Chaos Lane

Hiya! Here's the next instalment of Chaos Lane! Thanks for all the reviews and... Please R & R!!

Disclaimers: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or the characters, and this story is purely fictional. If it does resemble anything, it is by pure coincidence! Thank you and enjoy!

Things to look for (All the chapters follow this guide):


'Thoughts'/ 'sounds'


(NOTE from me)

Summary: Tea Gardner has lived her whole life in Canada. She was born and raised there and the only thing she knew about Japan was what she learned through her mother. Now on a path to surpass her mother, she enters Japan to prove to her parents that she can succeed without their help, and that she will strive to become the best dancer there is. However, little does she know that the peaceful and quiet life that she hoped for will no longer exist? Instead, she'll be facing crazy fans, the manipulative media, criminals, and worst of all her celebrity neighbours. She's going to realize just how difficult it is to live life in the spotlight.

Last Chapter:

The night sky was beginning to lighten slowly. The birds had begun to awake and chirp to bring in the new morning. The Sunflower continued to gleam as it began to feed on the fresh light of the new day. The Sakuras danced to the flow of the winds. Inside, a young man slept quietly, forgetting all that was associated with his hectic life. Opposite him, slept a young woman who was learning all that there was to learn for a new beginning. The only thing separating their lives now was a wall.

The Sun continued to rise as it welcomed in the new day. Within the sunlight, the two flowers rose and soaked in the new day. It was a new beginning, and they both knew that things would change. Their meeting was inevitable.

Chapter 3:


Knocking. Knocking. A shout. Again, knocking. 'Hey', the voice yelled again. Silence, and then the alarm.

Seto let out a sigh as he let the noises of the dorm room fill his mind again. He could here Marik banging on the door telling him to get up. His phone was still ringing with the morning alarm that he was sure Marik had set on.

"Kaiba! Get up!" Marik's loud voice sifted through the door.

With a grunt, Seto sat up in his bed. He grabbed his phone while his eyes began to adjust to the morning light that was glistening in through the curtains.

11:24 am.

"Hurry up Kaiba! You're the only one left!" Marik's voice broke in again.

"Shut up!" He finally yelled as he pulled off his sheets. This was ridiculous. They had finally been able to take a small break from their hectic schedule, and he couldn't even catch up on his sleep.

"What do you want?" Seto bolted as soon as he swung his door open. In front of him stood Marik; sporting a black shirt with beige pants. His hair had been pulled into a low pony tail with a few of his sandish bangs sticking out. His eyes were also shaded with a dark pair of sunglasses as his face adorned one of his infamous smiles.

"We're going out!"


Tea ran towards the kitchen stove as she heard water sizzling on the stovetop. She'd left the macaroni in the water for some time now and the water had already begun to drop down the kettle. It'd managed to seep out from under the lid and flow over the edge. It dragged down the side of the kettle until it vanished after it hit the heat.

Tea turned down the temperature and drained the last of the water. She added a few vegetables and some salt and spices. Her mother had taught her to make this dish and she'd been craving some spicy macaroni for some time now.

Tea looked towards the clock and sighed. It was almost 11:30, and she was supposed to be meeting with Mai at 1 pm today. Tea grumbled as she remembered the call only a few minutes ago.

"Hey Mai? It's Tea... The girl from the plane," Tea spoke as she looked out at her balcony. The sun had let it's rays into the bedroom and the flowers in her balcony were already cheerfully gleaming in. The sky looked bright and blue, reassuring her that the day would be a good one.

"Oh my god! Hey Tea! It's good to hear from you! What are you up to? How's things been? How's Japan?" Mai's exhilarated voice came through.

Tea smiled as she remembered her unique friend.

"All's well. Japan's been fun. You sound good too. How are things?"

"You know me! Say! What are you doing today?"

Tea couldn't help but let her smile grow. She was definitely happy that she'd met Mai on the plane. The girl was pretty easy to get along with... and entertaining.

"Not much. I'm still pretty much getting used to the place," she replied honestly.

"Good! You my friend are going to be my date to the party this weekend!"

Tea was baffled. Party? Weekend? "What are you talking about? But wait... you asked about today?" Confusion was definitely one of the predominant feelings that were bursting through her.

"Yes! I don't think you have much to do right now either... and besides, the party's a high class one. We'll get to dress up and party with some famous and rich people! As for today... we're going shopping!" Mai's voice was beyond cheerful.

'How does she do it?' Tea thought as she sighed into the phone. "Alright then! Let's meet ?"

"How about at Keio plaza?" (A/N: 1)

"Sure," she responded as the faint image the hotel came into her mind. Her aunt had pointed it out on their way home from the airport.

"Good! Then see you at 1!"

Tea squatted down and pat Eva's head. It was time to get ready and get out on the streets again.


"Why do I have to go?" He muttered as they all stood in the hallway.

"Hush it Kaiba. We're a team," came Bakura's mocking voice. All of them now stood there in casual clothing. Yami had pulled his blond, striking hair under a dark cap. He sported a white top with blue jeans. Joey also followed suit with a white cap and olive shirt. Bakura decided to wear a blue hooded sweater over his white sleeveless top.

"It's been a while since we went out shopping." Yami said as he finished locking the door.

"We stick out too much," Seto muttered as he leaned against the wall. He too was forced into wearing black jeans and a white top. Over his top, he wore a black vest. On his head, he wore a black cap with his sliver earring visible on his right ear.

"We're going to get caught," he said again as his members checked they had everything again.

"Don't worry. We'll manage," Joey said as he began to walk towards the elevator.

Without another word, Marik rushed forward to catch up to Joey. The both of them were now standing in front of the door of the new tenant.

"How is she?" Marik inquired as the night before came flashing into their minds.

Bakura let out a snicker and Seto rolled his eyes. Immature.

Yami stood there confused as he looked at all of them. "What happened?"

"He made a new friend," Bakura said while passing the two boys in front of the closed door.

Seto merely followed Bakura to the elevator and the both of them waited. Behind them, the three boys, Yami, Marik, and Joey, now stood in front of the 'Welcome' sign.

"She's nice. Came from Canada and had no idea who I was," Joey said with a smile.

Seto merely raised his eyebrow. 'Probably another stalker,' he thought. 'She's got connections if she could get in here.'

As if on cue, the elevator door opened behind them.

"Yo! Elevator's here!" Bakura yelled as he and Seto got in. Instead, the three boys were still standing in front of the door talking.

"Hey! Did you hear me?" Bakura yelled again. Again, they seemed to ignore him.

"Just leave them," Seto finally spoke. They would have to separate anyway to get out without being noticed by the crowds.

Bakura glanced over at Seto and then at the other three again. With a shrug he pressed the button and the doors began to shut.

Seto and Bakura both watched as the tenant's door began to open. The last thing Seto saw before the elevator shut was a glimpse of brown hair.


"Why don't you introduce us?" A voice from behind the door whispered.

"At least say 'thank you'," came another deep voice.

Tea stood in front of the door listening in on the muted voices. One of them was the same one from last night. The other was a new one.

"She's probably sleeping," came a familiar voice. Tea cracked a smile as Joey's face popped into her head. She'd been hoping he was feeling better since what happened a few hours earlier. He'd been really down and seemed quite stressed.

"No kidding! You kept her up late," came the voice from last night.

Tea couldn't help but let a giggle escape her throat. She clasped her palm around the door knob and pulled the door in. In front of her stood three men, all wearing the same expression on their features. They were frozen in the middle of their discussion and all eyes locked on her. Behind them the small 'ting' went off indicating the elevator had just left.

A moment of silence went by as she smiled. "Ohayou," she said in Japanese. (A/N: 2)

Joey was the first to get out of his trance as he replied 'ohayou'.

"Now what are you guys doing in front of my door?" She asked as she looked at all of them.

"Sorry. I was just about to go out, and wanted to say thanks for last night," Joey spoke. (A/N: I think most of you have noticed by now, Joey's speech is clear and that is for a reason. He is a celebrity and has to have good speaking skills.)

Tea smiled and nodded. "Not a problem." She then glanced towards the two men standing on either side of Joey with a questioning gaze. Picking up on her puzzled look, Joey shook his head with a sigh.

"These are my... roommates. This one's Yami, and he's Marik," Joey said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Pleasure meeting you, I'm Tea." With a smile, she couldn't help but notice how similar their hair colours were. Was that done on purpose?

Yami nodded his head as he said his hello, while Marik smiled.

"You really don't know who we are?"

Both Joey and Yami turned to their friend with strict glares. Tea was confused again as she watched all three of them exchange looks.

"Am I supposed to know?"

"No, it's nothing. This guy's a bit of a troublemaker so don't mind him," Yami said.

Marik merely snickered as he peered into her room.

Tea caught his eyes and quickly apologized.

"Sorry! I would invite you in, but I'm heading out to meet a friend right now," she said with a touch of embarrassment in her tone.

"No! It's okay! We were heading out too actually. I just wanted to stop by and say hi," Joey's humiliated voice said. Marik merely snickered again as Yami let out a sigh.

Tea looked at them with confusion again and with a smile she nodded her head.

"Then I'll see you all later. It was nice meeting you two," she iterated with a warm smile on her face.

Both boys nodded. They exchanged their 'bye's' and were gone behind her closed door. Inside, Tea smiled at the... 'weird'... or rather unique boys.

"Seem like nice people," she said to Eva as the small blob made her entrance out of her room. Tea looked towards the time and yelled.

"Mai'll kill me! I gotta go now Eva! I'll be back a bit later!" she yelled as she scrimmaged for her bag and keys. She rapidly grabbed her things and ran out her door. It was her first time she had company going out, and Tea was looking forward to an exciting day.

"Here we go!"


"This is perfect!" Mai exclaimed as she stood in front of a mirror. They had been out shopping for clothes for nearly two hours now, and this was the first time Mai seemed to agree on an outfit. Mai's blond locks framed her delicate face lightly as they extended beyond her back. Instead of her dark skirt and top she'd been wearing moments ago, she now sported a purple gown. The purple gown began its formation on Mai's shoulders, slowly wrapping its way around her figure. The dress then loosened up around her hips, and further extended towards back of her knees. The front of the gown ended slightly above her knee caps, revealing a view of her toned legs.

Tea eyed her with awe as she smiled. "Yup, I think you've found the one."

Mai turned her body to a 90 degree angle as she glanced at her gown from different angles.

"I think I'll get this one!" She assured as she nodded to the associate.

She then turned towards Tea and extended her hand. Tea looked puzzled again as she rose an eyebrow.

"Now it's your turn," she said as she yanked Tea off her seat.

Tea yelped and protested but was met with a push into the change room. Without warning, Mai pulled Tea's bag from her and closed the curtain to separate the two of them.

"You kept me company today, and you'll be keeping me company at the party too. We need to get you into something sexy too! Wait here and I'll go find something!" Mai's voice rang.

"But Mai--"

"Not listening!" Mai's fading voice chimed.

Tea sighed as she looked at the small room. Mai's previous outfits that she had tried on were hanging from the few hangers that were placed on the walls. In front of her was a mirror where she could see a tall, slim figure with brown hair and blue eyes staring back at her. She was glad she'd decided not to cut her hair as it hung beyond her neck to her back.

"Here! Try this one on!" Mai said as a yellow dress was pushed into her face. Tea tried to protest again but was met with more scolding.

With a sigh, Tea pulled off her clothes and slipped into the dress Mai had given her.

"Is it on?" Mai's impatient voice croaked.

"Hang on! I'm still--" Tea screamed as the curtains were yanked open. Tea faced Mai with her open eyes as she looked her up and down. She pulled Tea out and made her face the large mirror in front.

Even Tea looked surprised to see the beautiful fabric now clinging to her body. Mai had decided to go for a long yet sexy look. The dress had a low 'V' cut at the front of her chest, which was held by a strap on either shoulder. The dress cascaded beneath her hips into a heap of beautiful waves that reached the floor.

"And the best part about this dress is the back!" Mai exclaimed as she whirled Tea around so she could see. The back of her dress was open until the midway down. Instead, two straps criss-crossed on her bare skin to hold the fabric in place.

"I don't know. This seems a bit too... flashy," Tea said.

"Nonsense!" Mai exclaimed as she nodded to the associate. "When I'm done with you, you will be the second most beautiful girl at the party," she exclaimed with a smirk.

Tea smiled as she let Mai win another round of their little disagreements.

"Alright, how much is this?" Tea asked the associate.

"Tea, out of the shop now!" Mai exclaimed as she handed the associate her credit card.

Before Tea could protest, she'd been pushed out of the store and yelled at.

Tea sighed as she looked at her happy friend inside the shop paying for the clothes.

"Guess I really am lucky," she whispered as she watched a small bird fly towards the sun.


"What party?" Joey asked as he scooped up a few spoons of vanilla ice cream.

"It's manager Lee's friend's party. Apparently only the rich and famous will be there," Marik snorted while downing his shake.

"Well at least it will be a breather," Yami informed as he too took a sip of his own shake.

"Yeah! Only certain people will be there, and they also promised to keep our coming there a secret. So for once, we can enjoy ourselves without any extra baggage," Marik exclaimed.

"They're not baggage! That's our fans you're talking about!" Yami scolded.

"You know what I meant!" Marik snickered.

Seto just looked at his group with a blank expression. All he'd asked for was a little peace and quiet. Not shopping, not parties, and definitely not being stuck here with these idiots eating ice cream and chit-chatting. 'Okay, not idiots, but dumb kids,' he thought at his own harsh words. Truth was the whole group had been together for a few years now. It would be wrong to say that there was no deep connection between each of them. They'd all grown to 'like' each other and were what most people would call 'friends'. Even Seto knew he'd come to rely on them for their stupidity and their values. He remembered his first impression of each of them. Marik seemed to be a bit of a 'free-spirit'. He would speak his mind and do whatever he wanted to. Joey had been the best to tease. He would easily get offended and act dumbly. Bakura was a bit of a quiet fellow at the start. Only a few snide remarks would escape his mouth. Yami on the other hand had become the leader. He held this 'authoritative' role as soon as he walked in. Yet now, Seto knew them better. They were more than their original cocky, dumb, and idiotic selves. They all had a dream of music and that was what brought them together.

"Don't worry Kaiba, we'll drag you there if we have to!" Bakura chuckled as he gave Seto a wink.

Seto rolled his eyes and smirked. He knew he'd be forced into it anyways, so there was no point in protesting now.


"I'll be back," Marik said as he got up and walked outside the store.

"Where's he going?" Joey questioned in between another scoop of his ice cream. Everyone else at the table shrugged.


"Oh my god, they've got the new CD! Tea come on!" Mai exclaimed as a bunch of people were trying to push their way into the already busy store. Tea just smiled and shook her head no.

"You go ahead. I don't think I'd make it through that," she said. She pointed towards a small bench on the other side of the street a few shops down. "I'll be there so meet me there when you're done."

Mai nodded and immediately disappeared into the store.

Tea swiftly made her way towards the waiting bench as her legs began to waver. She was tired, and Mai sure knew how to make people walk a long time. As soon as she crossed the street and flopped herself down on the bench and leaned her head against the back of it. She closed her eyes and let the sun heat up her face.

As she sat there with her eyes closed, she could hear the noises of the street. Cars were going by, people were laughing. She could hear little children, and bicycle horns going off. Even the noise from the busy music shop was audible from where she was sitting. She tried to zone everything out as the faint sound of birds chirping came into her ears. She held onto that peaceful sound as she felt herself drift further into her tired state. 'This is perfect,' she thought as she listened to the noises in her peaceful state.

"Yo! What you doing?"

Tea bolted her eyes open at the sudden intrusion. She was startled by the voice that she couldn't help but jump. She quickly turned her eyes with a glare towards the man who had just interrupted her peaceful moment.

"Oh, did I scare you?" He said with a snicker.

Tea looked baffled, but her features turned into a scowl again. "Yes you did. What are you doing here?" She had just met him a few hours ago and yet they had met again now. 'Is he stalking me?' she pondered amusingly.

He laughed again as he took a seat beside her. "We were just having some ice cream down at that store," here he pointed to a store a few shops away from the hectic one she'd been at moments earlier. "We were finally able to get some free time in our busy schedules," he said with his grin still plain in sight.

Tea nodded as she tried to catch a hint of his eyes through his dark glasses. "I see. Where are the other two?"

He turned his full body towards her and leaned forward until his upper weight was supported on his elbows which he'd placed on his knees. "In there having ice cream."

Tea raised her eye brow at him as she peered into the glared window of the ice cream shop. "And why are you not enjoying some ice cream in there?" She asked a bit cautiously. Truth be told, this guy seemed a bit 'creepy' to her. He was so hard for her to understand and the way he walked about made him seem arrogant. Yet right now he was being too obvious in his advances.

"I got bored. Plus I saw a pretty little flower sitting here all alone," he said as he obviously bore his eye into hers.

Tea looked at him again, trying to hide the uncomfortable feelings she was having. It was her second day in Japan, and she was already being hit on by one of her neighbours.

"Flower's don't sit, they grow," she said as she tried to keep up her smile. She didn't want him to realize that something about him set off warning signs in her.

He looked at her and smiled again. "They do grow, into more beautiful forms."

Again Tea looked at him with wide eyes. "That is until they fade." She gave up on her smile attempts.

He smirked with a pervasive look on his visible feature.

"Not before they open up and blossom."

Tea looked startled. 'Get your mind out of the gutter Tea!' She thought as she tried to think about a comeback. Nothing.

He lowered his glasses slightly, letting his grayish eyes meet her cerulean ones.

Tea gave up. Why the heck were they even talking about flowers in the first place?

"Whatever." She said as she looked towards the hectic store, hoping Mai would hurry up.

He let out a chuckle as he too turned his head towards the direction she was looking at. "Cute," he said leaning his back against the bench.

Tea didn't respond. Instead she watched people walked up and down the streets. A few random people seem to glance her way but then look away.

"So what are you doing sitting here all alone?" He asked when she didn't respond.

"Waiting for a friend," came her strained voice.

He tried to ignore the obvious hint of annoyance that laced her voice. Again he smiled as he looked into the store. "In there? What's she doing?"

Tea sighed as she looked towards him again. "Some new CD came out and she ran in to get it. I don't get what all the hype is about though," Tea replied truthfully. It was better to be on good terms with people for now, especially since he was her neighbour.

He laughed again and watched a few girls exit the store happily clinging onto a CD. "It's called idols. They're in love with some singers."

Tea snorted as she watched the group of girls happily discussing a wish for a concert or something. "I call it crazy."

He turned to her again with a smug look. "So you've never had a celebrity crush before? Or been in a situation where you had to buy the newest CD or movie the moment it came out because of the singer or actor?"

She thought for a moment and pondered. "Not that I can think of. Movies, I watch here and there. Music I always listen to, but I'm not really into the whole heavy metal stuff. I usually wait around until I hear something about CD's and such or if I happen to come across a piece. Besides, just because an artist comes out with one great song doesn't mean that the rest of their songs will be awesome. Music is definitely not about appearances. Besides, technology helps alter voices nowadays too."

"Ouch. Don't let a singer hear you say that," he said. She merely rolled her eyes again as she stifled another yawn.

Tea nearly jumped up and ran when she saw her friend exit the store across the street. Mai was looking at the new CD in her hands. Tea let out a smile and waved her hand the moment Mai's eyes met hers.

"So that's your friend?" Marik asked with curiousity.

"Yeah, you know her?" she asked with an inquisitive voice. Marik seemed to know her, or at least seen her before.

He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "Can't say I do. Anyway, I think I'll head back over to my crew. They'll flip out at me for disappearing on them."

Tea smiled brightly as she nodded. "Nice seeing you again," she said.

He smirked at her again and stood up. "Don't lie. I'll see you around Tea."

"Bye Marik," she said slightly offended. So she met the first guy that she didn't like all too much. He on the other hand seemed to notice and didn't care.

Marik laughed again before making his way across the street, a little further off from the music store than she would've thought. Was he avoiding it?

"Tea!" Mai came running towards her, tightly holding her CD to her chest. "Got it! The boys decided to go with a mysterious look this time! Ack look!" She shoved the CD into Tea's face.

Tea merely took a step back as she tried to focus her attention on the image in front of her. The CD was written in Japanese, and she couldn't really make out the words. However, on the cover were five pairs of colourful eyes. Blue, violet, gray, honey, and brown. All five pairs gave off a different feel, and Tea couldn't help but feel something stir inside her.

"They are so gorgeous! And they are so talented!" She chimed.

Tea smiled while her stomach growled in response. Embarrassed, she looked around in hopes of finding some place to eat. "How bout we grab something to eat before heading out?"

Mai let out her melodious laugh as she grabbed a hold of Tea's arm. "I know just the place!"

With that she pulled Tea across to their new destination.



A single bird sat across the street upon a thick branch. Its eyes observed the life of the city. Busy people were rushing along, the lights flashing on and off. It watched the pedestrians flow in and out of buildings. It heard the vehicles roar and fade away. Slowly it scanned its surroundings.

Up ahead was a strip of shops, catering to food and entertainment. In the midst of a shop stood a small little bird which called out to him. He chirped in sorrow as he realized it could not reach it. In sorrow he watched as the little one watched back.

Soon, they would meet. They were fated to be.



And that is the end of that! I'm sort of experimenting with my writing so hopefully it doesn't get annoying for all of you! J Things are a bit slow now but they shall get better. This is my first shot at a Romance/ Drama fic, and I really hope you all will enjoy it! J I'm already in my hectic month with mid-terms and the like, and I can't be sure when I'll have the next chapter up. For those of you who are reading my other story, Nightmare City, I have not had a chance to work on the next chapter, but shall in due time. Thank you too all that have supported this/any/all of my stories! Thank you! And Reviews always make me happier! :D Let me know what you think! Until the next one!


1. Keio Plaza is a real place in Japan. For further info for sites I used. Send me a message and I shall send you the links.

2. Ohayou means "Good Morning"