Okay, guys… this is it! The very last chapter… a bittersweet moment…

I know I had the long author's note last chapter, so I won't ramble again, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU again to all my readers! You're the reason I stuck with this story for 28 chapters! I love you guys!!

And now, without further ado… here we are. A final bit of Faxness, a final bit of flock mayhem, a final bit of hating on Iggy… it's a beautiful thing. : )

The very last Sick Days disclaimer: I don't own Maximum Ride!

"Fang, Max!" Angel sang as she and Nudge dragged Iggy into Max's room. Both of them groaned and sat up, their noses red and hair tousled. "Iggy has something to tell you!"

"No, Iggy doesn't," he muttered, trying to break from the girl's grasp. They held tight, though, and plunked him down in a chair as the Gasman ran in, apparently recovered from his laughing fit.

"Now, Iggy," Nudge said in a sickly sweet voice, "what is it you wanted to say?"

"That I'm going to force Angel to mind-control you into singing 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' to Gazzy?"

"Eew!" squealed the Gasman, and Nudge turned to glare at him. "I mean, I love Nudge, because she's my sister, but-- she's still a girl, she still has cooties-- yuck, that's icky."

"Not as icky as your digestive system," she snapped.

"Just us, eating all alone, you said, take the pizza home--"

"Okay!" Max said loudly. "The judge is stepping in here. Nudge, call down, you don't have cooties. Gazzy, no more constipation song. Now, Iggy, what do you have to say?"


Angel pinched him, and he yelped. "No, not that. You're going to say what I told you to say."

By now Fang was lolling his head from side to side, meaning he was waiting for the long discussion to be over. Iggy scowled and said, "Fine. Max, Fang… Fax…"


"I'm sorry I wrote fake notes to make it seem like Fang had a secret lover."

Max narrowed her eyes.

"And I'm sorry the secret lover was the Red-Haired Wonder."

Fang narrowed his eyes.

"And I'm sorry I almost ruined Fang's relationship with… the only girl who matters to him."

Catching the way Iggy's voice suddenly turned soft and no longer sarcastic, Max turned to Fang and asked, "Did you say that…?"

He half-smiled at her. "Yeah."

She smiled back. "You're sweet."

The smile grew into a smirk, and he said, "I know," and took her face in his hands, kissing her softly. The girls simultaneously said, "Aww," the Gasman gagged loudly, and Iggy said, "Oh, geez."

When Max and Fang pulled apart, she rested her head on his shoulder and said, "Ig, we forgive you."

"Good. I'm happy for you guys," Iggy said.

"See?" Nudge told him. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Sure, whatever," he said, prying her and Angel's hands off his arms. "Now, if you excuse me--"

A huge sneeze interrupted him, and he doubled over, cupping his hands over his mouth. Everybody stood still, staring at each other in horror, and then watched as Iggy slowly turned on Max and Fang.

"I'm gonna kill you two."

And so it begins again.

It's short, sorry… like I said, I was just running out of ideas. But this wraps it up real good… like I said, it has the Faxness, the flock chaos, and the Iggy hating! What more could you ask for?

Well… since this is the end, I feel like I should say something meaningful…

Thanks again for reading! Thanks a TON!

One final Sick Days review? : D