Chaos Lane

Hi all! I'm here with another story! I know I'm still working on Nightmare City, but I wanted to try something a bit lighter. I've been writing the dark fic for some time, but I want to give this story a try! Well, to begin, thank you to my supporters, and welcome to new one! Hopefully you'll give this story a shot and enjoy! Thank you and please leave a review! Now enough with my blabbering and let's get on with the story!

Disclaimers: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or the characters, and this story is purely fictional. If it does resemble anything, it is by pure coincidence! Thank you and enjoy!

Things to look for (All the chapters follow this guide):


'Thoughts'/ 'sounds'


(NOTE from me)

Summary: Tea Gardner has lived her whole life in Canada. She was born and raised there and the only thing she knew about Japan was what she learned through her mother. Now on a path to surpass her mother, she enters Japan to prove to her parents that she can succeed without their help, and that she will strive to become the best dancer there is. However, little does she know that the peaceful and quiet life that she hoped for will no longer exist? Instead, she'll be facing crazy fans, the manipulative media, criminals, and worst of all her celebrity neighbours. She's going to realize just how difficult it is to live life in the spotlight.

Chapter One:

New Beginning

All I could see as I looked out the window was a midnight blue sky littered with balls of cotton and glittering lights. It made me feel so calm and alive, not to mention excited. A small little bird was weaving its way through the fluffy white material as my destination was getting closer. Although I wasn't quite there yet, I could already feel the drastic change in my life. It felt like I'd been sitting here for way too long just waiting to reach my goals. The flight had definitely taken its toll on me as I could feel the stiffness in my back and legs.

"When I get off this, I'm going to have a word with the pilots. They need to give us better seats," the women beside me muttered.

"Well, I guess we'd have to pay more to get better seats. Besides, plane tickets are already very expensive as it is. At least we're not on rocks right?" I couldn't help but give her a retort. The woman beside me was about 24 and very talkative. She'd been complaining the whole flight, and let me tell you, having to sit in an airplane for over 14 hours with a woman that did nothing but complain was no fun.

The woman frowned slightly as she turned her full body towards me. "So why are you going to Japan?"

I looked at her with slight shock. Could she not have started a friendly conversation with me at the start instead of complaining? And now that we were nearly in Japan she was asking me why was I going to Japan? Well why not?

Again I smiled at her before I spoke, "My parents were originally from Japan. They decided to move to Canada before I was born in hopes of pursuing their dreams in a foreign country..."

"How's Canada?" The woman was really talkative for sure. I was trying to tell her about why I wanted to come to Japan.

"Yes... Canada's been great."

"Then why Japan?" I didn't really like the woman to start with, but now I really could feel my annoyance reaching a whole new level.

"I'm here to learn about the culture and traditions. I want to see the country that both my parents were born and raised in. After all, Japan is still a part of my blood and it's a disappointment if I don't come back and discover my heritage," I said again.

She looked at me with a slight smile on her face. "What a nice girl! This is my ... I think fifth time coming to Japan in the last two years."

I looked at her with a slightly confused look. Just seconds ago she was complaining about hard seats, yet she'd been through the flight conditions four... no wait this would make it nine times counting the return trips. Shouldn't she already be used to it?

She gave out a snicker as though she'd read my mind. "Oh I'm not used to the airplanes yet. They're completely horrible to sit through. And you're probably wondering why I'm even sitting in economy class if I'm a rich girl?"

I tried to hide my astonishment as she told me she was rich. Now I couldn't help but think that if she were rich, then why was she sitting here in economy?

The girl smirked as she folded her arms across her chest and crossed her legs. "Well, you see my parents were mad at me. They said that I wasn't allowed to come to Japan to just go look at those boys. I was mad at them for not letting me take the private plane, but they failed to realize I did have some side money I'd been saving up. So in order to prevent the usage of all my savings, I decided to take economy class, but this is killer!"

Honestly, I barely knew what to say to her. The only thing I could mutter was a "nice".

So she'd come here chasing boys now?

"Your attention please. This is the Captain speaking. We will be reaching our destination shortly and ask you to please remain seated with your seat belts fastened. Please stay in your seats until the plane has come to a full and complete stop. Thank you for riding..."

"AHH! YES!" The girl's sudden movement and shriek scared me. I couldn't help but let out a yelp as well. I looked at her with wide eyes as I saw her quickly fasten her belt. She turned to me with a huge grin on her face. What was wrong with her? "Sorry! I'm just so excited! It's been three months since I last saw the boys. I can't wait to see them. I'm just such a huge fan. They're going to be holding a party to meet with some of their fans... and I got an invite! I can't wait at all!"

"Fan? What?" Did she mean she was looking for a celebrity?

The girl looked at her again with a shocked expression. For once she was quiet with her mouth gaping wide open. "Don't you know them? They're the biggest thing that happened in Japan... no! They're the biggest thing that happened in the international entertainment business. Everyone knows them! All five of them have gained so much praise and not to mention love from all sorts of fans from all over the world. They debuted two years ago into the singing field, and have slowly made their way into acting and modelling. They're the most popular boy-band ever!"

Again I looked at her with a weird expression. I guess she thought I was some stupid idiot since I had absolutely no idea who she was talking about. But then again, I didn't really care. It's not that I don't like boy-bands... It's just that I don't like the way some singers are portrayed. Just because there was a group of pretty boys didn't mean that a single ballad singer was not a better singer. I never really understood the entertainment field, but it was confusing for sure. I was a fan of international singers for sure; I mean I listened to music from all over the globe even though I didn't understand the language. There were even a few Japanese singers that had caught my attention. As long as the voice had passion and depth, I was hooked.

"Well, I guess I have more to learn about Japanese pop culture too eh?"

The girl laughed as she gripped her arm-rest. The plane was slowly beginning to descend down. I turned my head to look out the window again. The clouds were slowly disappearing into the air. Slowly, land was beginning to peep out from beneath my window. I could see the city lights glittering in the dark. As we got closer, the tiny little buildings were beginning to grow, and the little bugs that were seen from the sky were forming into vehicles. I held my breath as I watched the beautiful scene in front of me. It was so beautiful and enchanting. The city was bustling with life, even at 3 am. Cars were going down streets, people were walking in crowds. Soon the view of the cars and people began to zone out as our plane began to slow its speed down. We'd entered a large field with blinking lights. The plane itself let out a roar and shook as it finally reached the crowd. Everyone on the plane suddenly started to clap and cheer as the plane ran along the runway. I looked around to see people begin to break into conversations as they waited for the plane to come to a complete stop.

"We're here!" The girl beside me yelled again. Well, at least she was happy now.

"Guess the flight's worth it?" I smirked myself as I tried to keep my excitement to a minimum. The truth was that I wanted to run up and down the plane screaming in joy. It was my first time living away from home and it just so happened to be a completely new country. I'd come to Japan to learn about the culture and to attend a small dance school here. My mother had loved to dance and had attended a small dance school here in Tokyo. She'd told me all sorts of stories of her growing up here and how her passion for dance was nurtured into a fulfilling career here. I wanted to learn to dance as well as my mother did. Although she'd opened her own school in Canada, I wanted to strive to achieve my goals too. I wanted to be independent and succeed her records. She'd grown to become a well respected and quite well-known dancer in Canada. She'd helped choreograph dances for broadways, movies, and even music videos. I wanted to surpass her. I know I will surpass her. She'd even smiled before I left her...

"Dance your way to victory. Feel the passion and let go."

I sighed as I remembered the scene. My mother had been excited, but my father hadn't. We'd argued before I left. He refused to come and see me off.

My thoughts came to a halt as people around me began to get off their seats and open the compartments that held their bags. I saw as the girl beside me jumped off her seat and pulled down her violet coloured bag. She quickly grabbed a pen from her bag and a small piece of paper before she scribbled something down.

"Here," she said as she passed me the piece of paper, "that's my number." Again I looked at her with a questioning gaze. She'd been talking so much this whole flight, and now she was starting to be friendly. "You're new to this country, and you could use a friend. Just ring me up and I'll be there to help you in no time! I know quite a few good places and I'm sure you'll love them!"

I smiled at her as I stood up. So she wasn't a bad person after all. "Thanks. I really appreciate it. By the way, I'm Tea. Tea Gardner."

She smiled brightly as she helped take down my bag. "I'm Mai. Mai Valentine." She handed me her book and pen so I could write down my number. "Well then Tea, let's go get our luggage! I've got a lot to carry home."

For the umpteenth time I looked at her with an astonished expression. She merely laughed out loud before she spoke. She even had a house here? "You forget Tea, I'm rich. I had to buy a house here in order to stay at each visit. I can't stand hotels. I prefer the privacy of my big villa! By the way... how long are you here for?"

It took me a good fifteen seconds to answer. "Uh... at least a year."

Mai's expression turned to delight... if she could be any happier. "Awesome! I'll be here for about a year too! We definitely need to hang out soon!"

I began to follow her as we walked down the plane's aisle. I smiled knowing that I'd been completely wrong about Mai the whole flight. She wasn't a bad person. I guess first impressions aren't always right. Originally I thought she was such a selfish and negative person who only fussed over little things... but now that I thought about it again... well let's just say I was wrong.

"Definitely." A smiled crept on my face as we exited the plane.

After that I picked up my luggage and waited on Mai. As she lifted her purple suitcases off the track we made our way towards the arrival section. I have to admit, I was surprised with the sight I saw. Just after I exited the door towards the waiting friends and families I saw flashes of light and huge signs. I felt Mai freeze beside me as I tried my best to find the person that was supposed to be waiting for me here. I looked around in the screaming and cheering crowd, not to mention the flashing lights for a sign that read "Gardner".

"What the heck is happening here?" I asked as I had to grab Mai to get moving. People behind her couldn't pass us since she was blocking the way.

"It's the boys! They're here!" She exclaimed. She quickly let go of my hand and was about to run towards the crowd before she halted and turned to me. "Come on! Move faster!"

Again, I looked at her with a surprised expression. This many people had come to see celebrities at this time? And she was actually waiting for me? I smiled and shook my head no. "It's okay. I have to find my aunt anyway. You go ahead and I'll contact you soon after."

Mai pouted but then smiled. "It was nice meeting you Tea. I'll talk to you later!" She squealed as she ran towards the crowd.

I let out a sigh as I turned my back to the crowd. I doubt that my mom's childhood friend would've been in the crowd. As I turned around and walked towards the exit to the airport, I heard the whole crowd give out a loud scream. Apparently the celebrities had just appeared. The noise was really beginning to give me a headache and it was definitely insane. I turned around one last time to see what was happening, but the only thing I caught a glimpse of was a brown head of hair. Behind him was someone with white hair. I didn't have a chance to look at their faces nor the rest of them as I was suddenly pulled from the front.

"Tea? Is that you darling? Oh my god you've grown!"

I completely forgot about the celebrities behind me as I embraced my aunt tightly in my arms. I hadn't seen her in ages. She'd been to Canada about three times before since I was born, and my mother always made her stay with us whenever she came down. The woman was a petite woman with black hair and brown eyes. She was a beauty and also now a teacher at the dance academy mom used to study in. I could barely make out what she was saying because of the noise. I grabbed her hands as we made our way out of the airport.

The air in Japan itself seemed so different and refreshing as it hit my face. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I was finally here. A small palm rested on my left shoulder as I turned around.

"It's so loud in there. These young people and their hormones," my aunt muttered as she flagged down a taxi. We put in my luggage and then got into the cab. My aunt had her own red sports car, yet she still preferred to get around by walking and public forms of transportation. She said it was a way for her to feel a part of the community. Although my aunt was talking to me, I just stared out the window the whole ride. The night sky was beautiful here. I watched the passing lights and buildings as my aunt talked about the different places I just had to visit.

"I'm glad you decided to come, Tea," her sweet voice said.

I looked at her and smiled, "me too."


"Well, how do you like it?" She obviously seemed happy with the preparations. Tea couldn't help but be struck by awe. The moment she landed in this country, she couldn't believe her eyes. It was beautiful and lively (NOTE: I've never been to Japan so I'm trying my best to research a bit about it. If I get anything wrong or so, just remember that I've never been there!) Many people were walking down the streets while neon lights were flashing. Even now, as she stared at the nicely furnished apartment her aunt had prepared for her, she was amazed. The apartment was beautiful. As soon as she walked in through the entrance, she was greeted with open space. The living room was a nice size, not too big nor too small. As Tea walked in, she noticed the small rug with a coffee table above it. Surrounding the table was a 3 piece couch set. Tea looked to her aunt in confusion.

"Ah! I got carried away. I know you don't need three different couches since you're living alone, but I couldn't help myself."

Tea gave her a nod as she progressed further into the apartment. To her left she found a spacious room. As she entered the room she was struck again. Her aunt really loved to decorate. The room was beautiful for sure. The walls were painted a nice light pink while a single, large round mirror hung from across the door. The first thing she'd seen was the mirror. The room also had a twin size bed that held cute little stuffed animals upon the blue sheets. Tea smiled. She'd always loved stuffed animals and her aunt knew it. She even knew Tea's favourite colours, pink and blue. On the wall above her bed was a picture that her aunt had taken with her family on her last visit to Canada. In it, her mother, father, and younger brother were all smiling as her aunt was holding a relatively angry cat in her hands. Tea took a seat on her bed as she stared at the picture. She was already missing her family.

"I heard about what happened honey," her aunt chimed in as she took a seat beside Tea.

Tea looked up as she tried to keep herself from crying. "It's okay Aunt Kyomi. Dad'll get over it sooner or later. I'm not going to let him get to me about this. I wanted to come here to learn to dance and gain independence, and that's what I intend on doing."

Her aunt gave Tea a smile as she patted her head. "You're just as strong as your mother. I'm sure Kai will get over it. He can't be mad at his daughter forever." She gave Tea's shoulder a reassuring squeeze before turning to long curtains that covered the wall near the bed. "You should look out there, it's a beautiful sight."

Tea followed her aunt's directions towards the blue curtains that hung against the wall. She then stood up and made her way to pull open the curtains. As she did, she was expecting to look through the window but was again shocked. Instead of a window, Tea was met with a glass door that opened up to a balcony. Tea quickly unlocked the door and stepped outside. This whole apartment felt as though it was right out of a fairy tale. The night sky was already beginning to show waves of orange. Stars and the crescent shaped moon peeked out over the clouds, but were also dimming away. In front of her balcony was an open lawn before a new building sprouted its way up at least 200 meters away. A small white bird bath was seen in the middle of the open park, surrounded by beautiful little flowers. A few trees were scattered all over the place as a single white path guided its way through the park.

"Aunt Kyomi... It's beautiful," Tea whispered as she took a seat at the chair that had been placed there.

Her aunt slowly approached her as she giggled. "I thought you'd like it. You've always been more of an outdoorish kind of person. So then, I guess you like the place?"

Tea turned to her aunt as she smiled brightly, "Yes! I love it! Thank you so much!"

"No problem Tea. Although I still wish you would've come and stayed with us."

Tea stood up as she now squeezed her aunt's shoulders reassuringly. "I know you wanted me to, but you've just gotten back together with Uncle Tom. You two should be working out your issues. And besides, I can't intrude on the two of you for a whole year." Tea's aunt was about to say something when Tea quickly cut her off. "Besides, I'm here to learn to be independent and prove to my father that I will succeed on my own. I don't want him thinking otherwise."

Her aunt gave Tea a faint smile as she let out a sigh. "Alright then, if you need anything don't hesitate to call. I've set everything up for you, but you might want to go and say hi to the landlord tomorrow. We've rented this apartment out for a year, and it's on contract. So it's yours until the years up. Foods in the fridge, and..."

Tea sighed as she hugged her aunt. Although her aunt wasn't related to her by blood, she had been her mother's best friend since childhood. They'd grown up practically like sisters and had become an important part of Tea's life as well. "I'll be okay. You should get some rest now. I think I'm going to hit the sack and worry about unpacking tomorrow... later."

Her aunt smiled again as she looked at the time. "Although it's already nearly 6, I guess you do need to sleep. Call me when you're all unpacked and ready for a tour okay? I've left my number by the fridge along with all other important contact numbers." Her aunt paused as she looked at the sky. "You better go and rest honey."

On cue, Tea let out a yawn. She'd been exhausted alright, and it was already starting to affect her. "I will Aunt Kyomi." As Tea turned around she caught sight of another balcony to her left not too far from her. Tea noticed a single sunflower growing out of the little pot in the corner. Sunflowers were Tea's favourite flowers and she couldn't help but feel cheery.

"I'm going to get going now Tea. You better lock the door behind me. Sleep tight okay?"

Tea looked towards her aunt again and followed her towards the door. After saying her goodbye, Tea locked the door and returned to her room. She immediately flopped onto her bed and closed her eyes. The apartment was beautiful, quiet, and extremely welcoming. Tea loved it. She was happy to know that the decision she made had been the right one.

"Hurray for a new beginning," she whispered as she dozed off into a long and peaceful slumber.

----- six hours later

Tea awoke to the sound of a ringing telephone. She opened her eyes and stared at her watch. It was 12:13pm and she was still sleeping. She quickly rolled out of bed and ran for the phone.

"Hello?" Tea had nearly tripped while she'd been trying to catch the phone. She was panting slightly as she rubbed her eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"Good afternoon. Is this Miss Gardner," the man's voice questioned on the other end.

"Yes it is. May I ask whose calling?" Tea hadn't even given this number to anyone yet and was surprised to see someone calling for her already.

"Ah, good afternoon Miss Gardner, I'm the landlord for this establishment. Actually, I was wondering if you could stop by my office so we could finish signing the papers for the lease. I understand you just arrived by flight and..."

"It's no problem sir. I appreciate the call." Tea hated to be so professional regardless of who it was. " I shall be there in half an hour sir."

After a few more minutes of talking, Tea hung up the phone as she proceeded to her bedroom. She picked up one of her suitcases and placed it on her bed. She opened it up and began to fish for a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and her toothbrush. After finding her toothbrush, she pulled out her denim shorts and light blue t-shirt. She then proceeded to the bathroom that was connected to her bedroom and decided to take a bath. Soon after, she finished getting ready and grabbed a quick sandwich from the fridge. Her aunt hadn't been kidding when she said that there was food in the fridge. Her aunt really made sure she'd have at least a month worth of food ready to go. Tea grabbed her purse, cell phone, and a notebook that she'd written important numbers on and exited her door. She quickly searched out her keys from her pocket and locked the door. She was startled when she heard someone's voice a few meters away from her.

"Hi there!" Tea whirled around to see a man with black hair in a pony tail. He was quite tall, and handsome as well. He looked to be about 23, and definitely had an interesting aura. "You must be the new tenant."

Tea smiled as he extended his hand. She accepted his hand and shook it. " I'm Tea Gardner. Just moved in. And you are..."

The boy smiled as he let go of her hand. "The names Duke Devlin. I live a few doors down with my girlfriend."

Tea let out a laugh as she said hi. "Nice you meet you. Where is your girlfriend though?" Tea asked. He'd obviously wanted her to ask about the girlfriend if he was going to mention it. Tea wasn't interested in Duke at all, but he sure thought she was. 'Weird guy,' she thought as she heard a soft voice from down the hallway.

"Sorry! He's a bit of a social butterfly. Loves to talk." The girl that now approached them had a sincere and pleasantness about her. She had long red hair that went past her waist. Her hair swayed with her body as she got closer. She soon introduced herself as Serenity.

"Nice to meet the both of you. Unfortunately, I have to go see the landlord at the moment, but maybe I can invite you in for a cup of coffee once I get settled in?" Tea was glad to know that she'd met two really nice people already on her first day. She was beginning to love everything about this place. The building itself was wonderful. The room was beautiful, the scenery was astonishing, and the people were amazing. She felt like she was in paradise.

Serenity clasped onto Tea's hands as she apologized for holding her up. "For sure! It's nice to see a nice female living here now. Most people on this floor in particular keep to themselves. I only know a few people on this floor. It can get hectic around here though because of them..."

"Serenity, she needs to get going for now. Sorry, now you probably understand who the real one that talks a lot is."

Tea sincerely let out a giggle as she looked at the two of them. They were a cute, yet interesting couple for sure. Tea quickly said her bye as she left the two of them to their chatting.

She got on the elevator and hit the first floor. The building itself was twelve stories high. She'd ended up getting on the sixth story. Each floor had fifteen units. She'd been in 612. Duke and Serenity lived a few doors down in 608. Tea still had to meet her immediate neighbours. As far as she knew, 610 and 614 weren't in at the moment. Neither was 613, whose door was opposite her own.

She soon found herself on the first floor and inside the landlord's office. The man was a nice old man in his 60s. He had a friendliness that made her feel right at home.

"My, you're such a beauty Tea." He had introduced himself as Soloman. Tea smiled as she sat down. He'd gone through the terms of the lease again to clarify all the details. She nodded her head and signed the remaining documents. The fees had already been paid and she was all ready to go.

"The place is beautiful Mr. Soloman. The people here are so wonderful as well. It's really nice and peaceful," Tea said as she got up to leave.

Mr. Soloman gave out a chuckle as he escorted her out. "It is on certain days. But this place can get quite lively at others."

Tea looked at him in confusion, but he merely shook his head. "Have a nice day Tea."

She smiled again as she exited the room. "You too sir."

As soon as Tea exited the building, she took in the beautiful park that she'd seen from the balcony. This was paradise. The place was beautiful and the fresh air had completely waked her up. She just knew that her life was now going to change. She couldn't wait to begin her journey in a new country and the journey to reach her goals.

Tea then proceeded through the park and looked up to spot her balcony. She had to do something to make it was a bit more distinguished. The only way she'd recognized her balcony right then had been by spotting the only sunflower growing on the balcony beside hers. Tea glanced at the balcony and noticed white curtains, as well as what looked like little stools. She couldn't help but let her mind wander.

"I wonder what they're like," she thought thinking of her neighbours. She kept that thought in mind as she made her way into the streets of Tokyo City.


"Ah! I'm tired. It's been a long night. All those fans were following us for way too long," their manager stated as he pulled up in front of the building. "Alright boys, looks like we've managed to lose the fans. Go on in and get ready in twenty minutes. You've got to go for your recording today. We need to make – Joey! Get up and listen," the manager yelled.

The blonde boy that had been dozing off quickly jumped up startled by the tone of voice. "Wha-aah? I'm up! I was listening," he muttered as he gave out a yawn.

"You're always dozing off," came a curt reply from beside him. Joey looked towards the darker-skinned man.

"Shut up Marik."

"That's enough both of you! We don't have much time so hurry up and get ready. Meet me here in twenty minutes," their manager repeated.

A single sigh was heard from the back of the van and the doors opened. One by one each boy walked out. The last to come out merely smirked as he watched Joey and Marik begin hitting each other. The two of them always argued no matter what. He glanced at the park that stood in front of their apartment. Birds were already filtered in the bath and chirping away. The wind had picked up and was rustling the leaves from the trees, carrying a sweet scent towards his nose. He could spot a few people walking on the white path. In the distance, he could see the old couple that lived on the third floor, and the little girl walking her dog who lived on the tenth. However, farther off into the distance he spotted a figure he did not recognize.

"Hey! Kaiba! You coming or what," came a shout from behind him. He turned around and frowned. He let out a sigh as he followed his members in. They didn't have time to fool around. They had to get ready and go out again.

"Hopefully the fans don't find out we're back! I actually like it here!" Joey said as he boarded the elevator. He waited till all five of them were in before he pushed the sixth floor button.

All of them stood in silence as they heard the elevators murmuring. The only other sound they heard was the slight 'ding' that came on when they arrived at their destination. They slowly made their way down the hall. Joey stopped by door 608 and was about to knock when he was stopped.

"Do you want her to hate you more? She doesn't like it when her older brothers all overprotective of her you know."

Joey threw another punch at Marik as he quickly dashed and ran past them.

Kaiba let out another sigh. 'Idiots.'

"Hey Bakura! What are you doing! Our doors here!" Joey yelled to the single member that had walked behind the rest of them. Kaiba turned around to see Bakura staring at the door he now stood in front of. He then looked towards them and smiled.

"Looks like we've finally got a neighbour," he said as he saw the little 'Welcome' sign posted on the front.

A smirk was heard as they turned towards the last of the members. "The landlords a funny one. He's turned everyone down from renting out that last apartment there, yet here we are with a new tenant."

Kaiba looked at his spiky haired member and merely sighed. All of his members were 'idiots'. He merely shook his head as he walked past all of them and opened the door. He paused just before he walked in.

"In case you've forgotten, we've only got twelve minutes to go."

All of them jumped and quickly ran into the room before closing the door with a 'bang'.

The hall went silent again as the single 'Welcome' sign on the door swayed. It shook and shook until finally, it fell down.

Outside, Tea looked up at the sky as she walked down the street and let herself sway to the wind,

Feel yourself and let go.


That's the first chapter! I know maybe not the best of things, but it is just setting things up. I hope it doesn't seem too rushed but I wanted to make a long first chapter right away! Hopefully you all like it and I promise that the story will get better! :D After all, we're dealing with celebrities and craziness! :P This is my first time trying something like this, so give it a chance and I'd love some feed back! :D

ALSO! I may need some help when it comes to describing life in Japan. If you've been to Japan, or are Japanese, or even know much about Japan, some cultural pointers would be great! :D I'd like to learn a bit more about the hot-spring baths and such in Japan, so any info could help! Anywho just get back to me and let me know what you think! :D Take care and Thanks for reading! :D