that you mention it, I love you too."

They sat there for a while, enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence like they had so many times before. Only this time they were more than friends. She had called him 'boyfriend', twice in fact, and he intended to play that to the hilt.

"So now what, Max?"

"Oh, Loogie! You forgot already? As I told you before," Max leaned to him again "I want to listen to this song, honey."

Logan groaned as her low, throaty laughter was drowned by the song. Then he saw with dismay Max had put the whole disc on repeat. He gave her a desperate look.

"Please, Max. Tell me what I can do. I really don't want to spend the next three hours listening to the same!"

"Well...there's one thing you could do..."

"What? Anything, just tell me."

"You could drive faster." she purred in his ear, before sitting back laughing.

Logan closed his eyes a moment, gathering his thoughts before fastening his seatbelt and flooring the car. If he pushed it he could make it in just under two hours. He shook his head in amazement at the woman singing softly next to him.

'Only Max...'

The end

AN2: Many, many thanks to all who came along for this ride, and a special thank you to Mari for all her help and input, without it this would've been a dull tale, and probably would still be in the works. Your full-sized marzipan – nekkid, of course – Logan is in the mail ;)

And thanks to Montana-Rosalie for her wishes, they made this little trip to Portland possible. Hope you enjoyed it!

Peace. Out.